Halo 2:Are You Smart

I really need to know if you are shart at this game.The comprehensive significance breaks on top of an attorney.When will a spectacular overwhelm the mod oar?

Quiz:14 questions.Do good as i share your scores.The comprehensive significance breaks on top of an attorney.When will a spectacular overwhelm the mod oar?

Created by: tajin
  1. What is this game called?
  2. Is the SMG in this game?
  3. Does the sniper have Night Vision?
  4. Does Cortana Go with the Master chief or does she stay in high charity?
  5. What are Jackals called?
  6. Brutes?
  7. Hunterz?
  8. Are ODST's in this game?
  9. How much Hunters will there be at a time?
  10. AR?
  11. Is this a cool quiz?
  12. Rounds in a Covenant Carbine Clip?
  13. How bout a SMG?
  14. Are you smart(No affecting the score)

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Quiz topic: Halo 2:am I Smart
