Pottermore Sorting Quiz (all possible questions) | Comments
Below are comments submitted by GoToQuiz.com users for the quiz Pottermore Sorting Quiz (all possible questions).
Haha I dodged getting into Asianclaw, take that JK rowling
Muppetin1 -
Thank you I'm in green house
I got 84% Slytherin, 52% Ravenclaw, 48% Griffindor and 31% Hufflepuff. That was to be expected . . . somehow :)
86% Slytherin and 62% Gryffindor......very nice combination.
RichT2751 -
76% Slytherin
76% Gryffindor
50% Ravenclaw
40% HufflepuffTwo opposing houses are tied what does this mean please help
Hi, I'm SneakySnakes152, I have recently made a quiz
Siempre me sale slytherin pero me siento identificada con ravenclaw no se que soy
Moon21 -
No matter what test i take it says im in slytherin and i honestly dont agree so weird :(
Ive gotten 68% Gryffindor, HufflePuff 64%, 54% for both Ravenclaw and Slytherin
im really confused because i keep on getting different answers. i think im divergent or i am in at least two houses, like i cant be sorted. i have traits from all houses apart from griffindor, and i keep on re taking it but i get different answers all the time its so annoying
this was my result but im still confused if im slytherin hufflepuff or ravenclaw Pottermore Sorting Quiz (all possible questions)
Your Result: SLYTHERIN! 68%
Congratulations! You have been sorted into Slytherin, the house of ambition, determination, and cunning. You are amongst other Slytherins such as: Snape, Draco, and MERLIN.
btw Snape and I have the same birthday January 9 lol
maybe Snape is a Hufflepuff too deep inside
orie1 -
Uhh.. what do I do if I have a tie?
68% Slytherin 68% Ravenclaw 66% Hufflepuff and 42% Gryffindor
i had the same problem! i decided to flip a coin and go with whatever i got
I took this before and I got raven claw and then i took it again and I got hufflepuff WHICH AM I???
neither *manny heffley voice
listne here bucko, you need to get your s--- together and put an end to your identity crysis and find out who you are. i wnet into the wildernsess of warsaw anf managed to find myself after massacring a lovely family of ducks. f you. try that one on for size.
Usually slytherin or luna also i like green and would die for green lipstick XD
dumb thing to die for tbh smh kmt lol lmao lmfao gwi iykyk ttyl babye
no dont die for green lipstick youre so sexy aha
I would only die for my love she is called bertha she is a horse no questions? good thanks let me be you please I love mknecxaft
84% Hufflepuff and 84% Ravenclaw... If I really was in Hogwarts, would the Sorting hat be confused?
probably not to be honest
I don't think so anyway
that;s kiterally it's job
I'm open to other opinions
within reason
hot takes and the likeyou know how it goes by now tough opinions and hot takes
I'll answer them in a segment like this
I'm already a Slytherin in the official website :D
I got Ravenclaw
My score was
Ravenclaw 88%
Hufflepuff 57%
Slytherin 30%
Gryfinndor 11% -
Ha, i am 94 parcent griffindoore. Everyon who is slytherein... you all are realy bad people. You are all gona rob a bank and take child off parents. Trust me, syltherin should be wiped out and crucio’d. If u disgree, u ar also wrong. #griff4ever #slytherinshuddie #salazartoucheskids seriously stop livin
Ah yes, because only a Slytherin would call for the genocide and torture of a group of innocent people based off the actions of a few. Oh wait. Trust me, Slytherin should be wiped out and cruciod. Those are your words; someone who claims to be 94% Gryffindor. You call the Slytherins bad yet you are okay with mass murder and death, all because of the actions of a few?
Evil is found in an individual, not a group people. If the opposite were true, then all houses should be evil and equally wiped out.
I know many Gryffindors who are accepting and will stand by your side no matter what. Ravenclaw friends whose knowledge and wisdom are often a foundation for many truths in the world. Hufflepuffs, so readily understand and kind. And my fellow snakes, you will find no truer friend once you are in their small circle of trust.
I disagree with you not simply because Im Slytherin, but because I cant take seriously the words of a child unable to see the good in others, or the evil in themself.
-A member of Slytherin House
I thought I would be entirely ravenclaw
werwer1 -
fgt1 -
I got ravenclaw as my result it's my favorite house
sorry i keep doing those things sorry guys wow i feel stupid right now..... good thing im not in ravenclaw... too stupid lol
Hufflepuff BEAST!!!
S bueno sigo siendo ravenclaw :)