Guess the Theme Song | Comments
Below are comments submitted by users for the quiz Guess the Theme Song.
Please don’t read this. You will get kissed on the nearest Friday by the love of your life. Tomorrow will be the best day of our life. However if you don’t post this comment to 3 other videos you will die within the next two days. Now that you’ve started reading this please don’t stop, it’s scary X send this over five quizzes in the next 143 minutes and then press F6 your crushes name will appear in big letters, it works it’s scary
coco0 -
0%! Worst quiz ever _ _
oIYWG1 -
i got 15% this quiz suxs and i only know the song of Saved by the Bell, Fresh Prince of Belaire, and Full House
-If your the creater you suck at making quizzes-
paige3011 -
23% hmm.. I guessed on all of them. I don't even watch TV!!!
mgirl601 -
Any other 16 year olds get 62%? Didn't think so!!
lol stupid
I only got a 31% But all of these are old tv teme songs.. Plus it's good not to watch tv that much, I'm on the computer whatch ya gonna do about it? XD
I got a bad score and I don't like what you put for that. I have feelings, too! ='(
wanna know why i only got 8%? its cuz i didnt do all the questions and you picked the OLDEST/DUMBEST SHOWS EVER... do u really expect us to get that crap right???
Stop being so MEAN!!
Lol 35% I just suck, haha.
oh my god what f**** b**** made this thing i dont know any of thease shows exept for full house god people im never taking this quiz again
Oh yeah! 23% in your face!
- u_attractive_40
Lil hihi1 -
Link17 lol o wow I got 31% the last one was easy
Lil hihi1 -
Lol I only knew one of them!
Link171 -
I got 19% lol.
adnin6171 -
12% aint to to bad hey im only 13 and I only know the golden girls by my mom watched that it does not air any more
leslie1 -
Omg i got 12% heard of 1 so dint do too bad :D
emmaxx1 -
dammit 27%
alexrox31 -
wow you really worked hard on this! i only got 27 percent though!
I got 19. Oh well I'm only 14.
I got a 15% but the quiz was so old that I wouldn't born
JRD1 -
one word....stupid. it was so stupid that i wont even bother using the caps locks.... it alost put me to sleep....zzzzz huh.. sorry about that... im going to bed..
Did it work, mormier? Did it really work and was worth the effort?? S:(
Lizzzy1 -
4% at that's just cuz I love Full House. But you need to put up a warning that says 75 and older ok? cuz this is to hard 4 the kinda ppl that are on this site, got it?