Ultimate Bible Quiz | Comments
Below are comments submitted by GoToQuiz.com users for the quiz Ultimate Bible Quiz.
I actually just turned 11 and i am tired so i got a bad grade---78% but my goal is to read the whole BIBLE. I love GOD sooooo much and fur those of you who want to find other cool quizzes, go to the quiz,
"Situations and Solutions"
It really has a lot of GOD stuff in it so u will be good at it cuz some of the solutions are to PRAY!
Wow I got 91%...I thank God for his knowledge and understanding....If we put God first in all that we do we will succeed beyond our expectancy!!!! There are five books of poetry and psalms and eccesiates are both books of poetry!!! -Tanya Hopkins
Tanya1881 -
Hilarious. The agnostic person (me) got 68%! Guess all force-reeding me Christian jargon from a young age really helped me out...when it comes to things of this nature anyway. Other than that, it's just helped me realize that religion isn't for me in anyway.
We got 100%, no kidding. We're a Christian, and live every day of our life for Chirst. We love going to church and praising Him who made us. We recommend to everyone out there to go to church, and at least know what being a Christian is about. Even if you just go to church, God could tug at your heart to become saved. We are 12 and 14, and we love God!!!
Saranna1 -
(comment continued)
if your heart is a rock, Jesus can change and heal your heart, and protect it too, as you begin to learn who He really is and trust Him.
when you really want to learn about Christ, get a "Contemporary English Version" or a "Good News for Modern Man" Bible and read about Him in the book of John.
Tommmmm has a very tender heart and what he says is true, you can trust it. i think i'm probably older than he is, and i can tell you that Jesus still grants miracles.
my favorite quotation of His, relating to anyone's relationship with Jesus is "I will never leave you or forsake you". That's true too.
if you'd like to read a blog by a 30-something writer who is a joyful believer, read the blog at La Shawn Barber's Corner (http://lashawnbarb er.com/), and search on religion.
mhatter1 -
Answering questions is a whole lot easier than living by it's truths. Do we dare to take the risk - now THERE'S a challenge. Truth without grace is just abusive, Grace without truth is a license to sin... Learning to walk in truth through grace, that's "Christian."
revvedup1 -
i applaud all non-believers who scored high
at least you made an educated decision on what spiritual path to pursue. these other people claim to be "better off" because even if you know more, they "know" god, but even if the words of the bible are true, they're more likely to fall away from them, because they don't fully understand the severity of the path they take.
With multiple choice answers like "Donald Trump, Donald Duck, Don Knotts, or the Good Samaritan," I hardly consider this a test of Biblical scholarship.
I am a Biblical scholar, but this quiz was insulting.
ohinz1 -
Praise the Lord.. I got 98%.. This is a result of being in sunday school from a child.. church as a teenager.. and keeping in the word as an adult... The word is truly a lamp unto our feet and a light unto our pathway.. God is faithful ... no good thing will He withhold from those who walk uprightly..
God loves you the same whether you get a 7% or a 100% on this quiz. Whether you are an Atheist or Christian. Whether you believe it or not this world will end. Either you will die or Jesus is coming back. Lets face it the world is a crappy place i want to believe there is something more out there.
ForAll1 -
I felt that this quiz was easy for me but I have been attending church my entire life. Still to really challenge people the quiz should include more biblical answers. It was fun testing my knowledge of the Bible.
ksokes1 -
To hannahbob If this is all rubbish as you say then we all have nothing to worry about . People read fiction all the time. However if you are wrong which you know you are or why
waste your energy on us. are we complaining ? did we are for your opinion. You are in for a lot of trouble read Revelation. I pray for you to repent and save your soul from hell.
