Is Your Character a Mary Sue? | Comments

Below are comments submitted by users for the quiz Is Your Character a Mary Sue?

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  • I got 29%. My character's name is Kei Mitchel. He is a My Hero Academia fan character. His ability is called sound wave (and no I did not try to copy earphone jack's quirk). He manipulates the sound waves around him and uses them to his advantage. The drawbacks are the vibrations go through his entire body before he uses them, so if they are too much for him when his body isn't ready, he could possibly die. He has pinkish purple hair and it is cut like Saka's from Avatar: the last air bender, and its dyed electric blue on the ends.

    He first appears when he is transferring to UA from a hero school in America, but on his way there he gets attacked by a villain with a mind control quirk. He ends up hurting some people and when he is captured by the police he is released from the quirk. He tells the police and they release him when they catch the villain. When he enters UA he is mistreated by people in other classes, and his own, class 1-A (he is in 1-A because he was in a hero class in America) and joins best Jeanist's agency because best Jeanist liked his quirk and style.

    After around a month nobody has even tried to be friends with him and he is paired up in English class with Denki Kaminari for a project (cuz denki isn't very bright and Kei used to live in america so he is fluent in english, also he felt bad). When they are paired up they don't get along very well at first, but then bond over the greatest thing to ever exist, memes. They soon become friends, and after a long while most people in the class start to warm up to him, save for a few people *cough*bakugou*cough* and thats it.

  • Hello! My OC is a 22 year old named Petra. She lives a perfectly normal life until she is recruited to the police force. She is a undercover cop working at a high school to investigate a possible arsonist who set a fire a couple weeks before. I got 12% and apparently my character needs more something more to her story. Any recommendations?

    • I was thinking you could share more about her personality

      Orange WW
  • 22% Mary Sue- not so bad I guess

    I mean my character does have a tragic past but the reason is because of the government being very corrupt. In short, a girl named Rayne goes through boarding school until she fed up and goes crazy. The governments plan is to have everyone and I mean EVERY SINGLE SOUL IN THE WORLD on board with their ideas, if not theyll be executed. Many others across the globe, like Rayne, also go madhatter over the pressure thats being forced upon them. Meanwhile, Rayne gets so crazy she murders her parents because they trusted the government was good and their only true religion. The reason why I made up this world story arc is so I can prove how manipulating the rulers of the world can be. I also put in lessons through Raynes eating disorder and other mental illnesses that can form overtime through pressure. Another lesson is from Rayne in this quote, I dont cry because I regretting what I did. Im accepting it. You should too. Then again dont cry too much its annoying.

    aw atop
  • I got 15%

    You know what, Im pretty happy with that. I used one of my favorite ocs Reynn Olsen, the captain of the royal knights in his home village, Atuavia of Khstanmar. He joined when he was 17 because his parents were killed (cliche, I know) by antagonist Lord Nilo, whose real name is Chaos. His goal: to protect his village from the next coming of Chaos and, most importantly, to shield his little sister, Rose. During his time as commander, he has grown close to Queen Camille, ruler of Atuavia, who eventually falls in love with the knight. A few years later, at age 23, Reynn is met with a young boy, the protagonist of the story, Nova, who eventually comes to the realization that he must help Queen Camille and the other royals of Khstanmar in their quest to defeat Chaos. And Reynn, begrudgingly, tags along and helps. Theres a bunch of other things that go along with his (or, their, I suppose) story, but its a bit much to write. I suppose Reynn does have some stereotypical attributes, but I tried to flesh him out as much as possible without it being too overbearing.

  • (15% mary sue) My ocs bame is nettlesting and she is a warrior cats oc (i have been making only warriors ocs for the past six years, this one is my latest.) she is just as important to the story as her mate Matthew (a kittypet) and her two kits (they are grown up now) Icewing and Clovertrot. They are a kind if toxic family, matthew not able to be very present in his childrens lives and nettlesting having a very short temper with her children due to resentment. This behavior from nettle comes from her firstborn kit, nightkit, drowning in a river while crossing. He was alone at the time, but Nettlesting still deemed it her own fault for bueng negligent. As a result she started to neglect her two living kits, a moon away from becoming warriors. Ice turned to himself to deal with his mothers lack of attention, becoming quite obserbvent and reserved. Clover turned to orhers, becoming quite the talker but ultimately having breakdowns whenever she was alone. The two turned to their mentors as parental figures, leaving Nettle with herself and her own denial, which she isnt able to deal with on her own. Nettle still hasnt recovered from losing her Nightkit, and it hasnt gotten better since her two living children started ignoring her. She is very close with the med cat, who us helping her get better. Ger children are permanently closed off from their mother. They visit Matthew sometimes to catch him up on clan life, but they dont really view him as a dad either.

