Guppy fish quiz

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You think your just perfect with the subject fish! Well try to be that good in this quiz. Let's see if your a fish genius. A genius you might just be or might not be!

You still think your that genius. Do you have enough brainpower to take this quiz. I hope you do or you might get a bad result. I hope you do good, find out in this quiz in just a few minutes!

Created by: Kaitlyn
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What is the nickname of the guppy?
  2. How long does a female guppy live?
  3. How do they have birth?
  4. What is the color of a male guppy?
  5. How do you breed them?
  6. Is the one inch per gallon fair?
  7. How big do guppies grow?
  8. How old am I?
  9. Am I amazing?
  10. Ok was this a good quiz?

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