What celebrity do you hate the most? | Comments
Below are comments submitted by GoToQuiz.com users for the quiz What celebrity do you hate the most?
Your Result: Justin Beiber 81%
You got Justin Beiber! You probably lay in bed at night wondering how you're going to destroy Justin Beiber. Are you going throw eggs at him at a concert? Are you going to hire somebody to pants him on live television? Are you going to form an anti-Justin Beiber Club? Who knows what you'll do!
27% Miley Cyrus
0% Lady GagaBAHAHAHAHAA THIS IS SO FUNNY. I like Lady Gaga, but I don't really like Justin Bieber or Miley Cyrus. Nice quiz! I got a good laugh out of the results and a few of the questions too.
celebrity do you hate the most?
Your Result: Miley CyrusWhenever you hear one of her songs on the radio or see replays of her show on you want to destroy the TV/radio. Whenever you see a picture of her you either rip it to shreds or draw on it with permanent marker. Who knows what you're capable of?!
hahaha so true i do like her verse in sittin on top of the world with nicki minaj cause nicki thats all lol hate miley cyrus!!!! grr! lol funny quiz!
h20nicki2 -
I lalalalove Justin Bieber and Miley Cyrus.
I dislike Lady Gaga.
Her standing up for individuality is great.I just dislike her music. I still do respect her. (:
& I hope everyone else is also mature enough to respect Justin & Miley. What they do with their lives isn't our buisness.
I got Justin Bieber. He sucks! I'd rather listen to Lady Gaga
I think it's wrong to hate someone you don't know.
akyla7572 -
Not a lady gaga fan, you got it right... Her songs are just to predictable
LuluM1 -
I got Justin Beiber which is totally right!
G gal1 -
I don't hate the people, but their music is pure crap.
Yeah, Justin Beiber, XP
I got Laddy Gaga. And I am a huge fan of her. I dont hate her.
Whag LuluM said ;]
i hate miley cyrus......lol :P....awsm quizzzz!!!
i got JB :P dis quiz is soooo right xDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
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