Guess the wof emoji (All books)

Hey wof friends!! There hasn't been many wings of fire guess the emoji quizzes so I decided to make one. There are ten questions, 5 easy, 5 medium (I hope it is fun)

This is my first emoji quiz so please like my other quizzes comment if there is anything I need to fix. Thank you for choosing my quiz, please recommend it.

Created by: Moonwatcher
  1. 🌙👀 (easy)
  2. 👑🔴 (easy)
  3. 🔥 (easy)
  4. 🔮🗣 (easy)
  5. 🐂🐸 (easy)
  6. 🌨👇🏼 (medium)
  7. 🌙 (medium)
  8. 🌀🌊 (medium)
  9. 🗡🦋 (medium)

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