Are you smarter than a pig? | Comments
Below are comments submitted by users for the quiz Are you smarter than a pig?
You are 0% smarter than a pig!
You are very dumb and you have no personality or common sense of mind to even own a pet! If you really honestly truly want one, then try out with a pet spider first. LMAO Even though i lied on all the questions lol
joshub1 -
You are 96% smarter than a pig!
You are a lot smarter than a pig! You know a lot about having a pet and just how to look after it. You will not flush it down the toilet if it does something bad. You will care for it even if it makes silly mistakes or mishaps.
joshub1 -
Awesome Quiz. Got 63%
im 93% samrter then a pig thank god i though i was gonna get something like 3%.
93 % and im not a geek!!! i hate geeks
not bad
D quiz waz owkay, I got 84%
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