How Fat Are You? | Comments
Below are comments submitted by users for the quiz How Fat Are You?
I got 79% but haha jokes on you I like being very chubby and fat especially my fat jiggly belly and very plump and massive bubble butt! I am fat because I love to eat especially junk food and I will eat so much food that I am beyond stuffed and my belly feels super bloated and huge, then I rub my belly and jiggle it which makes me moan and belch a lot!
VCM1 -
I got 60% fat only.... This is NOT a good or accurate quiz because I weigh 27 stone and it said I was "barely average but a little on the fat side". 27 stone is way more than "slightly fat". Btw 27 stone = 378 pounds if you don't know the translation. I should be at least 95% fat. I mean really, I'm a cow, not that I'm complaining. I'm proud of my fatness and I love being fat fat=awesome and way better than skinny, believe me. So how on earth did I get 60% fat?
Result: Obese 98%
You are extremely overweight. You really need to get out and do some exercise everyday for the rest of your life. You don't want to die because of excess fat on your body do you? Well i hope not, so change your life immediately!
Sws20251 -
Result: Fatty 100% 96%
you eat non-stop your super obese and people no by your belly if you don't stop eating like this you'll be HUGE (if your not already)
18% Chuuby 50%
0% healty 30%Sws20251 -
Your Result: 100%+ Obese
100%OM G, what do you eat?! YOU'RE HUGE! I don't think there is any hope for you for becoming thin. You're just an eating machine. I don't think there's any hope for you.
Swws1 -
Obese 98%
OMG! What do you eat!?! Your HUGE!! I'm not even sure if there's any hope for you! Your an eating machine and I'm not sure if anything you do will make you thinner!
I just think this quiz is mean, like I'm bulimic and the comment at the end just made me feel worse
86% fatty! Yeah!
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