Is Your Character a Mary Sue? | Comments

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  • I've done this for a few of my characters, and this one is probably my lowest yet (19% for context) most of the answers were no, this character is based on me, her name is Blair Archambeau. she is a queen in a kingdom roleplay me and my friends do, her husband is named Arthur Blanche. she is known as the "Witch Queen of the North" to other kingdoms, but it's only rumored she can actually do magic

    backstory in summary: she is the hundredth generation in a now-century old witch bloodline, magic is outlawed in the kingdom she lives in (her family is a Noble family), from a young age she was supposed to marry the prince to make peace between the Archambeau and Blanche families. she actually ends up falling in love with the prince. her mother, Armara, is not happy with this marriage from the start, and at their wedding, she curses the prince to slowly fall out of love with her daughter.

    currently, they still love each other, but soon he'll start to love someone else and she will end up using her magic to take over the kingdom

  • I got a 8%, the Oc or M (dosnt currently have a actually name) comes from not of a slice of life kinda story so there pretty normal with a average life. The thing that is special about M is that they have a incurable disease were a flower started growing out there eye and the flower spreed more and more slowly killing them so by the end of the story they die So it's pretty much a angst filled slice of life slow moving story so 8% fells about right to me.

  • 23%. I'm not too surprised about this, noting that a few of the mary sue-esqe questions that involved looks I answered 'yes' to. I just think if you were to really look into my character's backstory, you'd sorta understand it more. The character I used was Tayami Ito, which was for creepypasta. Her backstory plays a huge part in her appearance, and I'd have to go into her entire backstory which would take too long to fully unfold.

  • 17%! I just wanted to make sure, but I knew my OC wasn't a Mary Sue. This OC is the most depressing out of my other ones

    My character is Kate Keller and she's 16 years old. Her past is quite frankly very tragic and suffers from PSTD due to her father and step-sisters death. Her father's death was caused because of her mother. Why? Well, her mother abused Kate when she was 12 and her father found out. Her father soon took Kate away from her abusive mother and took care of her. Her mother was enraged and planned a murder that would take place at Kate's 13th birthday on April 5th.

  • My oc is called Ryo. She is a fan character for DDLC. You can say she is kind of a jerk. She always carries her bat around. In the inside, she is scared, lonely, and sad, but she hides it with her rude attitude. She was in a store when she was 6, and there was a shooting there, but she was able to escape. Ever since then, she trained to become strong so she would never lose anyone again. She has black hair, her left eye is blue and her right eye is red. She has psychosis, but she hides it. She shares her true feelings, (not love feelings, she explains that she is scared, and sad, and she only confesses her love once) and every time she does she cries. (Spoiler) at the just Monika ending, she comes and swings her bat at her, and the reason she was alive was that she knew all along, so when Monika tried to delete her, she made a copy of herself.... and she got 35% marysue, and Im planning to make a mod out of her

    DDLC is my
  • TBH, i kinda expected 32%. My character is a 16 year old thats half fox and half human. I wouldnt consider him a Mary Sue, he isnt loved by everyone in the story, just a few. YES he has powers, but only like 2/3. Anyway, about my Oc, the Oc I used for the quiz was the second Oc I ever made, named Life, hes from another universe with an elemental power, earth. His (un biological) brothers also have different elemental powers.

    • Life sounds interesting.

  • 21% Well, who would've guessed that a fast snake boi named Xenon would get pretty low... I based Xenon off of an SCP (I don't think many really know what that is.) That has immeasurable speed and resembled a large insect, though I changed the little file a lot. Added more weaknesses and changed him to be more snake then insect, and incredibly weak physically. Hope I deserve this score!

  • My non-fan-character Zuri got a 15%, likely due to how she hasn't been given many traits that fit into here.

    She has deep blue hair and reptilian eyes, but those are normal for her species. She has massive physical strength (punch through buildings kinda strength), but there didn't seem to be anything to talk about that. Of course, to balance that out, the final villain she has to fight is crazy strong too.

    She is a half dragon, something incredibly rare in this universe (only other one atm is her twin brother), but all that does is make her much faster to learn things.

    Do you guys think she's a sue?

    • Give her some negavite things, like maybe a bad temper or a weakness of sort.

