How Good is Your Warriors OC? | Comments

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  • Name: Bat-tooth
    Gender: Male/Tom
    Clan: An OC Clan called "FogClan."
    Age: 57 Moons (approx. 4.8 years)
    Rank: Deputy.

    Personalit y: Compassionate, forgetful, compulsive, gullible, kind, indecisive, good-hearted.

    Like s: Pines and cedars, collecting stones and rocks and scattering them throughout camp, snails and mice

    Dislikes: Pessimistic behavior, untruthfulness, large open spaces, hot days

    Appearance: Bat-tooth is a large, brawny chestnut brown and chocolate tom with particularly small, round green eyes. He has an underbite, and thanks to this he gets his suffix, which is tooth, as his fangs are usually visible.

    His pelt is usually unkempt and dirty, and he carries the marks of his enemies across his large flank and legs. His ears are large and rounded, where he originally got the name "bat" from as a kit.

    Thanks to his rounded ears, he is capable of hearing (just a smidge) better than normal cats, making him a great hunter despite what he lacks in height.

    Although he looks buff, his legs actually aren't that long. Around 50% of his Clan are a good shoulder or two higher than him, and he is often teased and called a "beaver."

    Scoring: 88%! I'll take it.

    • I love your oc its so good I just want you to know that I know the feeling that no one likes ur oc and I don't want others to feel it but tbh your oc is so good

  • Name: Rowanstrike
    Age: 26 moons
    Gender: Tom
    Rank: Warrior
    Clan: ThunderClan

    Appear ance: Rowanstrike is a brown furred spotted tabby. He has a lean, almost feminine build, and is often mistaken for a she-cat. His fur is short-medium length and is somewhat curly. His eyes are a bluish violet color, the right of which has a light tan spot around it. A large scar horizontally spans across his muzzle. His ears are large and a darker shade of brown. His hind paws fade to the same shade of dark brown. His spots and long, skinny tail are the same color as well. His front legs are covered with stripes instead of spots.

    Negative Personality traits: Snarky, vengeful, skeptical/untrustin g, prideful, unforgiving, stubborn, short-tempered

    Neu tral traits: Competitive, outspoken, mischievous

    Positi ve traits: Ambitious, witty/clever, motivated, independent, introspective, honest, astute, curious, protective, trustworthy

    Final score: 96%

  • Name: Stonecreek.
    Gender: She-cat, straight.
    Clan: RiverClan.
    Age: 47 Moons.
    Rank: Deputy.

    Appearance: Stonecreek is a lanky silvery-gray tabby with sleek fur. She has white paws, tail, muzzle, and chest. Her face is a dark of gray, with flecks of black. She has round, dark blue eyes. She has a thick, shaggy pelt, and a dark gray fur-tip on her left ear. She has a v-shaped nick on the tip of her right ear, leaving her without the right ear-tuft.

    Her pelt is usually sleek and kempt, and her tail often curls under her legs. She is far from lacking height, a good shoulder or two taller than %75 of his Clanmates.

    Personality: Obedient, quiet, calculating, and cold-hearted torwards rival Clans.

    Score: %73, Not sure if I did well. But I think I did.

    • Thats sooo good my oc is from Riverclan too and she is med the leader is Riverstar, ik that there was another riverstar but yea, and I just LOVE it I don't rlly like ppl who make their own clan but don't rlly have a problem with it so I like that we are from the same Clan <3

  • Name: Alderstream
    Clan: Thunderclan
    Age: 20 moons
    Rank: Warrior

    Appearance: Slender white she-cat with dark brown patches and blue eyes, scar above one eye

    Story: Alderstream was born to Briarpool and Shrewfoot, and had one female littermate named Thornwing. Alderstream was prone to seizures as an apprentice, and while trying to please her uninterested father Shrewfoot she had a seizure, fell in a stream and scarred her face on a rock. Not long after her warrior ceremony, Shrewfoot left the clans to become a kittypet with his new mate Darkflight and Alderstream's littermate Thornwing, which caused Alderstream to become deeply disgusted and renounce any connection to him and her littermate. She considers her former mentor Barkclaw, who happened to be Briarpool's new mate, to be her true father. As a warrior, while she tends to be intelligent, logical, and caring, she can also be overly sensitive and even irritable at times, especially when she feels like she's failed at something.

