Guess the song based on the lyric: Slipknot edition

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Slipknot is one of my favorite bands ever. I love their songs so much. I love the heaviness of some, such as People = s*** or Custer. Some of their songs are more tranquil, such as Dead memories.

This is a quiz about how well you know the lyrics to some of my favorite Slipknot songs. I only included twenty questions because my computer is running out of battery, and I am too lazy to go through them all. If I missed a song you like, I can make a part two to this quiz.

Created by: Ash Midnight

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. "You can't kill me 'cause I'm already inside you"
  2. "The lord of lies! The morning star! You had to be set free!"
  3. "Irreverence is my disease! It's secondhand, but you know me!"
  4. "I push my fingers into my eyes, it's the only thing that slowly stops the ache"
  5. "No one is bulletproof!"
  6. "I am a world before I am a man, I was a creature before I could stand"
  7. "I won't let this build up inside me, I won't let this build up inside me"
  8. "(Don't go) I never wanted anybody more than I wanted you (I know) the only thing I ever really loved was hate"
  9. "Stay, you don't always you stand 'til you know that you won't run away, there's something inside me that feels like breathing in sulfur"
  10. "Oh, I'll never kill myself to save my soul, I was gone, but how was I to know?"
  11. "She's drowning in herself again, My God, what a lovely sin, I guess there's nothing left to do, but have my way"
  12. "Old does not mean dead! New does not mean best! No hard feelings, I'm tired of being right about everything I've said"
  13. "Dead visions in your name, dead fingers in my veins, dead memories in my heart"
  14. "You are wrong, f*****, and overrated, I think I'm gonna be sick, and it's your fault"
  15. "Whose life is it? Get it? See it? Feel it? Eat it? Spin it around so I can spit in its face, I want to leave without a trace"
  16. "I've felt the hate rise up in me, kneel down and clear the stone of leaves, I've walked around where you can't see, inside my shell I wait and bleed"
  17. "America is a killing name, it doesn't feel or discriminate, life is just a killing field, it's all that's left, nothing's real"
  18. "I'm cold, I'm ugly, I'm always confused by everything"
  19. "Put your hands into the water, let your mouth go sick and dry, put your life into your death now, let them sing until you die"
  20. "Go ahead and disagree, I'm giving up again? Go ahead and disagree, I'm giving up again?"

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