How Good is Your Warriors OC? | Comments
Below are comments submitted by users for the quiz How Good is Your Warriors OC?
Name: Hugo
Gender: TomClan: lives with his mate sunspot , in shadowclan, ruled over a weak leader. sunspot plans to take the role.
Age: about 20 moons
Rank: never really joined the clanPersonality: politely rude, a bit cowardly but would do almost anything for his loved ones.
Likes: likes to collect random things, a mouse bone, Once he found a ring outside. when he lived with his homefolk he enjoyed the company of the family dog Hattie, who sometimes got on his nerves.
DISLIKES: not being comfortable/well fed, other cats who give a sense there better in every way possible.
Appearance: a chunky orange tabby tom, wide pale hazel eyes, a handsome-ish face. Sort of gives a sense of arrogance.
Some backstory: he was living happily being fed every day before he was put on a diet which he was discussed by, he went outside trying to catch some prey, and wondered further and further away from his home. Hugo suddenly Hurd heard a painful yowling, ducking into bushes, a blood stained, twisted sort of cat was limping as fast as he could away from something. Another huge light gray Tom steps tored the bloody one and brutaly kills it and drags it away. Hugo panicked of what he saw bolted and found his way to windclan camp were he begs to stay for protection. They agreed and was going to be given the name finchpaw which he refused. Hugo made close friends with sunpaw and she knowing that shadowclan was weak, and wanting power they plan to go there. after he had stayed there for a while she developed a crush he was ( kind of ) unaware of, later becoming mates and so on.
Name: Hazelpaw
Gender: Male/Tom
Clan: ShadowClan
Age: 11 Moons
Rank: Warrior ApprenticeAppearance: Hazelpaw is a light brown tom with darker stripes on his legs. He has white paws, muzzle, and tail-tip. His ears are tall and pointed, with dark brown tufts at the tips. He has a small dent on the top of his right cheek, and a small scar right above his left eye. His whiskers are particularly short, and he has big, pale, olive-green eyes. He is muscular, but has short legs, making him a couple of ears shorter than his denmates.
Negative Persona Traits: Irritable, short-tempered, defensive.
Positive Persona Traits: Honest, skilled hunter, observant.
Final Score: %78
Name: Chipped-Gorge
Gender: She-Cat
Clan: Exiled TC/Rouge
Age: 27 Moons
Rank: WarriorAppearance: Slender, agile, and some-what tall, brown-orange stripes with a golden pelt and splotches of white. Right eye yellow while the left is a light orange. Has a shredded ear and one long scar that starts at her mouth then down towards the upper part of her throat.
She has long sharp ears that look like theyre capable of hearing far away but truly, shes partly deaf. She has a abnormally long and fluffy tail while the rest of her pelt is very short.
One of her teeth is slightly chipped from a clumsy fall onto a rock while being a kit which gave her the prefix, Chipped.
Personality: Ruthless, untrustworthy, thief, ambitious, zealous, and curious
Likes: Smooth rocks, tall grass, drawing in dirt, and squirrels
Dislikes: Loud obnoxious sounds, leaf-bare, confined areas
Score: 86%, Its a lot better than Id expect ;_; I was thinking more like 63-74%, something like that.
Name: Kittenfang ( originally had the prefix collie)
Gender: Tom
Clan: windclanBackstory: Mother was a little and father was the SC med cat. He had two siblings, Houndkit ( tom) and terrierkit ( she) their mom abandoned them and they were found by windclan. They had a normal life growing up. Colliepaw fell in love with a economic cat, but was friendzoned. When his assent came, he found a rabbit and while chasing it, a hunter found him and shot him. His lower jaw was blown off and teeth were chipped or fell out. He recovered with the help of a friend, who also had a disability. The two fell in love and became mates, colliepaw having the new name Kittenfang. They had a litter of three together, all of them having a disability. Kittenfang and his mate grew old together and happily died the same day together as elders
Name: Bubbleshine
Gender: FemaleClan: ForestClan (OC clan, not a real one) past: Kittypet
Rank: Warrior
Apprentice: LightpawAppearance: Pale-ginger Siamese she-cat with icy blue eyes.
Personality: Bold and athletic. Not patient at all, and loves to take risks. Never thinks twice about anything she does, and is a bit of a trouble maker. She's kind at heart but has a tough shell.