    • Appearances of other cats in this story

      Briarpool-very small and slender white she-cat with dark brown patches and green eyes

      Shrewfoot-plump light brown tom with blue eyes

      Thornwing-light brown she-cat with green eyes

      Darkflight-shaggy black she-cat with green eyes

      Barkclaw-large, thick-pelted brown tom with amber eyes

  • Goldenfur. mate: Boucingcloud for skyclan

    A shiny bright Shadowclan warrior queen with white points

    three children, Butterflykit(leap), Leopardkit(pelt) and Sugarkit(Leaf)

    She was born with a missing eye and then had the other pecked out by a hawk, blinding her completely. When her children were kits Leopardkit nearly died by badger, who sliced off Leopardkit's eye, after that, she showed favoritism to Leopardkit and Butterflykit(Who was deaf) and made Sugarleaf despise Shadowclan, and eventually became a loner with a KITTYPET mate, Callie.

  • Name: Pale'tooth (He/him)
    Clan: Shadowclan
    Age: 37 moons
    Rank: Deputy

    Personality: They may come off as intimidating as they are quite a large cat, imperturbable, cynical and stern, will not stand for injustice and is calculative

    Likes: likes to observe others, watch the night sky

    Dislikes: Brash and rude cats, impulsive behavior. Dishonesty, Disloyal cats and Rogues. He finds Kittypets to be useless beings with no survival skills but may give chance if Given a good reason.

    Looks: A fully white cat(albino), with a thick bushy mane and tail, very large in appearance, large paws. Their coat is not very well maintained and may often give the impression that he is wild and messy. He has Grumpy eyes. They have a very low voice and striking eyes.

  • Name: Red-Stripe
    Gender: She-Cat
    Age: 41 moons
    Rank: Senior Warrior

    Personality: Distrusting (from past trauma) Skittish Determined.

    Likes: Going on Patrols, Assisting classmates

    Dislikes: TwoLegs, Streets, anything implying TwoLags are around

    Appearance: A somewhat larger cat with dusty grey fur and amber eyes. A red stripe of permanent hair dye on her back. She doesn't have notable scars, apart from one on the top of her head.

    She was taken as an apprentice from a more distant clan, but was abused by her Two Legs and escaped to WindClan. She is generally cautious of others and doesn't have a lot of friends.

    I got a 69%, lol

  • My OC is well made
    She-Cat/WindClan apprentice/8 moons

    Appearance: Lavender'Wing has a lilac pelt with a slightly deeper shade of marble rosettes. With a rare eye mutations, making her eyes a shade of purple.

    Health Issues: Limp in both hind legs

    Personality: Charismatic/Positive/Eager to please/Dishonest/Submissive/Self-conscious

    Likes: Exploring the moor/Causal chats/Windy days/Green-Leaf

    Dislikes: Going to the medicine den/Rain/Failing

    Shorten lore: Lavender'Wing was the only kit out of a litter of 5 to not be a still birth. But was instead given the imperfection where a bone in both her hind legs weren't put in their proper places. And wasn't able to walk until she was 5 moons. Though with both her parents being rouges, they only stayed with her when she was unable to walk. Once she was able to all, her parents picked her up and dropped her off in a bush on WindClan territory. Lavender'Wing waited for a few nights for her parents return, but was saddened when she realized they were never coming back. It was only her cries of sorrow that lead the WindClan warriors to her. Though since that day, she has been accepted into the clan. And was given her proper prefix and suffix. Lavender'Wing is very grateful to StarClan for how her life has turned around. Though she might not fully understand it just yet.

