What Kind Of Girl Are You ? | Comments

Below are comments submitted by GoToQuiz.com users for the quiz What Kind Of Girl Are You ?

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  • Emo and punk really???

    I love baby blue white and light pink i love coquette things

    Like wth i like these quizes but this is horrible

  • lmao real but no pink
    Your Result: You are emo/punk 79%

    You have a unique style and a punk rock look you like to be different and you also wear black, pink , red all the time maybe you should try something new?

    41% You are a loner

  • Well I'm emo but I'm a loner... I guess that's why I got loner :( I only have one friend who I only see twice a year she lives in ireland

  • I got loner. Yes, I am one, I'll admit it, but I do have SOME friends, and we're close! We were all loners before we met though....

  • i was a loner but now have lots of friends. hmmmm... i think it should be... nice, smart, loner, emo, then the last one. cant remember.

  • Hello, I am Jacob. I am 18 years old, and I am dead. I dare you to believe this, because if you dont, I may pay you a little visit. I had a good life. And I bring luck, good luck. Just send this over to 10 quizzes and you will get the following.

    10. You will be healthy forever
    9. You will be popular
    8. You will get whatever you want

    7. You will be out of school for a whole year(if you are in school.)

    6. You will fall in love
    5. You will never get sick
    4. You will get a new pet
    3. You will be in a movie
    2. You will be very lucky
    1. I will pay you a friendly visit

    Like I said, I am dead. If you dont send this over to 10 quizzes, you could be next.

    sam singer17
  • I got nice:) and it's true I do have alot of friends but sometimes I could be a bit of a badass x)

  • Emo/punk. Hmm, I guess so.

  • Lol smart chic yep that's me.

  • nice, yep thats me. im kinda outgoing and i dont judge people. i speak my own mind lol


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