  • 22% Mary sue.

    She's a UT OC that was made to be a joke Mary sue but then I actually started working on her and she turned into a good character :,D wtf is wrong with me. Anyway, here

    Sansa (joke name. Also no her real name). They are a Skeleton that has major ADHD and no magical powers. The reason for no magic was due to a damaged soul, so not only a lack of powers, but a shortened life span. The only way she could use magic for a short period was through "chemical magic" which is mixing monster magic with chemicals to liquidfy the magic to be drank. Will one last a few minutes. Sansa (I wheeze at the name every time lmao) is a 42 year old, with a height of 5'6. For being so old, she is surprisingly active and childish, possibly due to ADHD.

    yeah that's all I got

  • So, since we're all sharing OCs, here goes nothing:

    His name's Nathaniel, the youngest of 17 princes in an empire that dominates half of the continent. Magic is a rarity in their world, something limited only to the royal families of every country. It's not mana-based like in other stories, but rather, it's depended on how much power the patron god/goddess of each respective continent is willing to give to an individual. nothing. He was the "useless, unfortunate prince", until he started developing a love for inventing, and nurtured that skill for a decade or so. With the support of his mother, he grew to become as one of the youngest and most prominent inventors that paved a way for the industrial era, having the people who called him "useless" eat their own words.

    The emperor favored intellect above all else. He laid the foundation for progress to see which of the princes would do anything about it, and Nathaniel was the only one to complete the task. Nat hated him though. He hated that he had the same amethyst eyes as him. It was the eyes of a manipulator, able to turn everyone into his puppet, blood-related or not, he doesn't care. His mother had protected him from this tyrant, until she died of illness when he was 14. He was a young inventor, left grieving and vulnerable in the presence of a predator, who was ready to exploit his cultivated skill in the name of the empire. His mother was his only support system, and the grief of losing her was so overwhelming that he latched onto the first person who offered him a hand. Unfortunately, that person was the emperor.

    Three years of being a mindless puppet, three years of manipulation and self-loathing because he is fully aware that he's being taken advantage of, but has no emotional strength to free himself. Three years, of feeling...numb. That numbness is slowly deteriorating into torture, yearning to feel, something, anything. All of it, leads to self-harm.

    Meilin Lee

    • Thank you so much! ^^ This is still my first time actually writing a proper story, but I'm so glad that Nat's backstory is able to reach people.

      Meilin Lee
  • I was curious about how one of my characters would do, so I put in Xamash-Oyen Alanor (Yes there is a reason for the name). They were brain wiped by some common fairies after they got lost in a deep forest, and were drugged/controlled with magical painkillers, to be used as a toy. The fairies realized that they could use Xama as a tool, so they found a more permanent solution to Xamas constant headaches: A soul trapping mirror. With no semblance of individuality Xama was carted around by the fairies as a murderer of demons, until Xama came in contact with an upcoming priest. The priest fell in love with Xama, but they were unable to reciprocate any feelings, so the priest tried a difficult ritual to give Xama back their humanity. The ritual had a catastrophic accident and the priest lost his life. Xama, now understanding how they had been taken advantage of, looks to make amends in hell for the crimes they have committed.

  • I got a 22%

    My oc is named Ben and is the last of his kind and is like a werewolf but it's called purplewolf. He was born in the snowy mountains with two of his parents who actually named him bean but he changed it when he got older. One day hunters came up the mountain and were hunting for there rare and exotic tails and after Ben went inside a cave in the mountains Ben was asleep when his mom got shot and he's Dad ran away leaving Ben behind hoping he would stay alive. After that Ben was alone growing up without parents alone.

    He's personality is that he likes to draw and is whitty and clever he's an upcoming artist and really doesn't talk that much and can get really cought up in he's drawings a lot.

    After growing to filmhigts city he meets a snarky clever post-criminal. A mean but nice sometimes serious descendent of Scott's who loves his sword. And a over hyperactive naive strong rabbit girl. And these three in a house.

    • "loves his sword"

  • Ayo, 21% percent this time now! Not too shabby!

