Which math grade are you in? | Comments

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  • I know this square roots it’s 8 not 5 or 6 bruh fix the confusion of the question

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  • Yeah, number 15,16 AND 22 are wrong. Number 15 - even if it's simple interest, the answer is 3700, NOT 3500. Number 16 - Your equation wouldn't even work with the answer you gave. It's 4, since 7(4)+4(4)=36+2(4)-> 28+16=36+8=44. And number 22, you are asking for the width, which is length MINUS 12 (would be 21, but you never gave it as one of the choices). Also, the one with the airplane, your answer wouldn't have came close to the actual answer, unless you rounded everything.

    • hey i had the same problem with number 16 but its not wrong, you just need to re read the question because in fact, and what made the confusion was not putting enough space between (7a+4b=36+2a) with ( b=4) It took me forever to notice tho.

    • Answer 22: a = 33, x + (x - 12) = 156/2. If you add 33 + 33 + 45 + 45 you get 156, if you do the same with 21 + 21 + 33 + 33 its 108. The other two are entirely incorrect though.

      James Bond_007
    • jasm if your saying that for question 16 that a=2 would be wrong since they're saying that 14+16=40 when the answer would be 30 if that was true and 7x4=28+16= 44 and 367a+4b=36+2a b=4+8=44 so a=b aka a=4 and b=4

  • Hey, there are a lotta mistakes so mind your own math and don't confuse others by writing all gibberish, btw I am the best in a very smart class in my school, 9th grade now, and I'm having a big exam tomorrow so as I was just surfing these online tests after revising my book, and I saw your test Mr./Ms. creator, so I thought to give it a shot, but didn't expect to get 70% for choosing the right answers, besides, many questions were totally confusing and meaningless, so you should better correct it or just take down the whole quiz (if it's possible..) anyways, just next time read the whole quiz again, correct your mistakes and then post the quiz, or else it would just be a confusion and diversion for others with serious problems with their math like the others who commented below. Thanks.

  • Im a 19yr old senior in high-school and i'm struggling in math really bad i have autism and academic work is difficult by the time i got to the fourth grade math questions i gave up because they got to hard so i started guessing does anyone have any ideas to help me improve my math skills without stressing me out and making me shut down i suck at math and the best i am at math is adding and subtracting otherwise multiplying and dividing i need a calculator for please someone help me so i can at least get a C in my algebra,II class i cant et it past an F and ive been working myself so hard i end up with migraines just trying to solve a single problem

    • Have you tried Khan Academy? It's all free--lessons and practice. Also, you don't suck at math. Everyone can learn strategies to help them succeed, even with different abilities. If you need regular practice on multiplication and division facts, xtramath.org is also free. Chin up. This too shall pass.

  • Uhh...Huh.

    I knew something was wrong in regards to Question #15 - 1200 plus 2500 does NOT equal 3500!

    Then, there's this one: A star-polygon is drawn on a clock face by drawing a chord? from each number to the fifth number counted from that number. That is, chords are drawn from 12 to 5, from 5 to 10, from 10 to 3, and so on, ending back at 12. What is the degree measure of the angle at each vertex in the star-polygon? <---- The 'solution' to this one would simply be impossible-A 'star-polygon' drawn and calculated in this regard would NOT have ended back at 12. It would have landed at the 1 position on the clock. Plus, it didn't make a lot of sense, and thus, I figured it was a trick question, so I selected 24, because there are 24 hours in a day, which is what I thought the question was asking the quiz-taker to determine...Wrong!?

    As for the Bonus Question, I admit I cheated to look up the solution for it. You're just darn lucky you didn't screw it up. o_o

  • You should be ashamed to claim to be assessing people's Math Level. There are so many errors in your "test" that I only have time to point out the most flagrant. Question 15: You say "$2500 + $1200 = $3500. If you can't do simple arithmetic, how dare you waste people's time and, worse, give them invalid conclusions about their Math knowledge?

    Gil Gaudia, Ph.D.

  • i'm a highly gifted 9th grader, and i'm supposedly college level when it comes to academics. if i didn't search up your supposed "answers" it would've been at least a 63%. check your facts before you try posting a quiz about someone's math knowledge next time, please?

  • I’m a senior math major and this quiz told me that I got 70 percent right. I’m sorry but I even used math cheats that I’ve learned from my Proofs class and that didn’t even give me a 100 percent so I believe the creator screwed up or else the astronaut that I will be calculating for is going to be screwed.

  • I don't get it, I was very confident that I got around 2-3 questions wrong. However, it said I got 63% and I went back and changed my answers, but I still got 63%!! I'm a eighth grader :( I was in state math competitions and stuff but here I don't know -.- ( puzzled ).

  • This test is TERRIBLE. well though I got 70 percents it sucks. I'm in seventh grade and I know grade three and four doesn't do that hard questions. grade five doesn't do negative integers. Grade 8 doesn't do increasing percentage. POINTLESS.. I recommend you to add 2 or 3 grades more than you got.

  • The person who made this test should seriously check to make sure that the right answer is actually in the choices. Seriously; I know how to calculate the volume of a cylinder.

  • kawaiiusagi11....

    8+45/9= 13 because in the rules of math you always have to do division first which means it ends up being 8+7 because 45/9 equals 7, therefore your answer will be 13, but 7a+4b=36+2a is totally wrong!

    b=4 so it would be 5a+16=36
    a= 4, not 2

    I am a freshmen doing saxon math and I scored as a junior/senior

  • 7a+4b=36+2a
    Where b=4
    Therefore 7a+16=36+2a
    5a+16= 36
    Subtract 16 from both sides
    Not 2 as the answer check stated.

    If I'm doing something wrong, let me know, but I'm CERTAIN this is the correct answer.

  • It said im in seventh or eighth grade, how old is that. (Im English)

    • Same but I got 5 or 6 but my Lexile in math 1132! 5 is about 900-1000 that is not my score it’s 1132 in math

  • This is stupid. So many answers are wrong. I'm in 6th grade and it says that I'm a Freshman or Sophomore. I guess that's right though, I'm taking Algebra I, but still, SO MANY ARE INCORRECT!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I Love Penguins
  • 7a + 4b = 36 + 2a
    A=4 too!

    And the calculate interest question is confusing. Is it 16% interest each year? Orin total? Either way, I think the answer is wrong.

  • I f---ed up on my calculations, but the width would be 45 NOT 21. Regardless, you asked for the wrong dimension.

  • Sevenths or eighth grade. I'm a junior in high school. A lot of the problems on this quiz I've never learned.

  • And there is probably other ones wrong too

  • although some choices were rather off, singapore pride !1!1 i think it’s because my school’s one of the top ones and teach at a slightly advanced level (everyone in it is in the top 10% of the country) because i’m not in any special classes.

  • Um the question was What does A equal not be. I clearly stated that b=4.

    And for 8+45/9 you do division first (45/9=5) and then add 8 so it IS 13. You just didn't use the order of operations.

    • a is still equal to 4 a=b and 8+45/9 is 13 like you stated but you still got other questions wrong fix the test

    • edit you also got 15 wrong

  • I agree! b=4.

  • The answer of Q22 is 33, isn't it?

    33+33+45+45= 156. Where are people getting 21 from?

  • I m in tenth grade, got 9th or 10th grade. If I test myself on Mathnasium website it says im in 11th grade. Why? because 15 and 22 are wrong

    • 16 is also wrong

  • 67% seventh or eighth grade and I'm a fifth grader YEAH!!!!!!!!

  • Yea I'm a third grader


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