What kind of Animal are you? | Comments
Below are comments submitted by GoToQuiz users for the quiz What kind of Animal are you?
You love to collect things, whether it be antique cookie jars, old coins, or bones. Some people may find you unsettling, but we all know you're as friendly as they come. You just have weird interests. You can be talkative, and a bit of a nerd.
Weirdly accurate...although I don't collect bones...
Good quiz
You love to collect things, whether it be antique cookie jars, old coins, or bones. Some people may find you unsettling, but we all know you're as friendly as they come. You just have weird interests. You can be talkative, and a bit of a nerd.
Not a nerd >:(
So me but im not nerd im a weirdo>:)
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