haematology quiz

There are many smart people but some are genuises who have extraordinarily clever mines and who have the caoabilities of rapid understanding and take a right decisions

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Created by: hassan elamin
  1. The most reliable test for the assessement of polcythemia is
  2. Which of the following is responsible about iron transport in the plasma
  3. When the red cells contain an antigen.the corresponding antibody will be
  4. the differential test for the hypochromic anemias is
  5. The special test for the diagnosis of infectious mononucleosis is
  6. Philadelphia chromosome found in
  7. Which of the following types of hemoglobin not found in normal adult
  8. The haemosiderin can be seen by
  9. hypersegmented neutrophil found in
  10. Congenital kostman syndrome characterized by

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