    My oc is Mary Jane(ironic I know) and is a fan-character for the dating sim "I love you, Colonel Sanders." They were basically the apprentice of Professor Dog, and studied along with the class course. Of course in my AU, the whole thing is much longer as for character development, and that sweet, sweet shipping. At first, she's really timid and inclusive, but proves to be very smart and witty to her classmates, always able to come up with some clever and complicated 'nerd comeback', which caught the attention of many people, more specifically the Player, Colonel Sanders, and Aeshleigh. But she does end up coming down with a crush for Aeshleigh cuz I'm all about that lesbian energy-

    But I'm rambling on now. Overall, this quiz was really fun to do!

  • I got 11% for my character. I'm writing a story using her. I'll just write about her.

    Her name is Larka Kiea, she lives in a fantasy world. (Reason why her name is like that) She has curly tawny hair with deep tan skin and grey eyes. She's an assassin who joins a gang in book 2. (Reading the story will help make sense) She became an assassin because she found out her husband was cheating on her with her friend. She didn't have the greatest relationship with her parents. But the backstory wasn't tragic. Before she was an assassin, she was a musician, it plays a big part in the story. How do you like her?

  • My OC is 15% marysue according to this test but this was a confusing test because he is a alien a lazy one and he excuses himself for it because his mom pushed him to his limits in education when he was little he is intelligent with education but lazy and i used this to drive the plot forward he landed on earth and got stuck there and meets other aliens no one hates him but 't got to know him no one likes him either they hadnt he tries to create communicator to tell other aliens he was stuck. he was in a trio of aliens who were nice enough to take him in and he hid with them and they got to know each other and became friend he has a slite crush on one of them whos past is unknown she can be a little obnoxious at times but she is pretty and was slowly opening up until my OC messed up and and got mad I know its bland I'm still working on giving them personality

  • Are my characters that bland? Did it for two of my characters and got 10% and 11%. It said I could probably use some spicing.

    My ocs are Carolina and Sam. Theyre both demons and he demons powers are all stored up in a bottle theyre all born with and if another demon steals the bottle they can use it. But if the bottle gets destroyed or all the liquid in to spills out the demon dies.

    Sam is a lower middle class demon. Her main ability is to hear sounds well, but she steals some other abilities from other demons later on. Shes not very appealing but not unpleasant to look at either. Shes 24-25 years old, got blue eyes and red hair, and is very athletic. She dies later after getting her bottle stolen and broken by my angel oc.

    As for Carol I thought she would be in the Mary sue category considering that shes a nobility amongst the demons, is attractive, rich, and powerful. Literally her only flaw is her lack of physical strength and her s---ty personality. Her main power is to control people like puppets but she stole a lot more from other demons. Shes 30+ years old and loses her arms and a horn after being mauled by another demon oc.

    I like cake
  • Wow I got 12%

    My ocs Sadoko. Shes got light brown hair, dark brown eyes and a furry personality. Shes got a phobia of being left behind and thats basically the majority of the story. To sum it up, its a story of love and loss and her path to recovering from her first loves tragic departure. As well as some fantasy/supernatural elements, as her former love comes back as a ghost (who sticks with Sadoko for a year while helping her recover from her loss). I plan to write the story EVENTUALLY but, Ive got the characters down :,D

  • Hmm well, I got 22%

    My character is a guy, and yes he has a weird eye colour, a weird hair colour and just a weird style overall- but that's because he's albinos. So that also means he has an incurable disease, although I won't say it's exactly a "disease". More like a particularity.

    His name is Kintsugi which literally translates into "to repair with gold" and it kinda has huge meaning behind it since it comes from how people in ancient Japan used to repair broken pots with gold or silver, making the pot more beautiful once broken. And even though I'd love to, I don't have such a cool name.

    He has a weird power (a power that most people think belong with murderers and thieves) making him an outcast, most people either hate or fear him really. Aaaand he has a dark past, and even though it sounds cliche, well, I really hope it's not-

    basically, the world he lives in is divided between two "species" sort of, except they're both human, and Kintsugi and two other friends were hoping to bring balance between the two species, although everyone rebelled against that bullying them, but I won't go too much in details since it's a pretty massive backstory, but basically his friend is killed by someone he thought was his friend. But Kintsugi figures it out and murders his so called friend as well as all the other people who stood by and did nothing, or who bullied them before.

    This justifying everyone's claims that through his power, he's a bad person. And he just spirals further down, becoming more and more like the stereotype people see in him; until my main character comes in. And helps him out of all this.

    Is it cliched ? I'm really putting as much work as I can in this story, but if my characters are flat well then there's not much I can do.