  • Dimitri Zertek liberium III es un humano inmortal que controla la realidad, de 30.000.00 años, no recuerda ni su nacionalid ni su pasado más allá de 1789, fue un agente secreto, actualmente es un vagabundo, aunque fiscicamente es normal, es listo pero no es el más inteligente (El Pingüino de la misma obra es mil veces más listo), la unica razon por la que solo es un 19% Gary-Stu es porque no es generico, esta salido de mi locura en un universo absolutamente loco. Es del universo "Relatos del fin del tiempo" de mi creacion (Nortland_Autor), lo pueden encontrar en wattpad.

  • I got a 48% for my oc, which is Yukira.

    Yukira basically used to be a human, but she had a bad past (family issues) , now shes half human and almost fully demon (someone offered Yukira a good life but she got tricked and experimented) , a headband she wears is important to her, an illusion disk for her to hide from the negative humans. (Illusion disk is like a more human like form) . She got Mary Sue-

  • Oh lets go 13%!

    Im wondering why however as he is a a--hole of a swordfish whos a leader of a mercenary group in Norway for a Continental Sport where they beat the s--- out of one another. Hes 8 feet tall and when he becomes a swordfish he is 14 feet LONG. Hes a bard so he has to be talented at singing and with the European technology help and heal his team with his own music, only written by him or it wont work. But if im going to be for real thats normal in his universe with even more insane and cartoony ass world of Europe he lives in. PLEASE FOR GOD SAKE GIVE ME ADVICE FOR THIS PEACE OF INSEX s--- I CALL The Bard.

  • Lol I got 27%,, his name is kumono nemui wich literally translated to "sleepy cloud". He's like an angel that take care of people's dreams and his relationship with his parents isn't the best but they still love eachother very much. His hair and eyelashes are white with blue eyes and details on his hair and he mostly just wanna chill with his human friends. Well that's good i guess

  • So uh, i have this OC Named Madison, SHe has the same middle name as me, her last name is Crystal. She has 6 sisters, which makes Madison the 7th. she and her sisters were born on a planet named Gamora. but then an evil entity named Hazmat came to her home planet and destroyed almost half of her home. it was just 5 weeks after Madison and her sisters were born, the king and queen(Madison´s mom and dad) had no other choice but to send madison and her sisters to earth, but only six made it. the last one (Who is named Nova) got kidnapped by Hazmat. as madison and her sister were about to land on earth, her three sisters landed in opposite directions. only Madison and her 2 sisters landed on the place together. 13 years later, when they turned 13, Madison and her two sisters, Shimo and Tsurai, realized they had magical powers. I´m too lazy to explain the rest of the story. my OC got 40% Mary-Sue.

  • 14% okay! My oc is Genso Marrow, (hes a my hero academia Oc-) he has a good relationship with his parents and siblings, he has one sibling he doesnt see but thats because hes grown up. Hes 18, and a third year student in UA. Hes not part of the big 3 but is close friends with them. He has a speaking disorder which is a stutter, but doesnt let that get him down. Hes a bit stubborn, but thats only when fighting is involved, hes seen as nice and a bit shy, hes white and cant tan, he has red hair and dark red eyes, which he gets those features from his mom.

    Slither pickle
  • I got a 23%! My OCs name is Taiyo, after the sun. Basically he falls in the line of a family of golden dragons. The world mostly consists of man-eating monsters or dangerous creatures, and golden dragons happen to be one of the fiercest, hungriest monsters to trudge the planet. So when one is born, they are automatically deemed royalty. Though it is sad, because though golden dragons are strong, other monsters or monster-like humans will hunt these golden dragons for their golden scale and features. Lucky for golden dragons, they can turn into humans to deceive most people. Taiyo hasnt exactly mastered this trick, so his horns and tail still show, which is why he stays inside most of the time.

    His father is king of the country, (theres many more countries with different culture and beliefs) so its natural for Taiyo to become king after his father dies. Their relationship is not smooth at all, as they barely see each other, sometimes going weeks without contact. The king hires tutors, maids/butlers, and anything that can substitute himself with this role. Taiyo must be perfect, strong, trained, and smart. The king expects nothing less of this. Taiyo is also very handsome, as golden dragons tend to be, and hes extremely tall. When in dragon form, these guys are taller than buildings, and can eat families in a second. Hes also slightly feminine, as he has to wear elegant clothes, makeup, and jewlery.

