7 minutes in Heaven (Autobot Edition) | Comments

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  • 7 minutes in Heaven (Autobot Edition)Your Result: Jazz 83% resultYou call out #3 and it was your crush, Jazz. You both go into the closet and he admits that he has a crush on you and kisses you! A few moments later, you two are making out and even after we call time's up, you are both still making out! You both become sparkmates and 2 weeks later you are carrying a femme and you name her OverdriveMah boy had a kid? This. Is. AWESOME!

    second sister
  • I got ratchet he is my favourite autobot

    Starlight Prime
  • I got Jazz! He's so cool! ^-^

  • I got jazz cool

    Puppet master12
  • I got optimus prime he cool!


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