Is your character a Mary-Sue/Gary-Stu? | Comments
Below are comments submitted by users for the quiz Is your character a Mary-Sue/Gary-Stu?
I got 14% then.
Well, I get what you mean, and I am soooooo glad that it isn't too high but it never really got to the personality wise questions about the characters.
Questions like is there personality one of the following, or something would be better, as I realised that my character is not appealing in any way except for personality, for example my character...How about a few quotes.
"Woah! I am so lucky-y-y! I get to test out this new weapon!"
"Hey hey! I know I am a small guy and all, but don't be so surprised when I am unnafected by gun recoil!"
He looks normal sure, but when it said to make it a bit more interesting I realised it asked nothing on personality.
Overall good job!
Justaguy1 -
Got 5%
Name: Abel Dacre
Nicknames: AD, Abbs, Dacre.
Age: Recently turned 20
Gender: Male
Pronouns: He and Him
Species: Human
Nationality: Australian
Sexuality: Bisexual
Occupation: UnemployedFacial features: Striking, stormy gray eyes, rosy pale skin, full lips, and a thin upturned nose.
Other features: He has quite an average body, not particularly skinny or chubby, just a nice healthy size. He has ginger hair. His hair is thick, and his bangs are quite long. His hair is soft and reaches about to the bottom of the back of his neck. Youll almost always find a bandage somewhere on his body, as he trips quite often. The bandage is usually placed somewhere on one of his cheeks, his knees, his hands, or his elbows.
Clothing: Abel usually likes to wear baggy sweaters, and always likes the sleeves to at least be long enough to cover his hands. His favorite color to wear is shades of blue, typically a stormy desaturated blue, or any shade of blue close to grey. He likes his jeans to be baggy, but not too big. His favorite pair of shoes for sure is his comfortable dark gray slip-ons.
Strength: He likes to immediately think about the positives of a situation, anything to make it seem like it will be okay.
Weaknesses: Clumsiness, how he often panics and even might start hyperventilating if he cannot see the positives of a situation and/or how the situation is/will be okay.
Personality: He often overthinks things, and typically forces a smile, even when he isnt necessarily happy. Sometimes he can be very anxious, not just fearful and worried but also excited easily and impatient.
Backstory: TLTR some explanations/teasers/hints in RP, if you have any questions please ask
Other information: He likes to collect things. Abel doesnt like the site of litter, and will often be found with piles of trash in his arms because he is trying to pick up everything and throw it away. He is really talented in drawing, although if he tried to draw
Fourteen percent Mary Sue,my oc did have a abusive past and is now blind in one of her eyes from it so she fled and lives as a loner for now but besides that she's basically normal. Cool quiz anyways mate.
Zimswife1 -
i got 10% lol,, pretty good since i put a lot of work into my oc, Quinn-
they're an interesting little fellow with a sad backstory yet an inability to feel negative emotions (via magic glasses) so i suppose that's around were the extra mary sue bits fell in-
Very much accurate, my oc makes weapons/appliances out of pure magic, he can even make duplicates and creative non-existent s--- out of his mind. He doesn't get romance (he's aroace) and he just wants to be left alone plus he doesn't have good or bad intentions
Quirty1 -
bozo got 27% Mary Sue, maybe bc people who make Mary Sues make sure they're not annoying and that mankind loves them /HJ
I submitted a character who's dumb as a rock and annoys the protag's gang by breathing air-
Kiyoko1 -
Your character is 20% Mary-Sue/Gary-Stu! 20%
Not bad! Your character doesn't seem too bland, and they aren't too perfect either. Good job on that.
AyFrans2 -
how did I get a 5%? My dude has a magic sword... The sword is way too powerful. Then again, he has no other benefits...
Cryotic1 -
I got a zero is it impossible? almost, have I done it? yes, so in conclusion, yay.
10%, not bad, but Ill have to improve my character some more
16%, , .
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: 20
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Lavash1 -
10%, not bad
Oop I got 5%-
oops I mean 1%
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