Happy New Year Quiz How much of a God/Goddess are you?

With everyone in this world can you ever have a perfect person or God/Goddess? If you feel that you are special or powerful what do you see yourself as? Well if you feel you want to know if you are God/Goddess enough take this quiz.

Whether you are a God or Goddess at school home in sports etc. you'll find your place in life. You will find it eventually. Live your life. Not let your life be lived!!!!!

Created by: stacy of thebeginningvamptress.weebly.com
(your link here more info)

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Do you have power over your peers/friends/employers?
  2. Has anyone ever changed your mind?
  3. Do you have any sup---atural powers? If not which powers would you like?
  4. How do you see yourself?
  5. Do you have confidence in yourself?
  6. What do you see yourself as?
  7. If you had a life before this life what would you have been?
  8. Have you ever felt as if you are made for something more important than the life you are living?
  9. If you were a God/Goddess what would you be?
  10. Have you ever read The Beginning by Vamptress?
  11. What do you think of Vamptress?
  12. If you don't know anything about The Beginning or Vamptress read The Beginning by Vampress by searching it on Google and illistrator.
  13. Do you want to be able to rule the world?
  14. What is your strength?
  15. Do you believe in yourself?
  16. Are you your own person?

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Quiz topic: Happy New Year Quiz How much of a God/Goddess am I?