Backstory: Luna was an average kitty pet living her life. She loved life just the way it was. Her owners had decided to move away, and the place they were going had a no-pet policy. Luna was abandoned in the forest. Later, a cat called Birdpelt invited her into ForestClan. Luna refuses at first and thinks she can handle living life in the forest by herself. She finds out she can't. With a rough attitude, she confesses she'd like to join. From then her name was Bubblepaw for her blue eyes. (Btw, she was about 7 moons at the time). She learned quickly and loved hunting. After saving Goldenblaze from drowning, who was deputy at the time, she earns her warrior name "Bubbleshine". She lives an average warrior life, and since ForestClan was founded by kittypets (it's a long story :p) everyone learned to respect her. She later gets an apprentice, Lightpaw and passes on her knowledge to her. Overall, Bubbleshine has a tough time asking for help from others, and is pretty grumpy.
My score: 86% I'm willing to take it :D
name: Willowstar
gender: she-catall names: willow, willowkit, willowpaw, and willowleaf.
looks: fluffy silver pelt, fluffy tail, green eyes
clan: WindClan
rank: leader
mate: Ravenwhisper
paren ts: fern & rocky
foster parents: duskpool & iceleaf
littermate s: hazelwing, jay, and lionkits: 1# litter: thunderheart & lightningclaw
2# litter: mudwhisker, cloverdust, dreampelt, silverstripe, and grassrunner
facts: was a rouge as a kit, mother died, father got a new mate and neglected her and her littermates. her and her sister ran away, joined windclan, and lived their lives. mated with cat from riverclan, and that cat soon joined windclan.
Name: Lilybear
Age: 13 moonsPast names: Lilykit, Lilypaw(medicine cat apprentice), Sweetie (loner), Lilypaw (warrior apprentice)
Gender : Female
Rank: junior warriorLove interests(current): Stoatpaw (oc tom), Sunny (oc rogue tom)
Love interests (future) : Wildtail (oc tom), Misteddream (oc she), Stoatnose (oc tom-formerly Stoatpaw), Sunny (oc rogue tom)
Sexual Orientation: bisexual
Allegiance: Rogue (formerly) Leaf Clan (current)
Traits: funny, weird, bubbly once known, daydreamer, flirty sometimes, annoying, anti-social, silly
Voice: very high, cute and kit-like (Doll like)
Appearence: a golden-cream she-cat with a small frame but large paws. She has short, yet lean legs that make her soft,white paws look even bigger(which her suffix 'bear is based on). Her face is perfectly shaped facial features make all cats (tom and she) fall in love with her, yet her quite annoying voice soon puts them off her. She has small, rounded ears with cute cream tufts on the tips. Her chest-fluff is large and white which perfectly contrasts her golden underbelly. She has a bushy tail that is quite small but looks much larger because of her fluff :3
Favourite food: bluebird
Friends: Mouseface (oc she), Stoatpaw/Stoatnose (oc tom), Littletail (oc she), Sunny (oc rogue)
Disliked by: Riverheart (oc she), Rainyflame (oc tom), Rugged (oc rogue tom)
Theme song: I wouldn't mind- (He Is We)
:3 -
[Second Comment, Took the test Twice]
Name: RisingDawn
Name: FadingDusk
Gender(s): Both Female
Role(s): Both apprenticesPelt (Dawn): Blackish, Burn't Red fade, with fluffy coat, Etc
Pelt (Dusk): Black Faded blueish-grey, fluffy coat, & few scars
Eyes (Dawn): A golden-green on the right, purely white on the left.
Eyes (Dusk): A green/teal on the left, & purely white on the right.
Personality (Dawn): Clumsy, Heart-Felt, caring yet sassy.
Personality (Dusk): Cold, Intellgent, & collected.
Details/Traits (Dawn): 'The bright blessed Day'
Details/Traits (Dusk): 'The dark sacred night'
Lore: Rising`Dawn & Fading`Dusk are both born at the same time, twins. These twins are the beheld StarClan's gift to RiverClan, for they both are in a prophecy ment for the doom of one sister, & the throne for the other. Dawn was popular, kind & hot-headed, & dusk kept her out of trouble. But in the end, the tables turned, as Dawn's corrupted thirst for power, & Dusk's love for her sister had both sisters in deep peril. That is, only when Dusk saved her sister, that dawn had realised the damege she caused, at the cost of her sister's life. Once they both are in StarClan, they're then brought to the embodyment of StarClan, to be reborn as brothers. (To be Containued)
Name: FalconStrike
Gender: Tom / Male
Role: DeputyPelt: Blue faded into brownish red, White from Underside of throat to mid torso & front paws
Eyes: Golden/amber
Personality: Cunning, Humorous, Couragous, & Determined.
