Happy Halloween 2021!

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Hey everybody happy Halloween (2021!) Making a random quick Halloween quiz filled with some random Halloween facts! Should be fun right? Right. Alright.

Well I hope you guys enjoy the quiz it is very quick and last minute but should be fun. Thank you GoToQuiz User June_Roses for the quiz idea! Much appreciated !

Created by: dannylover321
  1. When is Halloween typically ?
  2. What is another name for Halloween?
  3. What religion is known for NOT celebrating Halloween?
  4. What’s the night before Halloween called?
  5. Halloween is a holiday belonging the Roman Catholic Church.
  6. When does Hallows day occur?
  7. What countries do not celebrate Halloween?
  8. Who is the “God” of Halloween?
  9. What fruit/ vegetable do people carve ?
  10. What does “Samhain” mean?
  11. Shout out to June_Roses for the quiz idea!

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