How Strange Are You? | Comments
Below are comments submitted by users for the quiz How Strange Are You?
52%...weak. i gotta be weirder than that.
Wow 23 I think I broke this thing cuz that can't be right
Chalz1 -
i'm a massive strange person in da galaxy .4 dats reason, a little fat mouse is da only friend of mine
zxc1 -
46% Strange
I'm 29% strange. Thank God! LOL!
on one quiz my results was CREEPY on this one i got 52% strange :D YAY! i was hoping to be very weird though :/
THIS QUIZ WAS GREAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You Are 98% Strange! lol, have some real fun. Answers: 1:1 2:1 3:1 4:1 5:3 6:1 7:3 8:4 9:1 10:5 11:2 12:1 13:3
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Crazynut1 -
You Are 98% Strange! lol, have some real fun. Answers: 1:1 2:1 3:1 4:1 5:3 6:1 7:3 8:4 9:1 10:5 11:2 12:1 13:3
14:1 15:2 16:1 17:1 18:4 19:1 20:3 21:6 22:3 23:3 24:1
25:3 26:3 27:2 28:3 29:4 30:1 31:1
Crazynut1 -
You Are 98% Strange! lol, have some real fun. Answers: 1:1 2:1 3:1 4:1 5:3 6:1 7:3 8:4 9:1 10:5 11:2 12:1 13:3
14:1 15:2 16:1 17:1 18:4 19:1 20:3 21:6 22:3 23:3 24:1
25:3 26:3 27:2 28:3 29:4 30:1 31:1
Crazynut1 -
as if im only 49% wierd i was hoping for a score of about 70% damn!
and btw please leave emos alone!
its_me1 -
whoever says emos should get a life, U GET A LIFE AND SIOP JUDGING OURS!!!u conformist a--holes are one of the reasons we are the way we are, so stfu and U get a life
*emos rule*
yay!!im 9% strange
i'm 12%! emos...get a life for the sake of humanity!
100% strange
is my fart to big for my face?
25% that's all right
this quiz was stupiied..... no offense
YES!!! Only 16 (: I'm normal... in a good way lol :P
woah 32%!
weird how i actually felt a little bit proud o_O
64% Strange XD i'm ji=ust that kid that seems normal till you get to know them i guess :?
Memories1 -
Im 21% strange so normal ig? YAA BABY-
Skyler221 -
67 YAY! Just what i was hoping for.... ok, ok, i was hoping for 50
Blah0891 -
utsrfeutp uhhhhhh......DO you lke mustard? bye i need to go to the bathroom