Details/Traits: Extremely Sharp Claws, & Exellent Eye-Sight.
Lore: FalconKit became an apprentice, just as any other, at 6 moons. He was extremely determined to become an expert warrior, & a wonderful fighter, to defend those he loves. As an apprentice, he met a caring & gold-hearted she, named 'Fox`Tail'. He then became Falcon`Strike, & devoted the rest of his life to his mate & 3 sons. In a horrific earthquake, FoxTail was killed by a Land-Slide, along with two of his sons. He then raised the 3rd son, to be the greatest warrior of all time, & once he became deputy, he made sure his son would take his place after his death. He then passed at the age of 38 Moons (25 in human), His son taking his place, as requested to the leader. In StarClan, Falcon`Strike finally reunited with his one & true love, FoxTail.
More?: Falcon`Strike is one of my favorite, & many Ocs, I couldn't decide which to specificly use on this test- So i randomly decided, Falcon`Strike should be tested.
Name: Badger's'Glare (in my ver. WC cats *earn* their names. He earned his "Badger" as a kit for his quick temper and grey, black, and white fur, and "Glare" soon after his apprenticeship for his continued attitude. Sometimes cats never get a 2nd name, keep them separate, or on rare occasions get 3. Should be noted that the names can be added as prefix or suffix and the names may change based on the new name context. Such as his or Water-> Clear'Water or Wish-> Soft'Wish.)
Age: 92 moons (He's a grouchy gran)
Sex: Male (he/him)
Clan: (OC clan) ValleyClanRank: Medicine-cat (in my ver. His rank is Head Doctor, other med ranks would be Head nurse, doctor, nurse, ect.)
Family: Clear'Water (mother), Scorpion (Father), Rosette (Sister), Esoteric'Wish (Former mate, CaveClan. He's a widower), Soft'Wish (Son, Caveclan), Foggy'Dreams (Daughter, Caveclan)
Life: Bager's'Glare was born into the desert clans many moons ago. He showed great promise just as his mother before him and was originally trained to become a Soldier of the clan, his sister fell in their Father's pawsteps as a huntress. The two were very close throughout their lives and she was the only one to know of his mate when they became professionals in their crafts. Though Rosette's mate was one of the council, chosen to become the next leader, she kept it secret. However, when it became clear that Esoteric wouldn't survive the Kitting Badger began to panic. His kits were born in secret and though her tried his best due to the fact he wasn't a professional doctor and she hadn't received medical care during pregnancy she passed away. When he came to camp with the kittens and tried to pass them off as a loner's Rosette (with the best intentions) broke and explained it all to her mate, Spiraling'Red'Wood. Badger's'Glare's kittens were sent back to their mother's clan by the Valleyclan Council, and he was then as punishment told to do volunteer work. As a result of doing the volunteer work he realized his appreci
-appreciation for Medicine... or perhaps he wished he'd learned it sooner. He appealed to the council to switch professions and has since earned his place as one of the best Doctors in the whole desert. During a flood in the Caves he reunited with his kits and due to their high ranks has since kept in touch. He's still grouchy as ever, and he can't stand some of the other Doctors around the desert he's still going strong with no plans to retire. Sometimes, if he's feeling petty, he'll mess with Spiraling'Red'Wood in the retired home (a separate, smaller camp for the old cats that need more medical care than other retirees. They play bingo lol)
Yeah, that's my boy!
Name: Suntail
Rating: 84%
Age: 18 moons
Rank: medicine cat
Clan: WindClan
Prophecies: 1
Parents died after first prophecy
Positive traits: loyal, hardworking, sweetNegative traits: envious, prideful, overworked
Likes: herbs, interacting with the StarClan, casting for kits
Dislikes: showboating, swimming, sleeping (very active)
Appearance: orange tabby, very floofy. Large tail, bandana. Brown eyes. White mittens.
Backstory: when Suntail was 2 moons old, she had her first prophecy. Soon after, her parents died. She mourned for a long time. Her father was the previous leader of WindClan. The new leader was very selfish and unkind. She ran away from WindClan and became a rogue. By the time she was 6 moons, she didn't enjoy the rogue live. She returned to WindClan and had a 1 moon sentence to torture. She got a scar from that one moon. She is now a medicine cat training an apprentice, Mothtail.
Name: DuskLeap
Gender: She-cat/molly
Clan: WindClan
Age:IDK they just old
Rank:ElderPersonality: A committed, friendly, cheerful she who tries to be independent even though she is death.
