Are You in Love, or Is It a Crush? | Comments

Below are comments submitted by users for the quiz Are You in Love, or Is It a Crush?

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  • You are 80% in love! Crush: Right now, you are at more of a tween crush. It feels intense, but you're nowhere near the real thing. Keep looking though, you'll find someone someday. He IS my someone!!! I may be 13, but I've thought about a future together, marriage, kids, the whole bit!! When I look at him everything else just fades away and I get into a REALLY DEEP daydream. It's like he's the only guy in the world, it's DEFINITELY MORE than a crush, I don't care what this quiz says! If anyone feels the same way, plz like my comment! Thank u!

  • You are 80% in love!

    Crush: Right now, you are at more of a tween crush. It feels intense, but you're nowhere near the real thing. Keep looking though, you'll find someone someday

  • Um. Yeah I got 64 %. This Quiz Sucked! You can't tell me what to do with my life. My crush will go anywhere I want it to! You don't know anything about me Fool you don't know me! Go learn how to make a Quiz!

  • Great quiz! Jeishka, you are totally wrong! If you got a low score, there's probably a reason! I didn't know I was 100% in love!!! That explains alot!

    Horse Rider
  • i love him 84% and he's not my crush he's my boyfriend. cool quiz =)


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