    All help is grateful <3

    • Kintsugi is probably a little flat, but yeah there's nothing you can do. If only we could contact the author...

      Damien Williams
  • Well I got a 32%.
    I don't find this bad at all.

    Her name is Zoe, she is a 15 year old female. She is a OC of the roblox game Isle. She was taken from her loving family by the government, and put on the island. There her fake friends found guns, and shot her. The demon of this island (this is cannon in the game, but the name is not) Caleb proceeded to use her as a vessel. Zoe managed to make him change for the better, but half of her face turned pitch black like him, and her eye on that side of her face turned red. She is a PLAYER of the game, but the player has logged off permanently because she got bored of the game. So Zoe has access to the game files.

    Me and my best friend like to do crossovers of the game Kindergarten 1/2 and Isle.

    I KNOW MY OC COULD BE WAY BETTER BUT ATLEAST ITS NOT LIKE MY FIRST EVERY OC SKI WHO CAN DESTORY THE ENTIRE UNIVERSE. God my first oc when I was 6 was truly a mary sue. I might reply to this with ski's backstory idk.

    • So I decided I'm gonna do Ski's backstory.

      Ski is an undertale oc, not surprising... past me loved undertale (and I still do) anyway, lets do this.

      Ski had a younger sister (I HAVE NOT USED THIS OC IN SO LONG I HAVE FORGOTTEN HER SISTERS NAME OML) and she fell into the mnt.Ebbot hole infront of Ski. Ski went insane murdered her whole AU yatta yatta. Now she travels to other AU's and makes friends with the skeletons.

  • My characters parents were murdered, shes a teen, shes (minor) royalty -- but I cant change any of that because I'm doing a role playing writing thing with my friends and those are the basics for most of the characters. Its like a school for royalty but all the parents were assasinated and spies have infiltrated the school playing as royals. I only got 24%, which isn't bad considering the pretty cliche background. She's pretty normal looking and can get really jealous so that helped I think. Any suggestions?

  • 14% yay QAQ So in this world only 30% of the population have powers, which is thanks to this crystal that they are born with; all the royals and nobles are born with these btw. My character (an original chara btw) is the cousin of the daughters of the queen, but the daughters are born extremely sick and aren't expected to live very long lives. They turn to my character but her attitude and face screams "I will kill you in your sleep" (basically has the eyes of a murderer) but she's actually oblivious to anything going on. Her parents decide to take the crystal out of her body (it's always located beneath the collar bone so no inappropriate places -3-) The parents tell this guy to make it look like someone random just came in and ripped the crystal out of her body, but "gently" to not make it hurt to the degree she wants to die from the pain. An accident happens and the "hitman" just straight up rips it from her flesh and she passes out from pain.

    Due to not having powers, she instead becomes super strong (which is actually normal when the crystal leaves the body, it's normal in her world, basically magic for super strength) She's transferred to the neighboring kingdom and lives life normally with a hole on her chest but she covers it with cloth or something idk; doesn't really get adopted but this lady let's her stay in her house but they never get close. She comes back to the palace and is like "Hi I'm Selena, you're friendly 'traumatized but got amnesia but still remembers she was royal that's why she came back but remembers she got sent away for some reason but got curious about why' neighboring princess ^^'" The two daughters actually turn out just fine, except for the one that gets drunk on power and becomes a dictator, the other one just chilling pretending her sister isn't destroying and entire kingdom.

    She meets these other two where one has water powers, the other one earth. Selena ends up almost becoming queen but doesn't really want to not because "

    Luun Lawn
    • Damn, I write too much ;-; here's the rest if anyone cares -3- : She meets these other two where one has water powers, the other one earth. Selena ends up almost becoming queen but doesn't really want to not because "she's just that humble" but because she sees it as too much of a nuisance, so the one with water powers, originally just a general from the army, ends up being a semi-queen with the other sister helping. The one with earth powers actually helps my mc figure out how to use her powers and grow more mature about her decisions, but my mc is just too accustomed to being super strong so she sticks with that and the crazy sister basically goes to- uh.. rehabilitation...? My mc actually discovers she could use magic only after 20+ years of being completely confused why she has a hole in her chest

      I've never really thought about this story too much bc of my other, much more loved story, so feel free to use anything from this, I'm not planning to write this out sooo ;-; ye owo (also, never try my mc's food, *you will die*)

