Haircuts to change things up (Male)

Hi welcome to this quiz please select honest answers for honest results and this has some results that really change things up so be ready and be honest

please like this quiz and comment your answer so and comment yes if you want more quiz's and please give ideas and try my other quiz's have fun and enjoy the quiz

Created by: Kevan Green
  1. How would you describe your style?
  2. What hair length do you like best?
  3. How long are willing to style your hair for?
  4. What is your face shape?
  5. Do you like running your fingers through your hair rubbing your head styling your hair brushing it or none of the above?
  6. How would you describe your haircut in one word?
  7. How do you like your barber to work?
  8. What's your hair color?
  9. What are your hobby?
  10. What haircuts do you think looks best on other guys?

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