Is Your Character a Mary Sue? | Comments

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  • I got 30%, I was somehow expecting more than that. My character is named Arisu Lee, in her world people can turn into mythical and non-mythical creatures, and she can turn herself into a Japanese Dragon.(People haven't able to turn into one for centuries or so) So Arisu is the only dragon around. Arisu is quiet, mature serious and doesn't like making friends much because it distracts her from studying. But, she eventually breaks off of that belief and does make friends and as the story progresses she becomes a softer person but still has her edges. She doesn't get bullied because she isn't bad looking and her family is a bit wealthy but they think she is weird and they sometimes tease, which; results in her ignoring them or simply responding back with a smartass response. She is pale with short, dark blue hair and hazel-yellow eyes(But most people in the story have eyes and hair like that). I can kinda see why I got 30% but it was a good quiz!

    • Another thing is she has your typical dragon powers. Everyone in her world that can turn into mythical creatures; can use their powers when they are human but just portion of the power that they can get as their creature form. But, that was my terrible character that I put to the test on this quiz.

  • For the question about villans switching sides does that apply if your oc is an anti hero (atempting to take over the world using mind controll devices)she convinces hero's to change sides and become villans and downright calls herselfor a villan I ticked no should I have ticked yes.24% Mary Sue

  • I got a 12% with my boy Harpsichord, and I would say that thats pretty good, but I think I just got such a low result because hes a new OC of mine, and he doesnt have much character development yet. Im working on it, though, and I think I should have a more developed backstory and plot for him soon.

    groovy violet
  • I got 31 percent and I agree somewhat, my character is a goddess who is very powerful but is rarely seen and when she does appear she is a force to be taken seriously. But she also has flaws mainly to do with outliving all the people she met and made memories with. Im really having trouble with her due to the fact that I want her to seem like a force that is not to our understanding but still appealing to the audience.

  • My character got 25%, her name is Victoria L. (Im still working on her full last name), shes 11-12 years old, and is from a high class family. She is sometime known as Tsarenity or Victoria III because she took after the first two (and one partially related) Victorias of her family. She is genuinely seen as cute and innocent and acts like that, but not many are aware of her twisted side; shes a bit emotionless, cold, verbally offensive, murderous (to the antagonists), and doesnt forgive her enemies easily. Victoria is very mature, she seen and knows more than most people around her. She sees the world as a death or life game after knowing the truth about life, thus she (secretly) lack trust in even her love ones.Shes athletic, caring, kind, have As in school (shes not the smartest character, there are +10 smarter ones), and is determine to keep her family together. Sometimes she feels as if shes not good/perfect enough compared to that of her family. She have long black hair in a ponytail, pale skin blushed with pink, and brown eyes with a prismatic glint (her family have genetic mutation), and is an average height (55-56). Im still working on her past, but overall, her past isnt the the darkest and/or the most tragic, but it involves emotional damages, some violence, a bit of death ( not all will be brutal), and (possibly) reincarnation. By the way her rich family isnt perfect, all members are diverse, there is fighting and bickering (imagine the Olympian god and goddesses but less dramatic), plus long history that involves conflicts and splitting up so many times that they may as well receive a world record (its vital and necessary). My character is also impatient and doesnt want to fall in love for personal reasons. Trivially butterflies are her main motif and shes once a loner and have a scar. So, is she a Mary Sue? I dont mind her being hated though.

  • 31% Studying film through experience and many YouTube video essays, I knew my character was a Mary Sue but has since been improved and I wanted to see how much he's changed since I wrote him in 2014. I actually want to take it again as him from when I started but as today's Uclain, it was hard to answer quite a few of the questions because of the context of the story. For instance, Yami can't reconcile with his past because he (purposefully) destroyed the town he came from. Or the question about him dying for others and then coming back to life. I wasn't sure if reincarnating into a completely different generation or dimension counted considering that the different lives he lives is what the series is about. Another weird one was the age because when I made him he was older than me but I'm currently the age I wrote him to be. Speaking of age, they wanted to know if he looked his age if he was 40+ but he's 21 and there was no "is younger" option. So it was like saying he's 40 but looks in his early 20s lol

    • So amazingly, past Yami has a lower score by 10% and I don't know how lol. Past Yami has more friends, more powers and never struggles. His flaws are even "just made up" to hide his true lovely, beautiful and perfect self as opposed to now where he has to grow from being cold and bitter into the loving hero his allies and even his enemies respects. Oh well. Still a fun quiz to take. Gonna try my self insert character, Amioki Shinizou. Probably going to see a bigger score this time.

    • Only a little bit higher than Yami, the character who is literally me as a god. Maybe it's because me as a god is actually mean and known as a god of chaos. So lastly, I'm trying a Soul Eater fan character from long ago named Megan, Death the Kid's girlfriend. If you couldn't tell, I'm basically searching for a high school non ironically. Wish me luck!

