what anime character is your soulmate? | Comments
Below are comments submitted by GoToQuiz.com users for the quiz what anime character is your soulmate?
Uhh maybe some Hunter x Hunter people like uhm- What if a person on here is like 11-18 and they want to find someone in that type of anime? What i mean by hunter x Hunter is by like Killua Zold---... Gon Freeces... Kurapika Kurta... Leorio Paladknight / Paradinight (Whicever you prefer for his last name) Hisoka Morow... Uh Illumi Zold--- maybe??? LIKE UH BRUH I CAN'T THINK LOL
really good one ...
MioYuki1 -
I got Luffy, my man.
Bakugou Katsuki from my hero academia?
i got uknown
MHAAngalee1 -
mine was unknown you LIED to me
omg i lot luffy he soooo hot 0/////0
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