  • (Just for context: This takes place in it's own universe entirely, separate from main story and merely uses the concepts and environments from the books)

    Name: Corpse'Blossom (Edgy name, I know, but it was given to him as a joke/nickname by the rogue group that he ran with to mock warriors names)

    Gender: Tom/Male

    Clan: Previously in a Rogue group called "Wastrels" but took advantage of Shadow Clan as they were low on cats.

    Age: 58 moons (Approx. 5 yrs)

    Rank: Previously Unaffiliated but bullied his way to Leader when the clan was low on cats.

    Personality: Tyrannical, Oppressive, Good sense of humour, Abrasive, Sneaky, Confident, Brave, Loyal (After being driven out of Shadow Clan)

    Likes: Getting his own way, Being in control, Birds, Peaceful walks, Fighting for his way (verbally)

    Dislikes: Being told he's wrong, Being told what to do, Being alone.

    Appearance: He is a scrawny, ratty tom with darkish-grey with dark tabby stripes and white highlights. He has sharp orange eyes and a toothy smirk.

    His pelt is often well groomed but can become unruly fast in times of stress or anger. He has long, slightly pointy ears (his left ear having a small tear in it due to play fighting as a kit).

    I haven't made a Warriors OC in a good few years so a score of 67% was to be expected heh. However, Corpse is only one of my OC's and I am inspired to go back and improve him. Thank you for the feedback, have a good day :3

  • My oc!
    Name: Creek skip
    Clan: ( oc clan ) barren clan
    Rank: medicine cat
    Age: about 40 moons
    She cat

    Creek skip is a disabled medicine cat who was born without one of her back legs. Creek skip is a very lively cat who can run like the wind but is very forgetful. She would get to an injured warrior as fast as she can but then realize she has nothing to help this cat and have to run back multiple times . Because of this she’s not the most favored medicine cat. The clan is also does not respect creak skip very much for the leader deputy and medicine cat only having their roles because all the three roles died in battle because of rouges. And the three roles were filled by 3 siblings cats who had little to no training so a barely trained medicine cat is not very admired by anyone. But because of this creek skip likes to spend time exploring and finding new things as it bring her joy in sorting all of her plants and berries.

  • DrizzleOfTheStorms - (Drizzle`Step for short)

    Previously apart of Tribe Of Rushing Water, later joined RiverClan.

    Personality Traits: Tranquil, polite, patient & protective.

    Short Lore Description: When he lived with TORW, he, his brother, & his mentor set off on a hunting mission, when a landslide from a recent storm caused the earth to collapse on the cliff-side, Resulting in the death of his former mentor & brother. Lost & alone, Drizzle assumed if he were to return, they would cast him out, therefore he traveled for a few moons, discovering the clans. He joined the clans as a permanent Den-Dad, & would raise kits & help queens there until his death. (Drowned saving a kit from a rouge's claws)

  • Name: Ambersight
    Clan: ThunderClan (former kittypet)
    Gender: She-cat

    Backstory: Her father was a Clan cat, but she grew up with her kittypet mother and kittypet sister. When her mother died of heart failure, she couldn't bear to live in the same house as her fallen mother. She set out to find her father, despite being blind. She finally found ThunderClan, but they told her that her father had died in a battle. She was heartbroken, but she joined ThunderClan, as soon, she became a well respected medicine cat. She met her sister at the border and they decided to have fun together for the last time, despite Ambersight being a medicine cat. They didn't get caught and they had fun. She ended up never breaking the code ever again, and had a good life over all.

  • Corvidstone is a black, medium furred cat with grey spots and green eyes.

    Taken into Riverclan as a stray kit, Corvidkit wasnt very popular among the clans. They were quite the opposite, actually, with very few actually liking them. The few that they got along with was the queen that raised them, a couple other kits that shared the nursery with them, the leader, and of course the medicine cats.