      There's also this one time that this dude falls for my mc but she notices way too soon and is like "haha nope look over there! a *way* better version of me that is *actually* your type" and he falls for the other girl ;-; that's the only instance I can remember someone felt strong feeling for her -.- (btw earth girl is Krystal, mc Selena, the 'good' sister Estelle, the bad sister Emma, the water girl Kira) I'm not gonna get into appearance bc that's another three paragraphs probably TwT anyways, thanks for reading my story that'll never see the light of day lol

      Luun Lawn
  • 23%! Shes an original character named Xena Meriae. Her hair is short and green with a black hat that sits on top of her head. She wears a black dress meant for formal events. Xena has a longing for power and will do anything to achieve it. This trait most likely comes from her past, as she got anything she wanted and was worshipped like a god. Those who did not respect her, feared her and her tactical tricks she pulled. Over the course of the story, she betrayed many people and was one of the main villains until the final few chapters.

    • the character could be better
      don't you think that name is a bit- you know

      green hair- as long as it doesn't hurt your eyes (neon/super bright)

      you should also make her less op

  • My character is a Red Dead OC Born in 1839. His name is Lee Evans. He had a bad relationship with his parents as he had different ideals regarding slavery. He was kicked out with his brother in '55 and enlisted in the Union army in '62. He survived but his brother did not. He became a gunslinger and was involved in gunfights throughout the 1860s-1910s. Most being in the 1880s. Lee became a Lawman in '78 and was relieved in '84. He was elected Marshal of a Utah town in '03 but was shot in the back of the head

    10% Mary sue!
    He also has PTSD...

  • I got 23%. (English isnt my first language so this comment might get messy)

    I wanna start by stating that this character is a DND character, so some of these things are pretty common, and is why I answered no to a lot of the power questions. Shes also chaotic/evil.

    My character, Akra Enxendrek, is a sorcerer Dragonborn in her early 20s. A dragon born lives for a long time, but the first few years are aging like normal. Shes relatively slim and doesnt have much physical strength. Her primary colors are light green with purple touches and dark green horns which are straight, with 2 smaller horns beneath that. Her eyes are bright lime green/magenta, a purple tounge, a purple arm and long purple nails. She has a fin on her head, with dark green horns with a purple fin, standing straight up as a Mohawk. has a lot of jewelry, mainly 2 golden rings on her wrists, a golden nose ring and 2 golden rings on each horn. She wears a short dark purple top, and an open leather trench coat above that, with one of the arms torn off, black pants and high boots.

    She is inherently an apathetic and selfish character, and can sometimes get too cocky for her own good, with no mental illnesses to make up for her actions (as someone with a few mental illnesses, I know that its harmful to use that as an excuse to horrible actions). Sometimes because of her self confidence, she usually underestimates the opponent which can end up in her losing. She can take up jobs even involve murder as long as they benefit her greatly. Shes not involved in politics, just as long as whoever offers her more, she will side with, but arent afraid to abandon them if shes in danger. She usually never speaks or does the work herself unless needed. She doesnt really dislike anyone, but she doesnt care for them (even in the group, but we arent that far in yet.) and would rather keep a distance, as she knows that they could reveal her or be used as blackmail of some sort. Because of her cockiness, she isnt really l

    • (Didnt realize it got too long, so heres a follow up)

      Because of her cockiness, she isnt really liked, but only slightly disliked.

      She didnt care for her parents as she didnt get much love or attention. Her family was a small noble family. When she was out, a spirit approached her and wanted to make a deal. In exchange for the life of her parents and a limb, she would gain powers. As she didnt care for her family much, she happily agreed. Although she gained powers, it was a curse (hence the purple arm). Every time she casts a damage dealing spell, Not only do I have to roll to see if it hits, I also have to roll a 1d12 to see if it gets cursed. If it does get cursed, aka rolling a 1, I have to roll 1d20. 1-5 her spell gets cancelled entirely. 6-17 there are a number of bad things that can happen, such as the roof collapsing, she gains a status effect (like poison) or all her teammates taking damage. 18-20 are good things that can happen. 3x exp, the part gets healing, and 20 is an instant kill if it isnt a boss enemy.

      Not very good with characters, but any critique?

  • 22% Hmmmmmmmm the character I test with is Vivianwa Kowane, the character I literally ripped myself then put as a character from the name, personality and down to the backstory but her appearance is better than me because I suck at replicating things?? So of course if someone hates her I take it as a personal attack because she's literally me but appearance-wise, a little better. So for starter her eyes isn't that compare small to me, and she's have doesn't have some kind of scare left over all over her limbs and her skin is lighter because light skin is my country's beauty standard. and she has a unnatural color hair and eyes but nobody cares because it's hard to tell they dyed or use contact or not because the natural occurring hair is very wild.

