Do you have strict parents? | Comments
Below are comments submitted by users for the quiz Do you have strict parents?
Hi, I'm 13 / girl . I love both of my parents don't get me wrong but, my mom is too strict. I can't use my phone whenever I want. I have to put it in her room at 9:30 pm on weekdays and 12:30 am on weekends. My dad lets me use my phone whenever and wherever, but since my parents aren't together, i'm with my mom more often. my mom doesn't let me take it to school which is fcking STUPID. if i ever need to call or text her from school, i can't. i have to use my friends phone . its even gotten to the point where i have my parents' numbers saved in my best friend's phone. and if i do ever use my phone on the weekdays or weekends, i can't use it until after dinner which is stupid! my friends never know when i have my phone and i don't have my phone. i can't ever be put in group chats and group facetime with my friends. i can't have instagram, snapchat, or any other social media. she tries to limit the amount of time i use my phone. she always says "when i was younger, we didn't have our faces stuck in a screen." YOU KNOW WHY, YOU DIDN'T HAVE ONE. maybe if you were my age in this generation, you would. and when she takes it, she says "find something to do." theres deadass nothing for me to do because i'm an only child and there's snow everywhere. i would go live w/ my dad but i'm to nervous to ask.
i can only go on my phone to text them or call them and nothing else at all
awp1 -
yo your lucky i cant watch tv or be on my fcking phone on weekdays she says get a book also my curfew is at 8 on weekdays and 10 on wkends
@jainaDeliho okay but like..... i cant even go out on weekdays an when i do go out it is only every other weekend and when i go out i have to be back by 8:00 or 8:30 at the latest. i am not saying your parents arent strict but like....
My parents aren't too bad. I'm an almost 15-year-old girl. I'm allowed almost all social media, I have my own phone, and I'm allowed to go out. They go through my phone sometimes, but only when I'm acting weird. They don't really care who I'm friends with as long as they arent changing the way I act. I do have to go to bed before midnight, and I can't have my phone in my room at night. I'm allowed to wear makeup, even though I don't. They don't really care what I wear as long as my private parts arent out lol. I'm sort of a tomboy so I wear big tees and jeans most of the time anyways. I'm allowed having people over, and I'm allowed seeing other people when I want, as long as we don't have something else planned with the family. I read some of the other comments and I was like "wow i thought my parents were bad," Anyways, hope you guys are staying safe : )
You are so lucky :_(
My parents are STRICT. I can barely go on the computer, cross the street, go anywhere, can't wear what I want, date (which I am TOTALLY okay with), and I can barely say what's on my mind. Thank goodness they don't know the ancient art of grounding . . . not that it would matter though. They actually (sometimes) don't care if I just sit in my room for an hour or three, doing whatever I want. That's the only time they're not strict XD Great quiz!
Your Result: Totally Strict Parents! 91%
Wow! Your parents are totally strict! They won't let you do a lot of things that people your age should be doing. Maybe you should talk to them and arrange things a little. That sometimes helps. Or, if you think that's not going to work, just think that sometimes strict parents do things for your own good!
I have kind of strict parents. Not in the way of they start yelling at everything I do, they'll make fun of anything I like that they don't. I once bought a body chain WITH MY OWN MONEY and was told I could never wear it. My mom makes fun of my interests, my hobbies, my style... I have my phone, and if my parents are in a bad mood, then there's a good chance of that being gone for no reason. My google access was non existent until recently, and now it is heavily restricted. She always tells me about how much I eat and how much weight I'm gaining -- All I did was stop starving myself as a punishment. She blamed me for my s/h urges. She always tells me that I'm "easier" now that I'm not open about a goddamn thing with her. She wants to talk about politics all of the time (and is often very scientifically and politically illiterate anyway).
She pisses me off really easily. I can't wait to move out.
