Which Weapon Type Suits You? | Comments

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  • Your Result: Staff(Stave)/Spell Book 77%

    Knowledgeable, though sort of shy when it comes to personal things. You probably have some sort of hidden power or special ability. When trained correctly, can be a force to be reckoned with.You are second in holding the team together after the leader.

    if i even had choise, it would be scepter that can turn into anything i need currently depending on situation, but when it isn't, it will return back to default form, beautiful but useless, just heavy big long stick (bigger than my height) with incrustation of gems and with intricate metal patterns. so it can be scrythe/lance/javelin/one-handed blade when attacking, healing staff when i need to heal myself/teammates, and even can turn into paintbrush or even fork or toothpick when it's needed and there isn't any of these items near but i need one immediately

  • scythe of darkness as the the reaper. Thow my personal chose of blade would be a very short sword like a 19" blade, gladius sword.

    It would work better for my fighting style of getting close with a flurry of slashes, and I can always carry a smaller dagger to pull of my chest for quick stab after guarding with my one visually shown gladius blade.

    zeemon rollin
  • Your Result: Dual/Long Sword(s) 94%

    You are also almost definitely a leader, but surely a traumatized one dealing with mysterious foes. You are either reclusive and serious or seriously confused and needy. Your weapons allow you to deal awesome damage based on your incredible speed which allow for ridiculous combos.

  • Dual/long swords,I am very adventurous and mysterious I like working alone to sense being a loner I find is nice. I hate being by people usually and like getting revenge. Cool quiz mate.

  • Rifle/Dual Pistols 86%

    HEADSHOT! To be blunt, you love shooting things and watching them blow up. Although some like to shoot from a distance, most people of this class go mid-range and fire volley after volley(let loose!), stopping only to reload.

  • I like I got duel/long sword also I'm the seriously needy type so valid

    • Longbow/Crossbow

      Sniper. That's about it. You stay behind and pick targets off one by one from a long distance. When presented with immediate danger, you just dodge with your agile body and shoot with something more powerful, such as a short- or cross- bow.

      Tan Coffe

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