    Hmmm body shape???? EVeryone except my family telling me that I have a nice body shape (I have average bmi with pear body shape). Smart?? Most people expect that because I ducking read English fiction online daily even more that my mother language and they would ask me to teach them part they not understand if not for the fact that I have awfully bad social skills and (very) bad tamper.

  • 15% on one character Ive been lining up the story for. Theres a country populated by dragons(Endross), one by mainly elves(Lorent), and one that was recently united into Zoso from the previous beastkin city-states. With the previously disorganized manner of beastkin governance, they were often taken as slaves by elves and a few dragons as well. Elves also have the tendency to buy/have them captured as test subjects for various experiments. With the Zosoan Revolution that united beastkin, the ones in captivity also demanded better treatment and revolted, killing many innocent elves and dragons in the process. One such case left behind a child called Aiko Korikos, because I have a ton of other dragon characters named in a similar style. The hatchling is raised in Lorent, in a city known for its impressive accomplishments in the fields of magical(yes this does exist) and alchemical(this too) research. She has a happy childhood, with a few minor incidents of bullying, but mainly people being distant for her being a dragoness and not an elf. She looks different, so its a given. The orphanage she grew up in was actually run by an elf family, two parents and two girls. She gets along well with them and is raised as the only orphan for 17 years, as they decide to adopt her and close the orphanage as it wasnt official either way. She eventually grows up and gets a job at a research facility since being a maid just wasnt making enough money. There, she gains some ties to the criminal underworld and gains an interest in botany. She starts cultivating dangerous plants that are safe to most humanoids, creating a crossbreed of two flowers. One of these two flowers was kieta, a flower that collects mana in the day and discharges the extra in a glowing halo at night. The petals slowly crystallize into mana crystals and fall off as new ones grow in. The other was amaryllis, a bright red flower which has the magical property of releasing fire element magic(not actual fire) that des

  • Okay uhm I tried 27% to my Fan character named Moonlight

    She got a black white hair and one black eye and one white (the white eye is because of the scar she had there which means she is half blind) her pupils can change but mostly they stay as a star (only one pupil in the black eye) (the reason it's a star cuz I made her part of the star Sanses) so she's a 19 years old that lives with sans and papyrus and have some powers but not TOO much. Most of the time she just uses swords and teleporting to fight, she's quite a silly funny character but she can act serious when needed to. Even tho she counts as the hero and the good happy positivite one she have some mental problems such as thinking that if she does a mistake it's the end. She thinks everyone thinks highly of her and she tries her best to be the best. But she did think about killing a person or hurt/revenge on someone. I made an alternative version of her where she just goes insane and gets kinda Corrupted-

    Is that a Mary Sue? Cuz I'm really stressed out

    • Omg I just realized I did WAY too much sorry I just got stressed out!

    • honestly your character is decently ok, but a little bland lol. they'd probably be better off with a bit more traits rather than just silly and funny but serious at times, and also living with sans and papyrus is a bit cliche tbh. The white eye because they're blind kinda doesn't make sense to me, your eye doesn't look pigmentation when it's blinded, lol. If I were you I'd just move her to somewhere near sans and papyrus in Snowdin(?) (i forgot the name of wherever the brother live) and kind of build off more on the part where she did want to hurt someone (unless you already did) and how that may have affected her personality or thoughts on life? Uh, and it'd be nice if we knew why she wanted to kill someone, i'd hope it's not just because they thought they were evil though, lol. Since they're a hero character, i like the part where she's a perfectionist. it'd be nice if you had a reason to why she thinks like that, haha.

      aaa sorry for the wall of text-

  • 17%.

    My OC is Argon. (I cannot think of a better name.) He is an anthropoid who had a good life until he witnessed an attempted murder and decided to investigate by himself. He gets caught and they imprison him as to avoid him reporting to the police. The bad guys then come up with a way to be able to assassinate anyone and get away with it. A robot does not leave trails. Insert Argon. They build a robot and experiment on Argon to connect his mind to the robot so he can control it. It works! he is now a robot. Plot twist, his body is kept alive in a special machine. anyway the robot can disguise itself with a virtual costume. Argon can change himself to look like his old self again.

    That's basically a short bio.

    Tikkachu Kirby
    • argon is such an interesting name. he seems neat!


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