Guess the animal emoji quiz pt 1

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A few years ago, I made a whole series of quizzes about identifying animals based on emojis and thought it would be fun to post them here. Thank you for checking out this quiz.

This is just a simple quiz about identifying animals based on emojis. There will be a whole series that I will post with these quizzes and I would really like if you checked the others out.

Created by: Ray
  1. What animal is this? 🐺
  2. What animal is this? 🐻
  3. What animal is this? 🦊
  4. What animal is this? 🐰
  5. What animal is this? 🐸
  6. What animal is this? 🦋
  7. What animal is this? 🦑
  8. What animal is this? 🦁
  9. What animal is this? 🐀
  10. What animal is this? 🐹

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