My parents are a--holes. I hope they get hit by a train. They hit me for "talking back" if I answer their question, or ground me. Sometimes just for raising my voice a tiny bit when they're yelling like maniacs. Hell, today was terrible! My mom said chocolate had sugar. I thought she meant the pure, no added sugar stuff. I kept arguing with her about it and just had a "really?" face on because I thought she was crazy. When I found out she was talking about the drink at iHop, I told her I was confused. Of course the whole family said I was lying, and my mum pulled my ear (Would be worse if we weren't in public). They canceled my phone and started talking about how they should punish me. My stupid dad said that they should hit me harder. They started calling me ungrateful and said they'd start taking away what I had to make me grateful. I'm not ungrateful. The only thing I'm ungrateful about is that I have a family that's abusive. I wouldn't be surprised if they all out started neglecting me. I'm thinking about telling my friend and asking her to tell her parents since I can't muster up the courage to tell a teacher, and they never let me go to a friend's house out of nowhere. Maybe if its planned for like, a week.
GOD it's honestly emberaassing and humiliating how strict my parents are.... I'm 16 (turning 17 in a few months) so to start off I"m pretty irrelevent in my school like I have terrible social anxiety and very few friends and definetly not guys in my life. My mom is crazy strict like if you are asian (like me) you might relate. I've never in my life had a sleepover, I get to see my friends outside of school like ONCE every month or twice a month, yep I'm not even allowed to hang out with people. i feel like this is a huge part of the reason that i'm so bad at socializing I'm like a prisoner in my own house and i hate it. I have a terrible relationship with my mom and ugh i just can't with her. when it comes to grades I'm expected to have all A's I have a B in calculus so she took my phone and laptop and yes it's taken FOREVER i guess.... so i'm pretty much dying of boredom in this horrible house. and all i ever hear from her (if she does talk to me its just fighting because she ignores me and acts like im a monster 24/7) is about how i am stupid and worthless and dumb and a difficult kid, as if i dont have a 4.36 gpa :) I can't believe im going to college in a year and i dont even know how to interact with people. i mean i guess (unlike a lot of people in this thread) she isn't that strict about the clothes i wear cuz i do wear like crop tops and revealing clothes a lot but that's pretty much it. god i literally never leave my house besides school its depressing. and my parents are extremely stingey (even though my dad makes 250k a year) LIKE MY MOM WONT EVEN LET ME GET GLASSES TO WEAR FOR MY EYES OR GET ME JEANS BECAUSE I DON"T HAVE A SINGLE PAIR OF JEANS TO WEAR. yep i love her xoxo. my biggest joy is whenever i come home from school and see the Tesla isn't home, because that means that my mom is out and i love when shes not home.
my parents are okay but they are very hypocritical thinking they let me do whatever I want and they don't let me have any social media, let alone a phone, go over to someone's house without permission and clarification from their parents and I am only allowed to go to selected people's house because my parents do not know the parents of my friends. and i am practically a perfect child, i get good grades, i rarely get into trouble and I'm always behaving (around them). i don't understand why they are so overprotective and strict
livya1 -
I think I have strict parents. Im 17 and my curfew is 5am my parents dont care about my grades and I have a $300 dollar allowance I can nearly go out with my friends because my parents refuse to give me any more money and everything that I do seems to not be enough for them fore example I try to go to class at least 2 a week and thats not good enough for them.
broo u lucky
so, u think ur parents are strict bc you get $300, a 5am curfew, AND THEY ONLY MAKE YOU GO TO CLASS TWICE A WEEK
? bro, id switch with u in a heartbeat
Do you have strict parents?
Your Result: Let-Loose Parents 91%Your parents totally lets you do whatever you want! There's absolutely nothing to worry about with your parents, but sometimes strict parents can do you a little good (not very much, of course). Parents like yours are dreamed of by a lot of people. If you think your parents are quite strict, then maybe you should re-think that a little!
30% Average Parents
20% Totally Strict Parents!Kell16171 -
My parents are strict in SOME ways. They won't let me have ANY social media. I'm not allowed to WATCH Youtube videos, or have an channel. Little do they know I have a Twitter, and a Youtube channel. My parents won't let me play shooting games, or watch shows like Walking Dead (I'm 12 and a half). My mom won't let me have a phone until I'm 14..the hell? What's wrong with having a phone especially in THIS day and age.