    • So I remembered so little of her, I decided to switch characters. Valenstein it is.

    • She got a 26. I guess she was sort of the villain of the story. Maybe I just never wrote a Mary Sue

  • My character is 13% Mary Sue. Huh. I was honestly expecting a bit higher, considering my baby is blind, and has a sad past. Apparently, she needs 'prettying up'. I will ignore this, as I personally love to write underdogs.

  • I’m a little surprised tbh my character I was testing is the main antagonist and main character of my story I always thought he was a bit Mary sueish because if his overly tragic past I thought he would get higer

    Gore out
  • i got 31% on my OC Buzz, He is literally an alien that lives on earth. crashlanded into the middle of new york after his home planet was destroyed and now. he's just there? Scientists are after him of course but it is just living it's best life. I love buzz.

    • He's also literally like 19504, years old in alien years. and is around 19 in human years. he's just kinda quirkly like that. He also has no parents. the aliens from his planet don't have parents they are all raised by the caretakers. lmao

  • Since everyone is sharing OCs, here's mine:
    Name: Vin
    Age: 19
    Pronouns: Any
    Gender: What's that
    Sexuality: Aroace

    Species: Haven't named it yet but they're not human lol

    Appearance: White short/poofy hair, dark gray skin, bright red eye whites, cat-like pupils

    Personality: Angy idiot who hates everyone. Chaotic.

    Flaws: Is a bit too angy sometimes. Makes a lot of bad decisions. Has broken English due to not being human. Story is underdeveloped and a work in progress.

    Score: 27%, most likely due to the non-human attributes lol

  • I got 18%. Honestly, pretty satisfied with that. It helped me flesh out my character a bit, which is great because she's based off the Cuphaed game. This also made me realize a lot of my old characters are Mary Sues .... gonna have to fix that some day

  • 25% so i tried my first oc he is a human 17 (don't know name) word where "magic" exist so backstory he got his powers yung when they wheren't common yet and as a idialistik kid tried helping people and he did but he got boss of magia to prison so other mebers wanted to get revange they folowed him to his home and planted a bomb other day he had his bithday so all his family came he was inside taking cups when he went out bomb explodet he was far so he survived then member of the mafia come in to look at the mess but when he saw them he snap and kiled them his father survived but he killed him by mistake stoping his rage THE END. One more thing about "magic" when you unlock the "2th state" your eyecolor change his changet to blue but beacose of the rage his eyes started turnig red but he stoped before both his eyes were red so one eye red one blue

  • In the bad situation question she gets out of it through realizing her friends would alwats be there to help her. So it's not like she was alone. But she thought she was alone and the monster feed off if that to overpower her. And that monster was a god in this universe sooooooo.

  • 23% yeah i get it.

    My character is from an au sorta thing, her name is Kaniya and shes a demon in a world of demons yada yada, shes based off this fairytale and in the fairytale the protagonist was cursed for being selfish(same with kaniya but i guess the witch demon who cursed her made it into a power) kaniya got purple eyes and purple hair like most other demons in her world, shes kinda average and probably would be considered a side character if it werent for her powers. Kaniya isnt royal and her social circle and everything else is average but i guess the powers/ cursed thing kinda makes her into a sorta mary sue?

    • she also doesnt have a tragic backstory and her selfishness wasnt extreme, the witch demon just got kinda bored and yk cursed her or whatever. Kaniya is also about 15

  • My OC got 26%. His name is Jackal and he is (kind of) a deity of the country he lives in. He is a fusion creature, and his component people are two of the 5 deities of the country. He ends up staying at a camp with other kids, and ends up with blood on his hands, as he murders the mentors of the camp. I'm not sure if I'd call him original (despite OC meaning original character) but I wanted to make a character with traits that I don't normally write about.

  • I got %23 for a character I for a book I just started writing.

    The characters name is Copper, she is a half fox (which is normal since everyone is a fox) and shes pretty average, she comes from a tribe out in the woods and was coming to raid an herbivore village (the characters in the story are separated by 3 classes, herbivore, carnivore, and omnivore, Copper was once an omnivore but hopes to become an omnivore) and she had to wrestle one of those villagers who pushed her into the river, resulting in her hitting her head/eye on a rock so she had to wear an eyepatch. Once she woke up from the accident, she meets a new friend and yeah! Thats it for now on her backstory

  • My character's name is Alice(Phoenix) she has orange eyes and fire powers and the other characters have powers and eyes that match that power. Her best friend(Frostbite) has a crush on her she does not have interest(He is friend-zoned) One team member betrays them takes control of Phoenix and kills Frostbite because he was trying to KILL a villain and Frostbite caught him in the act. And Phoenix goes into depression you can see this on my youtube channel (Ariel Wier) she got 14%

