Are You Gaining Weight | Comments

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  • You Gaining Weight
    Your Result: Yes (Obese) 93%

    Jesus Christ. You were already unhealthy, but now you had to go and get bigger. PLEASE talk to a doctor. If you don't want to, then just hope that you don't keel over from heart disease

  • In 2 months I have gained 12 kilos?!?!! I'm now past 100 kg currently 108 kgs. Guess my Pizza Rolls, Fanta and Oreo Donuts diet is working. Thought my belly had started to spill out closer to my knees

    • Obese 85%

      Your just like me, we are full on obese. But we shouldn't be happy out that, its very unhealthy. You have a very large belly, thunder thighs, big arms, thick calves, and a fat face. Everything about you is extra large. You sweat all the time, clothes doesn't fit right, and you just keep eating to make yourself fell better (I know from experience). Physical activity is hard, your constantly out of breath, and sweat puddles with a fat red face. Worst of all you get bullied about it all the time at school and get treated like your a monster. In PE the athletic kids steal of clothes so you have to walk around the locker room trying to find them in your underwear. Your friends and siblings tease you and make you feel bad so you just eat more and more. (Sorry for the rant, its just how I feel). You might want to put on your XXL sweats and hit the gym each day and really change you eating habits. (I'm trying do to that as well).

      72% Fat
      65% Chubby
      0% Normal
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      Don't worry if you got a results that you don't like. You can change and your not the only one out there who is fat, I'm fat too.

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  • It said yes and that I’m chubby and that’s accurate because my belly has grown in the past month and my jeans are way too small now lol

  • Yay finally Im a bit chubbier and am going to keep going

    • My too. I have went from 100 5'5 to 143 in one year

      General Kenobi
    • Happy gaining Averagejoeguy


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