DuskLeap was never a real apprentice or warrior because of her hearing problem. Her brother and her had a great bond and he found a way to communicate with her. Although she never had a mentor she was determined to learn. After her brother finished training he helped her learn everything he did. As warriors she and her brother went out of camp and played together and tried hunting. Once he had passed she was overwhelmed and went to see her mother(SpiderFog) for comfort. Her brother helped her on her journey to starclan.
Ravenpaw1 -
My oc is, Cyan'Breeze. She is a small elder she cats with a cyan pelt and eyes with black spots and toes with a black mask. She lives in river clan after being a leader of Thunder Clan and wiping out a clan by herself over time. She was a good cat and went to star clan after being killed by her sister from jealousy, rip.
Age:192 moons (16 years wow!)
Gender:She cat (Female)
Mate:Elk'Face (Died in a fire)All names:Cyan'Kit, Cyan'Paw, Cyan'Breeze, Cyan'Star.
Parents: Mom:Meadow'Cloud. Dad:Five'Foot.
Time born:Oct/5/2078 at 5:34 am. -
Name: Sparrowheart
Gender: She-cat
Clan: FogClanAppearance: Brown with a black stripe running from her head to tail, white heart on her forehead, greenish-blue eyes
Personality: Light-spirited and naive, she's like a kit in a warriors body. She's also very caring and will help any cat in need.
Story: Her mother mananged to bring a time of peace between clans and later became leader of FogClan. Sparrowkit used to brag about this to the other kits, but later learned how snobby she was being. She became Sparrowpaw and her mentor was Onyxice, who would often have to take over Hailpaw's training as well. Sparrowpaw soon grew feelings for Hailpaw, but was unaware he was using her to get closer to the clan leader. At Sparrowpaw's first gathering, she met Squirrelpaw from MapleClan. She began getting very close to him and was too naive he was using her for secrets about FogClan. After they became warriors, Sparrowheart noticed her sister - Fadedbird - and Featherfall - a grey she-cat - grew feelings for each other. Sparrowheart couldn't understand why so she grew distant from her sister. Eventually, Sparrowheart and Hailcrash had a litter of kits; Nutkit and Ashkit. However, Ashkit disappeared a few days before his apprentice ceremony, which made her extra protective of Nutkit. At gatherings, she would often sneak off with Squirrelfern and began growing feelings for him too. Hailcrash knows this and is becoming possessive of her, which means Sparrowheart never has time to be alone.
That's all I've gotten done so far! She got a score of 73% :D
Name:coyote storm
Age:18 moons
Personality:strong,and prideful, yet gentle
Likes:kits,clanmates,his apprenticeDislikes:shadow-clan patrols that cross the border/disobeying the code
Apearrence:coyote-storm is a cream tom with orange-ish stripes and amber eyes his appearance also makes him looks unbeatable in battle although he isnt
Backstory:he was raised in wind-clan. Born in a storm with his two brothers fish-kit, and bat-kit. While an apprentice he was mentored by hawk-breeze a brown she-cat. When he was a warrior he was given the name coyote-storm by his leader ferret-star. He fought off a badger loosing his brother fish-whisker. When he became deputy he was the age of 16 moons. He is described as wise. He tells stories to young kits,and apprentices. He has his very own apprentice now a she-cat named falcon-paw.
Name: Patchpaw/Moonpaw(cloud)
Clan: Thunderclan
Age: ~10 moons
Rank: Medcat apprenticePronouns, sexuality, all that: apagender (doesnt really care about gener) any but she/her pref; also biromantic and ace
(i have one singular charater with common gender labels *shrugs*)
Extra Details:
- she's a good hunter (or would be, if anyone bothered training her on warrior stuff) and rather agile
- she has good memory, but picks up skills very slowly
- enthusiastic apprentice but dislikes actual fighting
- gets a scar/wound across her right cheek at some point (~12 moons?)
- genetically a low white calico (grey eyes are common in cats!)
- morally grey character, especially as she gets older. Moonpaw would totally kill someone if it benefited her in the right way, yet she is still quite compassionate and is often kind to strangers
- elaborating on the above, i'd say moonpaw would be more likely to harm the cats she knows, especially family since well, they were far from the best
- if cats could read, she'd love reading. However, moonpaw is equally invested in the elders' tales of "ye old days" and how the clans came to be
i got 55%, probably because i included some out-of-this-world lore ^^'
(most of my ocs, including this one, are multifandom and i have a whole other world that explains how it even works lol)
(in addition she was based off of mapleshade's patchkit sooo uhhh much drama. and accidental transgendering)
Mirwx1 -
Name: Shay
(Later changed to Wolfbite when he joined shadowclan)
Age:43 moons
Rank: deputyFur color: light blonde with light brown paws, tail, ears and a spot near the nose
Eye color: Green, his left eye has a blue spot-
Personality: he's very serious with other cats except with his mate Stainednight, very good fighter and climber but he's slow because of a permanent paw injuries, he has a lot of scars on his paws and one on his nuzzle.
