Guess about me! Part 1

I wonder... could you accurately guess a few things about me? Maybe you could, and maybe you couldn't. I don't know. But I really want to find out. Do you?

Well, if you do want to find out, take this quiz! It has ten questions in it. You probably won't get a high score, since it's completely guess! Have fun! :)

Created by: #idon'ttellpublicmyname

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is the first letter in my name?
  2. How old am I?
  3. Do I like PBJ?
  4. Am I friendly?
  5. How many instruments do I play?
  6. How many brothers do I have?; how many sisters?
  7. What is my favorite color out of these?
  8. Do I have a crush?
  9. What is my bff's favorite name?
  10. Am I hilarious?

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