Pottermore Sorting Quiz (all possible questions) | Comments
Below are comments submitted by GoToQuiz.com users for the quiz Pottermore Sorting Quiz (all possible questions).
Gryf findor 78%
Ravelclaw 64%
Hufflepuff 52%
Slythiren 46%
whoop whoop! -
84% Gryyfindor
70% Slytherin
46% Ravenclaw
38% Hufflepuff
Weird , I'm a Slyherin on Pottermore... -
i stil think im a ravenklaw evendo it says huffelpuf i dont no i dont trust it
im smart dam!!!
94% GRIFFINDOR, 65% SLITHERYN, 38% RAVENCLAW AND 34% HUFFLEPUFF , what do you think?
Slytherin 93%
Gryffindor 35%
Ravenclaw 20%
Hufflepuff 15%I guess I am reincarnation of Salazar Slytherin...
Got into Hufflepuff for the ten hundredth time, Neither in wizarding world site or here or other apps. Well...I seem to be a real Hufflepuff then...
more like a real b----\! up top my guy hahahaha
I'm a ravenclaw 100% but got gryffindor.......WHAT!?!?!?!?!?!?!.!?!?
more like parker the cuck!
Yes !i'm a slytherin!!!
89% Hufflepuff
50% Gryfindoor
45% Ravenclaw
22% Slytherin
Yay -
not happy i am a huffle puff and i always will be
soy de gryffindor pero me siento hufflrpuff
jvs1 -
YES! I got slytherin awsom
86% Slytherin 55% Ravenclaw 40% Gryffindor 29% hufflepuff la neta no me sorprende y estoy feliz de mis resultados orgulloso slytherin
Dm_zxety1 -
85% Griffindor
53% Hufflepuff
36% Ravenclaw
17% Slytherin -
I been sorted into Ravenclaw, yayyy It is my house, im Ravendor (Ravenclaw + Griffindor) sorry for my bad English im from Spain
i got 88% RavenClaw, 48% Slytherin, 40% HuffelPuff, and 34% Grifendor, i still feel like there is too much griffendor and huffelpuff in me
77% Slytherin, 55% Gryffindor, 55% Ravenclaw, 19% Hufflepuff. I felt this hit my personality in the truest way possible.
Helmi0 -
Hi, I was wondering if you could help me around here, I am new so I was wondering since you um well seem alright maybe you could help me, and do you know how to make quizzes?
yes it go right foot up, left foot slide
left foot up, right foot slidebasically im saying we aint gone let this slide