    Growing up, other cats often outcasted them, making them feel unwanted. They spent their free time as an apprentice/warrior out in the forest, practicing battle moves, hunting, and occasionally helping the Riverclan medicine cat look for and gather herbs.

    The first prophecy was received by the medicine cat. It worried them, as they werent quite sure what it meant. In the end, the prophecy drove Corvidstone out of the clan, much to the leader and medicine cats dismay. Their adoptive mother and past playmates had begun to grieve. Their adoptive mother had actually taken off from her warrior duties temporarily, as she was finding it difficult to cope with.

    The second prophecy was received by Corvidstone while they were on exile. They hesitantly headed back to clan territory, realizing that their old clans camp was being attacked by an enemy clan. They rush in, yowling out orders from a rocky ledge and leaping in to help fight when needed. In the end, their adoptive mother dies due to battle wounds, the leader has 3 lives left, and the deputy has been retired to the elders den due to permanent injuries. A couple nights pass, and the leader decides to make a final decision. Corvidstone is now made deputy, later on dying in a large battle against the other four clans.

  • Name: Raccoonshade
    Gender: Male/Tom
    Clan: An OC Clan named "BrightClan"
    Age: 19 Moons
    Rank: (Young) Warrior

    Personality: Mischievous, clumsy, reckless, stubborn, sneaky, untrustworthy

    Likes: Starry nights, messing with people

    Dislikes: Being told what to do, boring situations

    Appearance: Raccoonshade is a small, lithe tom that has gray fur with black raccoon-like markings. He gets his name from his raccoon-like appearance. He has distinctive orange eyes with a singular white streak on his face.

    His pelt is slick and smooth with short fur. He has almost no scars visible. He has short legs and a very slender build.

    Backstory: Raccoonshade's mother was named Duskstep. She didn't want anything to do with him and often mistreated him. She was very neglectful towards him. The closest thing he had to a mother was an elder in his clan named Moonshine. She took care of him when his mother wouldn't and told him stories to keep him entertained. His father was named Spiderstar and he was unaware that he was born for a long time. He has an older brother whom he is very close to. His name is Stoneriddle. He was actually mentored in secret by him. They would meet up when their clans fell asleep, as they are in different clans.

    93%! Yes!

  • Name: Dogsnap
    Gender: Female/She-cat
    Clan: SunClan
    Age: 48 moons (about 4 years old)
    Rank: Warrior (nearly deputy)

    Appearance: A sleek and somewhat fluffy light brown tabby she-cat, with a black sock on her right paw, and hazel brown eyes. Her tail is puffed up and out like a Somali cat, and she has black ear tufts to show it. She has a petite mouth on the outside, but when she opens it, it looks double it's original size.

    Personality: Dogsnap is known for her sass, even for her age she's a bit lively too. Blunt, and confident, although she might hesitate and discourage it if it's too outrageous for even her.

    Likes: Chamomile petals and the strong smell of them. She also likes to nibble on her claws, which is a bad habit, and makes her pristine self look broken by her eroded-looking claws.

    Dislikes: She dislikes having to do duties, or being waken up by another cat. Sleeping in is her thing. Or someone sassing her back or being able to. But, that rarely happens :)

    My score is 71%, not the best but good.

  • Name: Ivypaw.
    Age: 7 moons.
    Gender: Female straight.
    Clan: Thunder.
    Main fur colour: Silver/grey tabby.
    Fur Highlights: Grey w hints of green.
    Rank: Apprentice.
    Mate/Cr ush: Blacklimp (Riverclan).

    Featur es: Dark patches on muzzle/over eye, thick bushy tail, tabby, large ears, scar on right backpaw.

    Disabiliti es: Hears voices, possibly from StarClan.