My parents really strict. I am 15, and they won't let me play my tablet on the weekdays, do social media, get a cell phone, and when I ask for forgiveness, they would ignore me. I'm a great teen anyways, and teens like me reserves the rights to make decisions and do what we want to do in ours and my lives.
s5326541 -
My mom is really strict with my grades and phone.
If I have all A's And ONE B
I'm grounded from everything until it is up.I know she is trying to get the point across that education is important, but when it gets to the point of you breaking down and crying and not having ANY life. Its ridiculous!!!
dude just say u were trying ur absolute best for that b and shell probably go easy on ya
awp1 -
i completely understand and resonate w u bae :(( also this is 7 years late but i hop e things r good w u now
It says I have strict parents. Ehh they are on certain things. I just can't have a facebook (and I am so okay with that). I can date but my dad doesn't really like it but he doesn't stop me. Sometimes I can't go over to friend's house because I got in trouble. I'm a pretty good teen. Although I do yell like every other teenager. But I like my life with my parents.
i don't know if this is strict so please correct me if i'm wrong <3. no phone after 9, no devices in general after 10, no crop tops or anything revealing, if i DARE question them on their authority they will yell at me, bring something up i did wrong 2 years ago, then ground me, if i start to like an app again after ditching it for a while they will do the " since your starting to veg out on this app, only 1 hour, and you have to EARN it more time." if i DARE raise my voice even the smallest bit they will go bonkers then blame me, if i try to ask them something when there angry they will take their anger out on me then say " oh i'm sorry i will try to do better, i was just hungry" (then does it 1 day later), if my sibling does something wrong to me they will make it how its my fault" if i talk to quiet " SPEAK UP LIKE IS IT THAT HARD" if i talk to loud " SHUT UP STOP TALKING SO LOUD YOUR BEING DISRESPECTFUL BLAH BLAH BLAH etc" if i talk in my normal voice then its either to quiet or to loud, if i just listen to them yelling at me then i just "don't care" and "breaking out of the conversation" if i don't do my chore properly then im being irresponsible, they tell me to just be a kid while i can BUT when i do something that a kid will do then i need to grow up and be more responsible, also TW: im sewer sidal but to my parents i just have the blue's :), if i even TRY to say that there doing something somthing strict they will say, QUOTE ON QUOTE " nah if you wanna talk strict i'll show you strict i'll make you wake up at 6 am and make you cut the grass with scissors," finally there thinking now on becoming "strict" (even though i think they are) well that's my parents , toodles! :>
God damn I hate my dad I wouldn't honestly care if he got hit by a train he is an a**hole who only cares about himself and his othe kids I think he thinks I'm an disspapointment to him or sister does gym so it's all wow her and s**it. And I can't do gymnastics I sometimes think of killing my self but then I think that I would live a wreck of destruction at my funeral and I have people who love me at least I think I'm not sure anymore.when we're on holiday we aren't allowed to use any devices and my step mum gave me a round towel that said hills and she got it free from a pet store and I have to wear it because it was my only towel I also have blue fish goggles which are also freebies from the skin cancer society. and my sister who's 7 teases me and I can't say anything or Julie will ground me and make my lofe more of a living h*ll I honestly think he doesn't give a f***k and he never probably loved me anyway. I sick of there judgemental s--- about how I'm not good enough. When I was like 9 I was told by Julie that I smelled
I'm 13 girl and I'm not even allowed to chat on hayday suposebly according to my mum my parents are split I swear at school and I'm not that goody to shoes like my mum lets me watch Netflix m movies but I'm not allowed a phone or social media. Is this fair?
Lmao these quizzes keep telling me my mum is average and ain't really strict at all. I'm 15, not allowed to wear makeup, not allowed to date, if I eat too much of something she takes it away, she denies everything she's done, she blackmails me by threatening to get rid of the cats, if she finds out I'm dating something she doesn't ask any questions she just separates us. Not strict my ass.
Do you have strict parents?
