guess the pokemon quiz

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Have you ever walked up to someone, and they said that you are obsessed with pokemon? Well, don't feel offended, you love pokemon, and you're not afraid to admit it!

Well, take this quiz and show how much you know! And never and I say NEVER be afraid to take quizzes that you think are too hard for you, how would you know if you haven't tried it yet. This is my advice.

Created by: AflameZ
  1. let's start with something easy, name this pokemon
  2. this is a water type
  3. a bit harder, name this one
  4. the one and only
  5. flying types rule!
  6. you had your chance now bring on the hard ones!
  7. elllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllectric
  8. throw me some fire in that pokemon!
  9. a lot of people get this one wrong
  10. What did you think of this quiz? Tell me in the form of the last answer!

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