Account deletion | Comments
Below are comments submitted by users for the quiz Account deletion.
Right! Don't delete your account. You can't. Use something unique, but based on something you like, like:
C aliforniaRoads
Bea chesInHollywood
Th en, just make quizzes like:
What is your inner child like?What type of fairy are you? (IDK just random...)
Hope this helped!
-Unisister -
You can go to feedback and updates in the forums to ask for deletion there. But if you really want to do it in private, go to contact us and send an email. Hope this helped.
I don't know of a way to delete your account, but you can make a new account.
idk how to delete, but you can always make a new account with a complete opposite username like:
SonicSp eed
Wolf_moon -
Yes you can create a new account. If you do please meet me, i would love to talk to you.
I think we have to email gtq guy...
this was made 13 years ago it doesn't matter now plus gtq guy doesn't really respond to much.
13 years and I'm also having the same issue
Email GTQ. or just leave the account!!!!! It's ok, comments CANT define u;)
You can email gtq guy or just make a new account
Teresa221 -
also WHAT you can't delete an account? Unisister?
Dawn30031 -
1. I don't know how to delete an account, And I am trying to delete an account too.. srry
Dawn30031 -
who cares
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