The true Therian quiz. | Comments
Below are comments submitted by users for the quiz The true Therian quiz.
This was very accurate for my a am a poly therian of a Mexican wilf and a clouded leopard and it said a was 75 canine and 51feline but the rest of the animal catagories of animals where very low like 7 persent very accurate quiz
Thank you for making this quiz. I think I have been trying to be a wolf therian but this quiz made realize that I am more likely to be a bird therian and that I should stop trying to be something im not.
please dont rethink what you are based on a quiz made for fun
It was good an accurate as well but please dont fully rely on a test to see if you are a therian thats now how you know you are one and you cant become a therian so if you arent one please dont spread rumors
You're kidding me right? An internet survey cannot tell you what species you identify as any more that a Rorschach test can tell you if you're transgender. If that was not bad enough this is ridiculously easy to manufacture the answer you want.
Its actually fairly accurate if you answer honestly! It said Im a bird. And I am! Im slow a wolf and fox.
Very nice, but I don't know what I have to learn, if I'm a wild wolf or a dog, I need help!
I liked it. Now, I am unsure if I am a therian or not. But if so, Im not sure if my thereotype is feline (cat), or fox. And this test said that I am a canine therian, which I guess would be pretty accurate.
I'm an otter therian, but I got rodent. Just so you know, ferrets ARENT rodents!! Them and otters ore both mustilidids, which are very different from rodents!
FYI, this quiz doesn't have EVERY theriotype listed. You may need to do research.
So,I think I may be a some sort of dog like therian because I have done some research that says that and this quiz also says that.I sometimes feel like have paws and tails , and sometimes just make my hands claws randomly without thought especially when mad.I also think I may have shifted before because I’ll be doing something by myself and I’ll just do something then I feel like I’m a wolf/dog I can’t pinpoint it.I really just need someone to tell what I am and what’s going on
IdkYET0 -
This is inaccurate, please only do these for funsies, and not to actually find a theriotype or if you're even a therian at all. Do research to find out please, instead of any quizzes. ~Your sincere therian friend, Bingus
Pretty good but I know my therian types and it didnt get them right although its a good quiz to take for fun and stuff even though its not as "true"
ottercat1 -
Hi I'm a red fox and orange cat therian and I'm 9 sry I'm so young but I don't have any shifts except for when I'm in the forest which is never... I'm so sad about that.
86% Feline Therian. So I guess its official. I know you dont need all that animal gear, but its funny how I before was an anti 😂
Wait this is my old account-
Feline, nice. ^.^
I'm not a therian, but I am a furry with a housecat fursona, and I do relate to cats quite a lot.
labcrux2 -
Thanks, I have been researching if I'm a Therian, But I still don't know if I'm a Therian, by the way the quiz was fun.
the definition of therian for this quiz is incorrect. it its not solely spiritual, as a psychological and spiritual therian.
Reptile,no not true at all I'd rather see myself as a feline sense I'm mysterious, adventurous, cunning, self reliant and weird. I also would like to have cat attributes if I could someday.
everyone is weird in a way, and i know how you feel, truly i dont actually know how this works very well, as i am sort of new to it.. my friend had told me about it and all my life ive felt strange instincts to being an animal, now i know this exists and i feel more normal..
Lefurry1 -
youre seeing yourself as a cat based on human stereotypes of cats. not how you determine a theriotype at all!
Uhhhhhhhhh......... . I got reptile........ No. I hate reptiles and also I see myself more as a cat or maybe a wolf. This test is crap. Thanks for that >.<
You can't just say it's bad because you hate reptiles, honestly I think you should just cry about it
Therian_0 -
You're just selfish shut the f--- up
Therian_0 -
this is a great quiz and i dont see why you should hate the quiz because it says you are a reptile and you hate reptiles, sometimes i think that when a person hates an animal is because deep inside they were that animal at one point, and they hated that life for some reason... probably not true, just a thought
Can you at a article area or mountain areas?
My therotype is a snow leopard and I had a hard time with the first question.
One of my theriotypes is also a snow leopard! ΘΔ
This is somewhat accurate, as I am a Therian, but I feel like I'm more connexted to a canine therian than a feline, as an Arctic Fox is my theriotype. But, overall, 10/10. Loved it!
Im a bird, red fox, and silver wolf therian. I think Im either an owl or a domesticated bird of some kind.
Hi so I'm a therian I'm a coyote and it says I'm more feline, that's fine because I was questioning a orange cat maybe so 👍👍👍👍👍👍 quiz
Im dont identify myself as a therian, more as a were-animal, but it got pretty close to my genus :))
soplov1 -
I liked this guiz and its easier to know what kind Of theriotype you are I got canis and I am pretty sure I am a wolf but I need to be more sure but thank you so much for making this quiz
It says that I'm a wolf/dog therian
I'm a mouse therian. I got rodent!
I am a Maine coon cat and red wolf and I feel like this is not the most accurate as I had no feline group come up.