Your Result: Totally Strict Parents! 95%Wow! Your parents are totally strict! They won't let you do a lot of things that people your age should be doing. Maybe you should talk to them and arrange things a little. That sometimes helps. Or, if you think that's not going to work, just think that sometimes strict parents do things for your own good!
I definitely have strict parents
Apologies if I curse in this comment. This is a rant.
At the age of 14, I don't think you will be surprised if I were to tell you that both of my parents are African. My mom is more strict than my dad.
I'm STILL not allowed to go out by myself AT ALL without supervision, I'm not able to cook dinners for my family (since I was told not to use the stove or oven to cook my food), I STILL have a bedtime (I have to sleep by 9:00 pm), and there are cameras in the house!
My parents don't trust me, and I'm already entering my freshman year. I would be SO happy if I got to do at least one of the things that I've been restricted to do. To make matters worse, they find my 12-year-old brother MORE f---ING TRUSTWORTHY THAN ME!!!! He has his own room and I have to sleep with my 10-year-old and 8-year-old siblings (both are girls). Why? He's a boy. AND I'M A MOTHERf---ING TEENAGER SLEEPING WITH CHILDREN!!!! I really wish I didn't live like this because now, these rules are messing with me emotionally. I started becoming more anxious about certain things (walking by myself, talking to friends, etc.), and when I try to address it with my mom, it ends with either a "no" or "what you're saying is utter nonsense".
I really hate myself.
I have strict parents: not allowed to watch youtube\, only allowed to watch tv and be on my phone on weekends, can't have snapchat (im 13), not allowed to wear a 2 piece swimsuit, not allowed to have a sleepover. my curfew is before 9 (so at 8) right when im finsih school they tell me to get a book cant do nothing else.
My dad is nice! ofc I love him. Expect he over does thinks. I'm 16 (girl). I'm not allowed to wear dresses above or right to the knees. Always below. I'm not allowed to wear pink lipstick. He'll kill me. lol. I'm not allowed to have ANY social Media. Even tho I have IG sc FB and twitter secretly. I'm not allowed to paint my hair. He'll shave my hair bold. Not allowed to paint my nails. ( I need to turn 19) He thinks its slutty. I can't have sleepovers. Only at my grandmas house (Now I stopped cause it gets boring every time) I'm home schooled So The computer I use, is only for school. NO GAMES or he'll get really mad. I got to bed at 9. No rated R movies. He wants me to get my permit at like 20. Not now. If I buy something with his money he gets all mad. Like today for breakfast I got a these breakfast sandwich's and he didn't really like that. If I want to go out, I need my mom with me everywhere I go. Literally. And If i wear a shirt that is just a little, LITTLE opening, He wants me to wear a jacket. (When we go to Church). He loves me and wants the best for me. But he just pushes too far. And one day He might lose me and I might do things that I will later regret.And I don't want that. I guess things are the way that life meant to be.
rerennaa1 -
I'm a 16 year old girl that has been abused by their parents quite often has no friends, when ever I get a new friends number my parents delete the number and block it so I have no way to talk to friends, they force me to family dinners where my grandpa is a pervert that touches my but and tries to tickle me. I sleep all the time cuz I'm so sleep deprived and stressed out. They have to pick my outfits everyday for me cuz they don't let me wear what I want, I look like a freaken grandma, I have a secrete stash of cloths my aunt bought me that I pack in my backpack and change at school or anywhere else but I'm scared to death that they'll find out, my friends parents that my parents don't know about have tried letting me move in but I'm so scared of doing that, I don't know who to talk to I'm so scared I've cut myself starved my self for weeks, and they don't notice, we live in my grandmas basement cuz my parents were stupid and lost our last house cuz my dad lost his money thinking he could build the next Disneyland. They go through my whole phone every night that I have to put away at 8pm everyday. I work my butt off at my job to where I'm working 13 hours a day then coming home and going to bed, I have no where else to go now so I escape to work. I hope someone has a solution for me I really need help asap, I'm terrified of my parents, there all super Morman church people I don't like it. I look at others parents and cry so hard cuz I wish they were my parents. My parents probably have not said anything nice about me to anyone they talk to. They talk crap about me to anyone who asks about me. I hate it please help me!!!