Sexuality: Gay, very
Likes: dawn, cold days, his mate, his app, going on patrol
Dislikes: rain, foxes, rocky paths
Extra: He has an aprendice named barckpaw and an adopted kit named darkpaw.. these two like eachother and don't know it so he's trying to make them notice and end up together!
I will put another of my ocs wich is from an Au I made that has vampires and werecats (cat-wolves) :3
My oc is an ancien bloodclan warrior, she tried to escape from the war with the other clans and just live in the forest with her sister who has a handicap since the war, her name is Vipère which is viper in english.
So his name ist Phoenixstar (Phoenixfire) and he is related to Tigerstar and thats why he was in his first prophecy- He has an older Brother, two older Sisters and a Younger sister. His older brother has three kids but doesnt care for them. One of them became a kittypet, the other one joined his Clan later and the Last one became besties with him. So, he lived in an Oc-Clan called Crystalclan but they got attacked from wolves and one stole his Younger sister greykit who got the Name Dragonkit from them. She never changed her name and is now deputy of another OC-clan called Forestclan, her name is Dragonscale, short Draco. She hates Phoenix. He rescued her from the wolves and got to know the ex of his Brother who got banished from her Clan, because she was a healer. Phoenixstars prophecy was written in German, becuz I am German and I do Not want to translate it, so...No Prophecy for you, sorry :D Phoenix' mother died very early, her name was Spiritsoul, they named the oldest son after her, Silentsoul. He joined the "Clan" of their Aunt Cherryfog who now terrifies all Clans in the so called "old territories". Back to Phoenixstar: he was feared and hated by his father and all other cats and got mad after his older sis, Silverrose (now Silverstar), became leader of the Crystalclan and not him. He Made his own clan, the Clan of the night. He took in kittypets, banned cats and everyone who was good enough. After many moons He got accepted and ended his war with the Crystalclan.
The second Prophecy is more about his brother and his oldest son, himself being called "the innocent" by Starclan itself, after they called him "the Tiger" in the First prophecy. He treats Silentsouls Son Nightburn like his own, he has three kits, one of them will become evil. Phoenixstars dad became father again of two kits, one of them will die early, the other will become evil. Phoenixstar is gay and his partner is called Griffinclaw (Harry Potter lol). But because Phönix is an a-hole he has v
Zorufan1 -
Name: Glowingheart
Age: 29 moons
Clan: WindclanPersonality: swift, not very strong, with some trust issues, somehow calm.
Appearence: A siamese averagely tall she-cat with blue-greenish eyes and a small scar in her cheek.
Backstory/trauma: Her mentor Flamingfox was a vicious, bloodthirsty and harsh yet skilled tom, who basically abused her in her apprenticeship. She heard things she wasn't supposed to and he tried to kill her, luckily a kit that had wondered out of camp to see them 'train' saw them, and the dawn patrol was just in time to save her life. She stayed in the medicine cat for some time before having her warrior ceremony. She then fell in love with Swiftgaze, a silent but caring tom. They had four kits called Onyxkit, Sunkit, Ivorykit and Coffeekit. (Now ima stop here bc she just lives a happy life, and it's her kits who have the prophecy, not her. Starclan gives the propechy to a random shy apprentice)
Name: Halo'Fang
Gender: She-Cat
Age: 36 Moons
Rank: Deputy
Clan:RiverClanPersonality: Stubborn, (Somewhat stupid but means well) Kindhearted Snarky.
Likes: Her mate and kits, (Kits were apprenticed before she was made deputy) A elder named Fallen'Stone (her brother)
Dislikes: One apprentice named Stormpaw, and Shadowclan
Appearance: Halo'Fang is a slender, glossy-furred she, she's (Somehow) a bengal patterned, dark brown with small light orange patches one on her front left leg, chest, tail, and face (Like.. a chimera cat) She has very subtle heterochromia, (Dark blue and greenish blue) Her left ear has a small rip out of it, and she has a scar across her nose from fighting a thunderclan cat who was hunting on riverclans territory shes a medium furred cat. Her pelt is usually well kept and she hates getting it dirty.
