What My Chemical Romance Member Are You? | Comments

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  • Your Result: Gerard Way 86%

    You are Gerard Way, lead singer and founder of My Chemical Romance. You are the crazy, hot leader of the band and you have the biggest fan club, don't tell the others! You're mind is really sick and twisted and guess what... Everyone loves you! You enjoy psychotic things and you're obsessed with the idea of death and the afterlife. You show great leadership today, but back in highschool, you were misunderstood and invisible. You are older brother to Mikey Way, bassist of MCR. Oh yeah, you enjoy wearing lots of jackets too!

    LETS GO I LOVE THIS GUY also this is pretty darn accurate abt me lol

    Elevyn Spring
  • Your Result: Gerard Way 80%

    You are Gerard Way, lead singer and founder of My Chemical Romance. You are the crazy, hot leader of the band and you have the biggest fan club, don't tell the others! You're mind is really sick and twisted and guess what.....everyone loves you! You enjoy psycotic things and you're obsessed with the idea of death and the afterlife. You show great leadership today, but back in highschool, you were misunderstood and invisible. You are older brother to Mikey Way, bassist of MCR. Oh yeah, you enjoy waring lots of jakets too!


  • Your Result: Gerard Way

    You are Gerard Way, lead singer and founder of My Chemical Romance. You are the crazy, hot leader of the band and you have the biggest fan club, don't tell the others! You're mind is really sick and twisted and guess what.....everyone loves you! You enjoy psycotic things and you're obsessed with the idea of death and the afterlife. You show great leadership today, but back in highschool, you were misunderstood and invisible. You are older brother to Mikey Way, bassist of MCR. Oh yeah, you enjoy waring lots of jakets too!

    yes!! i love you!!!

  • Your Result: Frank Iero

    You are Frank Iero, rythem guitarist of My Chemical Romance. You are the fun, spaztic one in the band. You're are alway running around, usually very hyper, and you always like piggy back rides because you are pretty short, from your band mates


  • <table style="width: 320px; border: 1px solid gray; font: normal 12px arial, verdana, sans-serif; background-color: white;"><tr><td colspan="2" style="background: white; color: black; padding: 5px;"><b style="font: bold 20px 'Times New Roman', serif; display: block; margin-bottom: 8px;">What My Chemical Romance Member Are You?</b> <div style="font-size: 16px; margin-bottom: 4px;">Your Result: <b>Frank Iero</b></div><div style="width: 200px; background: white; border: 1px solid black;"><div style="width: 22%; background: red; font-size: 8px; line-height: 8px;">& amp;nbsp;</div></di v><p style="margin: 10px; border: none; background: white; color: black;">You are Frank Iero, rythem guitarist of My Chemical Romance.

    You are the fun, spaztic one in the band. You're are alway running around, usually very hyper, and you always like piggy back rides because you are pretty short, from your band mates.</p></td></tr ><tr><td style="color: black; background: white; padding: 3px;">Gerar


    damn damien

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