    Sadly, Taiyo cant master the human technique, isnt super smart, and feels extremely lonely. The friends his father hires are only there for the money they receive after caring for Taiyo, which makes him start to not trust anyone.

    Taiyo then meets a teenager who is the same age as Taiyo, who was hired by his father. Though, the two seem to hit it off instantly even though Taiyo is a pretty shy guy. Anyways yada yada, Taiyo realizes he likes this guy. They end up having sex but Taiyo realizes that hes going to be a king and he needs heirs.

    It turns out this guy was jus

    Poopee Nugget
    • Oops I went over the character limit

      Poopee Nugget
    • Well anyways it turns out the guy doesnt actually like Taiyo and he tells the king so that Taiyo gets in trouble. Taiyo basically loses all trust in everyone.

      Poopee Nugget
  • I did a few characters I have, and they only got like 15-20% on all. I did one joke one which was putting all the marysue stuff together, and got 68%. Hilarious.

    My character I first did was a dutch angel dragon named Angelica, shes a personal sona and just a bratty dragon who is occasionally nice.

    Im writing a story on my characters (besides Angelica) I hope to publish and just wanted to make sure they werent marysues.

    • I did it and got 100 lol

  • I got 17%! Yayyy!

    My character has pink hair, but their world is a fantasy world and unnatural hair is normal. She has brown eyes and is training to be a mage. She has a very high metabolism and can barely gain weight for muscles, so shes very weak. But for some reason the more I describe her, she seems more like a Mary Sue. (Btw shes an original character not from a fandom)

    • Also, her backstory is kinda tragic, because her mom was diagnosed with stage 4 cancer, and while she was away, her dad didnt abuse her per se, but more of like, neglected her. Since she was so little and young, she starved due to her dad off somewhere drinking, so that led to her having stomach surgery due to her stomach eating itself

  • 6% I knew there was something lacking with his character. Well, he's a human who lives in an alternate Earth, and he has this plain ability to alter his flesh form into a statue/alabaster. It's very weird and it's not something that can blend in with most artist OCs and that's why I've been struggling making friends because he was rather dull. He has also been harsh towards his father before he passed away, and obviously regretted it. He had a sister but however passed away as she had cancer. He and his mother are the only ones currently living in the world. He has enemies, tho. It would be boring if there weren't any. First, it was himself, and the entire world. However in this world of mine, everyone else is against the world. They build teams to defend themselves from the new age, and somehow builds up a camaraderie alongside their pilgrimage together. He looks like any other plain man, specifically British, although a bit more good-looking.

    • *He has enemies too, though. It would be rather boring if he had none. First, himself, second, the world.

      And I used to make friends with artists back then and it was easier for me to do so as my character was one with an eye-catching appearance. Just in case it confused any of you as to why I included the issue about me being unable to struggle making friends just because my OC wasn't interesting enough.

  • Oh! Almost forgot! Victoria L. is not part of the Student Council, but shes on their good side (shes on all antagonist good actually). Shes a Lady of Few Words, a bit impatient, and is a mortal despite being quite strong ( the antagonists doesnt usually think about killing her mainly because shes unimportant . If she do get targeted, she could handle the situation herself sometimes or get help which is almost always around).

  • 18%

    I have to say, I expected a bit more due to my character having a decent past. But 18% is a bit surprising if I must say.

    The quiz is fairly well, though the is your character 40+, and looks their age question is kind of a defect, as theyre 20 but however look their age.

    All in all this is a great quiz, would recommend for anyone writing a series, getting into role-play, or just making an OC in general.

  • Sooo i used one of my oc's Sara Mercier, she is like a mix between a vampire and demon shes mixed (french mother finnish father) she has natural red eyes and Black hair she was born in 1999 also shes a pansexual + accept any pronounce. Some stuff of her was from a genorator like her being left her mother at age 2 her father was normal (the genorator made he was a a choholic changer it), he married a woman whit 2 kids when she was 14 she lives in a whealthey aaaaah i cant spell neiborhodd + she drownd a 11 years old and wiqh she could kill more people... Yeahnot too much shes a mage.

