Would you be a good president? | Comments

Below are comments submitted by GoToQuiz.com users for the quiz Would you be a good president?

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  • You would be 84% a good president.

    Seems to me like you would be a pretty good president. You wouldn't be the best, but you would be pretty good. Do you think you can end the recession?

    Nice quiz! I really enjoyed it!

  • You would be 87% a good president.

    Congrat ulations! According to my answers, I would be a good president for the United States. lOl!!! xD

    • 94% a good president, I am most humbled by this response, thank you. I already had a passion for public service but this really makes me have a more positive outlook on life, for better or for worse, thank you gotoquiz

    • 9%. Lol. That's about right.


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