    Ariel Wier
  • 19 percent, not bad! I'm looking into adding more flaws to my character eventually, but I absolutely adore her so it's hard. ;w;

    My character's name is Mochi, she's short and honestly isn't that intimidating but can kill a character if she gets a good chance. She's witty and doesn't think about the consequences of her actions, even if it could possibly hurt her. She gets into lots of fights due to this. She often loses due to not having a strategy or just clawing at them until they die :D (She's a cat person/neko) She's very edgy and introverted, though very loving when you get to know her. Anyone she loves she automatically claims as her own and gets a bit jealous when they hang out with someone else. She has brown hair with a blue highlight/strip in her hair, and blue eyes. I often rotate between different stories and personalities for her, but this is the most recent one.

  • I got 19%. I can see why, I havent worked on her for that long. So Im just gonna put her description below and you can tell me how I can improve.

    This character is named Kath and shes my version of a siren. Shes a young adult, around 20-23 and she works for the villain in my story. She would often be sent on missions to capture targets for interrogation. She has been working for the villain for a long time and she never thought about whether or not she was happy with doing so. She just did what he said and never gave a second thought. The protagonist ends up saying something that causes Kath to become conflicted. She wonders if working for the villain was what she really wanted and she ends up doing a sloppy job with her missions. She helps the protagonist in the end.

    She has light, blue skin and long, red hair. Shes a little on the skinny side but its because sirens are born slim enough to swim through water at top speed. She likes to make mischief but she lacks self-awareness and is unable to read the room and realise when shes going too far.

    Because shes a siren, her voice has power over other people. It cant control anyone, its more like this: you know how when a song comes on that you really like and you just want to sit there and listen to it and not do anything else? Her singing is like that. She uses it as a distraction when shes out on missions but she needs to give her voice frequent breaks because it puts a lot of strain on the vocal cords.

  • I got 22% with Tsukiya, my Dangangronpa oc. TBH his past isn't to bad. Grew up with his Mother who taught him herbs and witchcraft (specificity Wiccan). He was excepted into Hopes Peak Academy as the Ultimate Witch. I am still working on his time at hopes peak before the killing game as that is part of a role play. He got hit on by one dude (he is aro and ace). He made a friend, Daichi, who stayed his main friend. At night in the dorms he stayed up late studing herbs and magick (yes that is spelled correctly) until dawn. We have yet to start the killing game but he is a survivor (mainly because Daichi is killed so I want to play as someone for the rest of the roleplay).

    Any way to improve him is greatly appreciated

  • I have 40% which makes sense because my character is kinda has mental issues and had a tragic past and stuff and their name is Ash and is a skeleton in undertale and is sans and papyrus sibling UwU I been having her for 2 years.

  • About the question about my character having some sort of disability that causes her to act differently... yes and no.

    You see, the story that Im trying to tell is of a young girl who linked with a ghost of sorts. The Ghosts goals are to wipe the girl clean and make her into a blank slate, so the ghost can take her physical form to go and find her dad. The story is about the girls memory slowly dwindlingto the point where the girl can barely even remember her own name, and refers to herself as Dwith the occasional bit where the ghost can take control of her body for a certain amount of time is shes not co-operating.

    So, technically, yes, my character has an alter of sorts, but not in a disability way. Theres also the question of her reforming the villain. Again with the yes and no answer.

    The girl, D, does try to convince the ghost, G, to stop taking away her memories. Serveral times, actually. And while G has considered, she ultimately decided that her dad was more important. (The reason why she loves her dad so much is such a rabbit hole that I could go on and on about). [Spoilers for the ending] G does eventually succeed at finally gaining a physical form via D, but she does ultimately regret it in the end. So Im not quite sure if that counts.

  • Im 11%.

    I was expecting higher.. but thats pretty good lol.

    Then it said
    Go ahead and make her a little prettier.
    E x c u s e m e-

    My fUrRY/Oc is named Nico. Shes a female and a tiqer

    Shes a bit big. Because of her fluff. She wheres a hoodie and thats it. She has Green eyes and brown fur. With some white tips. And white paws. I aint explain more cuz I hate explaining.

  • Did my character, Lenora, and got 13%.

    Id say when looking at her, some people may think shes a Mary Sue, but shes just one of those girly pretty girls, lol. In no cases would I say shes a hero in my story because she got attitude .

  • Got 22%!!

    Ngl, I think it's just because the quiz didn't ask very specific questions relating to her character.

    For example, she can transform into a dragon, is a villain cult leader herself, and Is the leader of a war army

    Anaya Argonian

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