    • She got a 19%

    • I forgot her powers... She has one umm more like uhhh... Green lantern and turn them in to fire (she Can make fireballs) water (now i know how she drownd th 11y old) they are transparent. Yeeeeee she knows every language like every. Pretty usefull but not in killing people.

    • I always find characters with linguistic powers fun, you can play so much with them! And I think they probably could help out with a ruse for murder, perhaps if she liked to loiter in airports or train stations and convinced people to come back to her place or just helped them out with directions, especially if they dont speak the native language of the location! I like your character!

  • 33% isn't bad my oc is a lookism oc. She is arrogant and a bit two-faced. she is a prodigy at music and s---. she has brown hair and eyes. she comes from a rich family. Her parent 'treasure' her because she is talented. They have a good relationship but don't communicate a lot. affection is materialistic. She is very popular because of her looks and skills. she doesn't befriend the Mc as fast as others do. she is very dramatic and extra. she is ( to an extend) inspired by nadeshiko rurichou from kakegrui. She doesn't have supernatural ability, just a lot of training when she was a Child. like the Mc she is a beauty, how she first catches people attention. this is just a rough idea

  • 27% Mary sue huh? That's kinda disappointing, but I ain't gonna shoot the messenger. In case anyone is curious, here is a basic rundown of the MCYT OC I used for this quiz:

    Name - Cherry Hoglidite.
    Age - 21.
    Pronouns - She/Her.
    Species - Half Piglin Half human.

    Personality - Witty and tough on the outside, sensitive and in need of love and acceptance on the inside.

    "Powers"(I say that cuz normal humans don't have these things, they're specific to her species) - Knockback fists, sensitive hearing, the ability to speak to pigs, piglins, and hoglin beasts.

    Origin - Nether.

    Family - Pietron Hoglidite(Father, deceased) Unknown mother.

    Allies - Technoblade, Phillza, Ranboo, Phoebe, and Nikki.

    Backstory - Her human mother died during the birthing process so her piglin father had to raise her in the nether, teaching her to steel from the bastion so they could survive since he wasn't respected enough to get a job cuz he took a human wife. He took his anger out on her a lot, and she has a few scars to prove it. One day she took too much and accidently dropped a gold nugget, alerting the guards, they took her father's life because he was held responsible for her actions. She carried on a pretty much raised herself in the harsh environment. Eventually she was old enough to be recognized as a wanted criminal, she saw something she had never seen before, a portal, and she leaps into it in hopes it would help her get away from the guards and ends up in the overworld. There she starts rummaging through a cabin she finds and it turns out to belong to Technoblade. They fight for a bit but eventually agree that if she helps out around the house and mines and becomes his loyal battle partner, she can stay as long as she needs too. Eventually she joins the Syndicate and becomes close friends with Techno, she develops a crush on him but I'm leaving it up to the fans and the actual person behind the Techno character to decide whether they should be a couple or not.

    • RIP Technoblade. He'll be missed

      I think he and Cherry would've spawned beautiful quarter-Piglin children

      Damien Williams
  • Ok, I got 19% for my OC Mira. I've been worrying if she was a Mary Sue or not because she can Manipulate water with her voice and she is a half Loch ness. Because of this, she's locked up in an unknown market, where they constantly remove her scales and sell them to keep the market thriving. Just a quick FYI, no, she is not the protagonist, she is the deuteragonist.

    • That actually sounds really cool :D

  • I did this test for ny oc Lennon and got 21%. If I'm fully honest I don't see them as a Mary Sue, they are non-binary and go by they/them pronouns. They were born with dirty blonde hair but dyed it green after getting a buzz cut. For the mental disorder question they have dyslexia and PTSD (the PTSD is from their younger sister being abused), They get severely bullied but somehow always seem to see the positive side of everything. They're 14 and completely 100% a human. They have teal eyes although they is blind in one because of a scar caused by their abusive father makin it turn white (Idk its my logic). They don't actually fall in love but another one of my ocs has a tiny crush on them. They don't like her back though. Their family is pretty accepting when it comes to them being nonbinary (accept from their Dad but thats a story for another time.) They are kinda average when it comes to weight although they are a bit taller then some of my other ocs.

    • Omg I meant my at the start


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