What is your Warriors Story? | Comments

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  • Your Result: Lightningtail/star 90%

    You had no siblings, so the 6 moons you spent as a kit were lonesome, and taught you how to be independent, which was a useful skill later on. When you became an apprentice, Flamefoot was your mentor! You were very well behaved, and never were mischevious. At the age of 8 moons, you were made a warrior! You soon became deputy when Sleektail died because of a badger. When Berrystar, the old leader died, you were soon accepted by the clan as leader!

  • Your Result: Lightningtail/star 83%

    You had no siblings, so the 6 moons you spent as a kit were lonesome, and taught you how to be independent, which was a useful skill later on. When you became an apprentice, Flamefoot was your mentor! You were very well behaved, and never were mischevious. At the age of 8 moons, you were made a warrior! You soon became deputy when Sleektail died because of a badger. When Berrystar, the old leader died, you were soon accepted by the clan as leader!

  • Lightningtail/star 83%

    You had no siblings, so the 6 moons you spent as a kit were lonesome, and taught you how to be independent, which was a useful skill later on. When you became an apprentice, Flamefoot was your mentor! You were very well behaved, and never were mischevious. At the age of 8 moons, you were made a warrior! You soon became deputy when Sleektail died because of a badger. When Berrystar, the old leader died, you were soon accepted by the clan as leader!

  • Lightning star,a very loyal and independent warrior that eventually became deputy after the leaders passing. I am loyal and independent very much. Pawsome quiz mate.

  • Amazing quiz!

  • Omg I got Lightningtail/star but I want to be a queen and have a mate :( does this cat have a mate or kits maybe? Oh and I LOVE this quiz! :D


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