bola1 -
<div style="width: 320px; border: 1px solid gray; padding: 6px; font: normal 12px arial, verdana, sans-serif; color: black; background-color: white;"><b style="color: black; font: bold 20px 'Times New Roman', serif; display: block; margin-bottom: 8px;">You know the Bible 100%!</b> <div style="width: 200px; background: white; border: 1px solid black; text-align: left;"><div style="width: 100%; background: red; font-size: 8px; line-height: 8px;"> </div>< /div><p style="margin: 10px; border: none; background: white; color: black;">Wow! You are awesome! You are a true Biblical scholar, not just a hearer but a personal reader! The books, the characters, the events, the verses - you know it all! You are fantastic! <br><br><b><a href="http://www.go toquiz.com/ultimate _bible_quiz" style="color: blue;">Ultimate Bible Quiz</a><br><a href="http://www.go toquiz.com/" style="color: blue;">Create MySpace Quizzes</a></b></p> </div>
HAHA b----ES
I enjoyed the quiz and did well on it, but I must say that I did NOT enjoy reading some of the viewpoints that were down right nasty. Why take a quiz, if you are not interested in the subject? You may think that you are in control of your life, but "ONE DAY EVERY KNEE SHALL BOW AND EVERY TONGUE WILL CONFESS JESUS CHRIST IS LORD!" I am so thankful that I know Jesus Christ as my Savior. No matter how bad you try to be, Jesus still loves you.
mamaw1 -
The Bible- God's Words are for us to listen and to abide. The Bible is read in order to know God, our father, who wrote this love letter to us. I scored 100% and it was sort of fun taking the quize. But I think it is important to really know the bible by the heart, not by the head.
Js fan1 -
91% and I have not read the bible in 35 years nor have I attended church. We live in a nation of Christians and you would have to be dense not to pick up on the Bible at least a little. I worry about you "true" believers that scored lower then me:(
19991 -
^_^ 100% but i didn't finish reading the Bible [the To'rah and a lot of the Old Testament]
'knowing God [Jesus who paid for my sins/Abba Father/Holy Spirit] better is more important ;)
relationship not head knowledge.
and yeah devil(s) know Bible text better i would say.
Mindy1 -
I got 73% and I'm an atheist, too! I haven't read the bible since I was a kid. Let it be known that people don't become atheists because of what they don't know about Christianity, they become atheists because of what they DO know.
Found this quiz while looking for information for a research paper...how odd...fun, but odd. I scored a 97%...which is on the funny side, since I'm a confirmed athiest. (Can one be "confirmed" as a athiest??) I'm sending the quiz to my 'born again" friends, who kep trying to convert me, since I'm curious about how they will fare.
skyking1 -
What makes a pagan, wicken, or atheist take a Bible quiz - or feel the need to post their scores - perhaps the Lord is working on their heart! He keeps giving them chances to see and understand -
mka1 -
100% - obviously not unusual.
Neochan t, asdfg, kayling, singingblade_mohawk , han9-
it says in the Bible that if you are not looking for God, you will probably not find Him (unless you happen to have a lot of people who love you who are praying for you), so don't worry, if you want it that way, He will just leave you as you are.
however if you are looking for the truth or for God, it says to "seek Him where He may be found" and that "he rewards those who keep looking for Him" and "seek (Him) and you will find (Him)".
it also says that everyone in the world will have (at least) one chance to hear about and accept Christ.
you were created by Jesus Christ to be loved and cared for in ways that heal your heart. You were designed to have the closest, most loving, and most joyful relationship you will ever have on this earth, with the risen Jesus Christ, who knows you better than anyone else ever will, even though you don't know Him.
if your heart is a rock, Jesus can
mhatter1 -
I'm an atheist, I've never even cracked the spine of the bible--but I got eighty percent. Something tells me this quiz is just shy of being 'ultimate' - the Simpsons quiz was much more challenging.
I enjoyed your quiz. I got 100%, although, I had to guess at one of questions. However, you may want to reword the question "How long was the great flood". It rained for 40 days and nights but the flood actually lasted much longer. Check it out in Genesis.
kitty21 -
Some questions were too easy. However I think question #40 needs to be reworded. It ask how many days and nights the flood was. It rained 40 (the answer you gave)days and nights but the flood lasted much longer before Noah could set foot on dry land. The flood was not OVER on day 41.
Geezeur1 -
That was good fun. 82% for a believing Christian. And I'm not bothered by that at all. Knowing the Bible inside out and getting 100% means nothing, if you don't know the person of Jesus. That's what makes the difference.