Find Your True Animal Form | Comments
Below are comments submitted by users for the quiz Find Your True Animal Form.
Find Your True Animal Form
Your Result: Wolf 81%
resultYou are loyal but not to overly trusting. You dislike change and are very intelligent. You generally flee but when you have to fight it's with every thing you have. You love the wild and dislike cities and generally what the human population has done to the earth and it's inhabitants. You see humans biggest flaw as being there self-thought highness. I mean you don't see wolves making guns and selling them to other wolves who shoot the packs pups do you? You values power and pack life. You are nit closely to other wolves. You don't talk mu ch but have a lot on your mind. Your survival instinct is amazingly strong. Unlike your relative the dog you have no master. You hate rules but follow them and have a strong sense of rebellion and Freedom. Those who truly have a wolf forum are very very rare and stick together. You like sometimes to be able to relax and sometimes your ready to rock en role. You feel vibes and energy of atmosphere very well. You don't know a lot about your self. Find that.
61% Cat
30% Deer
3% Raven
=) happyTJW1 -
Wolf 88%
Cat 77%#1 I am a feline therian and I can tell you your test was wrong
#2 I don't really think this should be fair, some feline therian may prefer kibble(cereal) than anything else.
This was really. Freaking. Good. One of the most accurate quizzes I've ever taken
. You described wolves perfectly. (That was my result)
I got Raven. I completely agree with LoneShadowWolf. My result was so accurate it was almost scary. I loved the detailed results as well. Well done! :)
music8261 -
I got wolf, dude this quiz is so-feaking-accurate !
Every single thing you described about wolfs is true about me! the world was so beautiful 500 years ago. what happened?
Thanks guys!
raven. $o accurate
cool old quiz!i can tell you put effort into it great!!!!I got deer by the way 100000000000000000% %%%accurate
I am 0% deer. I am WOLF. Why did I get deerrrrr?
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