What is your aesthetic? | Comments
Below are comments submitted by GoToQuiz.com users for the quiz What is your aesthetic?
It said I was grunge, but no way. I am more of a baddie which was the second choice
Cooldog1 -
i keep taking these quizzes like this cuz i wanna know my aesthetic and i keep getting grunge!!!!!! lmao
SAME - or alternative. I do love the style, but I'm stuck between that and dark academia!!!
I got kawaii pastel 87% , omg yay 🥳 I always loved it and will never stop 😍😍😍
THIS IS SOOO ME but I don't photoshop my photos but this is the best result everrrr
I love this quiz.
XO24151 -
UwU I love Kawaii
grundge and it's true but I also love dark academia and the second one was nerd so it did Mach
Art Hoe
welp ok (*)
i got grunge uwu but im indie/pale nwn
TheAlien2 -
Im not a nerd...This is mean
Lujiii1 -
i am just a nerd
rayg1 -
it says im grunge... i retook the test and said kawii pastel somethig is wrong with this
lol im 34% art hoe
\_( ' w ' )_/-
Kawaii pastel -
Aint no way i just got baddie💀
Vivien1 -
bro im goblincore and it gave me grunge
Literally everything I got in my results were so INACCURATE I SWEAR, it's actually infuriating
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