Guess the kpop band by their fandom

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If you want to get a lot of fandoms right and make your own go and practice and come back later when you have finished practicing and then make your own and then get people trying your quizzes :)

Well done if you got 100% then you are a perfectionist at kpop fandoms make your own and get people to do it and convince them to learn kpop and fandoms

Created by: Phoebe
  1. Which band is this from their fandom? MONBABYS.
  2. Which band is this from their fandom? ARMYS
  3. Which band is this from their fandom? Carrots
  4. Which band is this from their fandom? Blinks
  5. Which band is this from their fandom? Hidden
  6. Which band is this from their fandom? Pink panda
  7. Which band is this from their fandom? Perfection
  8. Which band is this from their fandom? Hip-hop village
  9. Which band is this from their fandom? V.I.P
  10. Which band is this from their fandom? Best friend

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