Are YOU a Fatso? | Comments

Below are comments submitted by users for the quiz Are YOU a Fatso?

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  • Result: Obese 98%

    You are extremely overweight. You really need to get out and do some exercise everyday for the rest of your life. You don't want to die because of excess fat on your body do you? Well i hope not, so change your life immediately!

  • Fatso?
    Your Result: You are a FATSO! 83%

    Fatty! Go swimming or go exercise! Stop sitting around and go spend some time with your friends! Chill out! Don't just sit there on the computer! Go run around a bit!

    20% Slim!!!
    19% You are anorexic!

    The first time
  • a Fatso?
    Your Result: You are a FATSO! 83%

    Fatty! Go swimming or go exercise! Stop sitting around and go spend some time with your friends! Chill out! Don't just sit there on the computer! Go run around a bit!

    20% Slim!!!
    19% You are anorexic!

    The first thingy
  • You are a FATSO! 90%

    Fatty! Go swimming or go exercise! Stop sitting around and go spend some time with your friends! Chill out! Don't just sit there on the computer! Go run around a bit!

    32% Slim!!!

  • You are a FATSO! 90%

    Fatty! Go swimming or go exercise! Stop sitting around and go spend some time with your friends! Chill out! Don't just sit there on the computer! Go run around a bit!

    32% Slim!!!

  • I am a FATSO!!!!!!!!!! So true, so true


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