Idk.. I forgot my score and im to lazy to go redo it or look at it soooo yeah.
Name: Citronella or CitronellaStep
gender: female
age: 19 moons
rank: Medicine cat
clan: RiverClanKin: Skeletal (older sister) (parents are unknown)
Personality traits (good and bad): tranquil, light-hearted, empathetic, introverted, compassionate, reserved, observant, well-mannered, distrustful, anxious, jumpy
Likes: sunbathing, her pink bowtie, resting in tree branches, her older sister, the scent of rosemary. ( oc is a bit new so i haven't figured out a whole lot )
Dislikes: Twolegs, the dark, being cold, bugs,
Appearance: CitronellaStep is a flame point siamese she with dark-brown eyes. her fur length is medium, CitronellaStep also has a paleish pink bow tied around her neck. Since she likes the smell of rosemary i imagine she would have bits of rosemary stuck in her pelt
Backstory: Citronella was originally a kittypet, her twolegs where mass breeders and neglected and abused majority of the cats that lived there. unfortunately for Citronella and Skeletal they were abused and neglected to a point of running away. after they decided to leave the two stumbled upon a small group of loners who welcomed them into their group. a few weeks pass and a tragic incident occurred, causing the home of the loner group ( the barn ) to fall to ashes. Skeletal, in her eyes living with others would only get them into trouble. the following night Citronella and her sister decided to leave again. fortunately, this time, they where lucky enough to find a tunnel that led into a cave ( you might've guessed it, the moonstone:] anywho imma shorten the story a bit bc im tired of writing) they decide to live there when the newly made leader of riverclan sees the two and takes them back to camp blah blah blah Citronella is now named CitronellaStep and Skeletal keeps her name. CitronellaStep decides she's seen enough bloodshed in her lifetime and becomes a med.
The end hope anyone who reads this enjoyed:]
:sob: i forgot to put my score-
My OC's name is Dewfur she comes from RiverClan, and she is 32 moons old. She's a lesbian.
Dewfur's personality:
Dewfur is slightly more introverted. In converstions she is quiet, considerate, and funny. She is guided by her heart and likes to watch fish in the river. Dewfur can also be competitive and destructive. She doesn't share her opinions, but when she does it's in favor of war. Dewfur is power-hungry and is hoping to be leader one day.
Rank: deputy
Apperence: Her fur is desaturated gray with a striped tabby pattern. It is shaggy and long. She has a triangular face with circular blue eyes. She has a soft voice and a leafy scent. She has a long, fluffy tail and is considered loyal to most but she will turn evil.
Backstory: Her mothers were Featherface and Dappledpool, she was very close to Featherface because Dappledpool died shortly after giving birth to four kits, which left Featherface to raise them. Featherface was killed by a fox and after she became a apprentice and worked hard to try and please her dead parents. She soon began to go mad, and killed two of her siblings, Blueheart and Greythorn. Ever since she has been longing for power but acts loyal to one day become leader of RiverClan
Dappledpool (with StarClan)
Featherface (with StarClan)
Greythorn (with StarClan)
Blueheart (with StarClan)
Olivetail (alive)Azozlin1 -
Name: hawk heart
Age:27 moonsDescription: dark brown with dark ginger and ginger speckles
Clan: thunder clan
Mate: autumn featherKin: father: spark fur mother: morning song siblings: a lot :) children: jay wing, blue feather, lion flame
Backstory: star clan told their med cat that hawk heart / hawk paw is to go a journey to find a cat to find a flower to cure an illness the med cat only had. When he got back the med cat had joined star clan and two new cats at camp and one of them he soon enough he would fall in love with
Autumn750 -
mine is called Briarstripe, she’s a brown tabby Norwegian forest cat with a muscular build. she was found as a kit in RiverClan territory and taken in, and because of this is devout to her clan and proving herself to her clanmates. she tends to consider honesty the best policy, and rarely lies. A StarClan cat by the name of Quickhare who’d been a member of RiverClan in the past took notice of her, and gave her a prophecy as a chance to prove herself to her clan. She made it to the rank of deputy whilst fulfilling this prophecy (which is currently undecided as to what it’ll be). only three moons after this prophecy, however, she was killed by the cat she’d came to love, drowned in the river by someone she’d trusted who’d only been getting close to her to find out what she could to to steal her rank as deputy after killing her (the cat who killed her is called Sunflare). this is all very vague atm tho and may change