Are you a fatty? | Comments
Below are comments submitted by users for the quiz Are you a fatty?
100%Woah! Don't squish me fatty!! I'm just joking. But seriously, you are really unhealthy and might want to consider eating better and hitting the gym. It will make you a happier person overall and improve your life. I
Swws1 -
Obese 94%
OMG! What do you eat!?! Your HUGE!! I'm not even sure if there's any hope for you! Your an eating machine and I'm not sure if anything you do will make you thinner!
Sws20251 -
I got chubby lol
Im proud to be fat cause idk. I just like it....
Same. Can anyone help me get fatter. I am at 121 lbs right now and I want to hit 200. How?
Obese 90%
Wooow, you really need to cut down on the carbs and sweets, but you should go and see a doctor anyway. Obesity is potentially life threatning if you do nothing about it.
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