What Mortal Kombat Character are you most like? | Comments

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  • Your Result: Liu Kang 79%

    Orphaned at a very young age, Liu Kang was raised by Shaolin monks, who taught him the way of the spiritual warrior. They soon recognized his potential as a contender for the Mortal Kombat tournament and rigorously trained him for this task. Raiden, too, understood that Liu Kang was Earthrealm's best hope for freedom and introduced him to Master Bo' Rai Cho to further his development. Once fully trained, Liu Kang bested all challengers and earned the high honor of representing the Shaolin in the Mortal Kombat tournament. He and Raiden then embarked on their fateful journey to Shang Tsung's island to compete in this pivotal kontest.

    62% Raiden
    52% Sub-Zero
    52% Scorpion
    43% Johnny Cage
    31% Shao Kahn
    31% Kitana
    14% Noob Saibot
    3% Reptile
    2% Jade

    The faded smoke
  • Sub-Zero 81%

    An assassin of the Lin Kuei clan, Kuai Liang commands the power of ice and cold. Unlike other members of his clan, he and his older brother, Bi-Han, were abducted as children by the Lin Kuei and trained in the techniques of assassination throughout their lives. Though his codename is Tundra, he has now assumed the mantle of Sub-Zero to honor his brother after Bi-Han's mysterious death. With the help of his fellow Lin Kuei Smoke, Sub-Zero tirelessly hunts the one who killed his brother.

    78% Johnny Cage
    70% Liu Kang
    61% Scorpion
    57% Raiden
    38% Kitana
    32% Jade
    30% Noob Saibot
    19% Shao Kahn
    4% Reptile

  • Your Result: Sub-Zero 78%

    An assassin of the Lin Kuei clan, Kuai Liang commands the power of ice and cold. Unlike other members of his clan, he and his older brother, Bi-Han, were abducted as children by the Lin Kuei and trained in the techniques of assassination throughout their lives. Though his codename is Tundra, he has now assumed the mantle of Sub-Zero to honor his brother after Bi-Han's mysterious death. With the help of his fellow Lin Kuei Smoke, Sub-Zero tirelessly hunts the one who killed his brother.

    70% Scorpion
    40% Reptile
    36% Johnny Cage
    35% Liu Kang
    26% Noob Saibot
    20% Raiden
    7% Kitana
    4% Shao Kahn
    0% Jade

  • Johnny Cage 76%

    There is no greater martial arts movie star than Johnny Cage. Films such as "Dragon Fist", "Time Smashers" and "Citizen Cage" have made him one of the most highly paid actors in Hollywood. But there is more to Johnny than even he knows. He is a descendant of an ancient Mediterranean cult who bred warriors for the gods -- warriors who possessed power beyond that of mortals. This legacy has made Johnny Cage a star. More important, it will aid him in the battle to come.

    69% Sub-Zero
    59% Liu Kang
    49% Raiden
    47% Scorpion
    45% Jade
    43% Kitana
    36% Reptile
    22% Noob Saibot
    3% Shao Kahn

  • Sub-Zero 91%

    An assassin of the Lin Kuei clan, Kuai Liang commands the power of ice and cold. Unlike other members of his clan, he and his older brother, Bi-Han, were abducted as children by the Lin Kuei and trained in the techniques of assassination throughout their lives. Though his codename is Tundra, he has now assumed the mantle of Sub-Zero to honor his brother after Bi-Han's mysterious death. With the help of his fellow Lin Kuei Smoke, Sub-Zero tirelessly hunts the one who killed his brother.

    84% Noob Saibot
    72% Johnny Cage
    67% Scorpion
    58% Raiden
    50% Liu Kang
    34% Jade
    29% Kitana
    12% Shao Kahn
    0% Reptile


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