H2o Just add Water questions

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Do you watch H2o just add water(H2o)? So do I my favorite character is Cleo. In this quiz we are going to see who you are, whether your Cleo, Emma, or Rikki all of them are amazing people. Answer them truthfully not trying to get your favorite character but see who you are.

This quiz will be to also test whether your fit to be a mermaid. I like mermaids. H2o is amazing. Now go see whether your fit to be a mermaid. Also see if your Cleo, Emma, or Rikki.

Created by: Mya
  1. 1st where going to start with who you are? Do you like to swim.
  2. Do you have siblings that you fight with?
  3. What describes you best in a bad situation?
  4. Are you organized?
  5. When your 16 would you like to have thrown a little kid birthday party?
  6. Does your father like fish or going fishing?
  7. Do you have a step-mother or step-father?
  8. Have you every been tolled to watch a little kid or sibling and then they disappear?
  9. What's best describes your personality?
  10. What best describes you?
  11. Are you rebellious?
  12. When you are nervous what do you do?
  13. Which best describes you?
  14. What best describes you?
  15. Have you ever been scared of what your friends might think about what kind of house you have?

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