Why Didn't You Get Your Hogwarts Letter? | Comments

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  • Your Result: A House Elf Took It! 83%

    I couldn't tell you if it was Dobby or Winky or Kreacher, but a House Elf's magic is behind the loss of your letter. Don't be too hard on them, you have to know they've already abused themselves enough for disobeying a potential Witch or Wizard. Maybe the elf knew you would wind up with a bad fate? Hogwarts doesn't have the best reputation for student safety, you know.

    79% You Weren't Accepted...
    77% Peeves Stole the Stack!
    77% You Went Somewhere Else.
    72% You Annoyed Your Owl.
    65% The Nargles Took It!
    60% It Was Eaten!
    40% You Didn't?
    29% Your Sibling Took It!

  • Your Result: Your Sibling Took It! 77%

    tDon't let them play innocent, because you know they aren't. If I didn't know better, I'd ask if your name was Ron or Ginny. Your letter 'mysteriously disappeared' even though records indicate it was received and read. That only means one thing: treason!

    I don't have a sibling.....

  • You Didn't? You didn't get your Hogwarts letter? How strange, there's absolutely no reason for you not to have gotten one. Must be one of those mysteries of the Wizarding World, I guess... i got 93%

  • You're missing two possible answers. "You're a muggle" and the similar but not quite the same "Your parents kept it from you".

  • This is really good!! Peeves stole mine!!

  • Interesting

  • aw man... mine was eaten... ToT


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