Oh also I'm adding that I have really bad anxiety i have panick attacks to where I pass out and my parents don't believe me, this last girls camp was so scary I was having super bad anxiety and one of the leaders noticed and asked if I was OK a couple times until I broke into tears and told them everything, she said that I'm her new favorite daughter and helped me through camp. I didn't what to leave because I finally feel loved by someone, I wish she was my mom, I really wish she was, she said I can text her anything I need to then delete it right after, she understands everything I'm going through which has never happened before, I wish she was my mom so bad I cry about it all the time
Your result was the truth I got 81% strict and when I say I have strict parents I mean it I have the most strict parents ever they made me delete snapchat and Instagram and every other chatting app cuz they didnt like my friend. is it me or any other brown kids can relate.?
i will never get social media
Im just wondering what you think. Im almost 15 btw. So, my mom is pretty strict, abd it can kinda get weirdly strict. Like I understand the "no social media" & "no crop tops" and stuff, but let me just start with my clothing choices. The rule that bothers me most is "no leggings" rule. I cant wear leggings, the reason for this is because "its not for my age" or "im not grown". And whenever I pick out my clothes, she'll find a way to completly change the outfit or call what I picked out "ugly".
During my 8th grade gradution, I took a picture with "kiss lips" and my eyes looking up to the keft while standing straight forward. My mom got mad at me & said it was inapropriote, said I wouldn't understand.
Their were many times I was called out for "not being black" because I haven't seen or remember movies like "Friday" or "Martin".
Or heard "Soak City" or any other "Black music". When I ws in 7th or 6th grade I wouldnt be allowed to listen to certain Kidz Bop songs. One of them is "Trampoline".
I don't know, but for sone reason since I was 12, I was the main person my mom would look at when a lighter, or her "Swisher" would go missing. I got older one day & all of a sudden "I was smoking", "vaping", or "having sex". The amount of times I would be living my life & my mom would start accusing me is actually hurtful. "Im not a fool" & "don't let me find out" is what she says when I tell her im not doing anything. Im also not allowed to go to the food places or the park after school with my friends. Only school & The Teen Center.
My mom will tell me how she is proud of me, and im the best daughter, then she'll go to sleep & her vape and stuff will fall out her pocket and stuff, then blame me & my nine year old brother for "pick pocketting her".
When I was around 12-13 I was using face wash, then all of a sudden my mom decided i couldnt use it anymore. Im also not aloud to shave anywhere but under my arms. This makes it really diffcult
Jazzz0 -
Im nearly 17, I get straight A's, I am an AP and honor student in the National Honor society at school, I am the Secretary of Key club, im in the Music Honors society, I don't so drugs, I don't drink, I don't go to high school parties, I rarely hang out with my friends, I get all my homework done on time, I play violin. I am the definition of a good kid, I don't swear or yell at my parents, I do what they ask. The other day they decided I watch too much TV, which honestly with all I have to do for school and violin is not even plausible, not to mention they all work everyday. I knew they were strict before but they've kicked it up randomly for no reason, literally no reason I mean we just finished winter break so I couldn't have done anything at school and I've been home. They changed the Netflix password and removed it from all of our devices and the TV and we can't get to it without the new password, they gave me a list saying that if I didn't practice violin a certain number of hours, clean my bathroom every week and a bunch of other stuff I would lose my driving provileges. They are always on me about everything, I get bombarded with texts "did you do your homework" "did you practice violin" "read that book I got you from the library" "make sure whatever you are doing right now is constructive" literally I'm being treated like I'm 7 and it's really brining the joy out of everything, the constant pestering to practice makes me not want to, I mean it's my favorite hobby but I don't want to be hounded about it. Telling me to read every hour makes it feel like a chore rather than a relaxing time. I mean the other day I decided to reread the hunger games instead of the book my mom got me and I got in trouble, like don't you want me to read I mean jeeez. I love my parents and all but back off, I could be 1000000x worse