    How good is my Warrior OC: 60%
    Cool :D

    • My ocs from riverclan and her mates from thunderclan hehe

  • Name: Faintflame
    Gender: She-cat
    Clan: ThunderClan

    Faintflame is a rather serious, yet caring she who is large in size and had a dark brown coat fading into a deep orange; hence the name: Faintflame. She has a scar across the bridge of her nose and medium-long fur near her cheeks. Her eyes are a deep amber color, which makes the orange parts of her pelt appear brighter. She's a warrior who was 59 moons of age before her tragic death at the cause of a forest fire, a burning branch falling on top of her. She had a mate; Aspenfall, who was her soul mate. Sadly, he passed away during a battle with ShadowClan, the grief stinging like an open wound in the heart.

  • Name: Goldenorchid
    Gender: Female/She-cat
    Clan: My OG clan called "InkClan"
    Age: 53 moons
    Rank: Medicine Cat

    Personality: Overprotective, Sweet, Loving, Gullible, Judgmental, Forgiving, Trustworthy.

    Appearance: GoldenOrchid is a short, cream and cinnamon colored she-cat with large, shing brown eyes. To make herself look better, she often puts and orchid near her ear, hence her prefix "orchid". She got this habit sense she was a apprentice when her clanmates mocked her for her large scar from a racoon attack, calling her "weak" and other rude names, so she put on an orchid to look better. Her pelt is clean and smooth, she has short hair, where you can see her scar pretty clearly. Her pelt was "golden" to her mother, hence the "golden", though when she became older the color faded a little.

    Her Prophecy: Although she wasn't in her prophecy, she did deliver one. "The stars will cascade and the feather of the quail shall smother all threatens the hay." was her prophecy, at first no one knew what this meant. "The feather of the quail" was indeed a cat, Birchfeather, and the "hay" was another cat, Deernose.

    Mother: Rabbitwhisker
    Father: Pebblejaw
    Sisters: Maplestorm, Ivyheart
    Brother: Dawnsky.
    Rating: 95% I'll take that :3

  • Name: Yarrow-Throat
    Clan: Wind Clan
    Age: 28 moons
    Rank: Warrior

    Personality: witty, endearing, motherly, and intimidating.

    Likes: being around her found family she affectionately calls her 'kits', going for dawn patrol, and sleeping.

    Dislikes: those who are rude to her 'kits' or are just being jerks to them, a particular clan mate we shall not name, frogs (one jumped on her face as a kit-), and the gorge.

    Appearance: a tan ish gray color she-cat with darker leg stripes and fade that gets darker towards her tail. On her left ear she has

    a cream colored splotch and there's also some near her nose. Her right eye was blinded by an accident during her apprenticeship that included the gorge.

    Misc. if you ask what happened to her eye she'll most likely say 'your mom'. She doesn't know what it means but heard a kitty pet say it once and now it's become her catchphrase sort of.

    • forgot to say this but I got a 96%! :D

    I did my OC Viverridcall!

    Viverridcall of BatClan // She-cat // Med. Cat Apprentice // Diluted orange and brown tabby with yellow eyes and short fur.

    // Is part of the group that deals with the Herb Fox area, so she's learned a bit of fox tongue. She is fairly liked by the Herb Foxes, and is welcome into their herb grounds as often as she likes. She teaches a few of them cat tongue in exchange for their hospitality and kindness.// Her mother was a part of a recent prophecy. She has yet to return. HeavyWing (a color pointed She-cat warrior) took on a parental role for her. Her father is a rouge. He visits from time to time. He was given permission by the clan leader (Racoonstar), as he knows how difficult it can be for a cat to grow up without their family.

    (The Herb Foxes are foxes that hang around a mushroom patch near the southeast BatClan border. They... Eat the fungi to seek a... High. They've come to respect the ways of the clan cats- thus see no reason to attack or threaten them for no reason.)

  • Name: LavenderTears
    Gender: She-cat
    Clan: Windclan
    Age: 48 Moons
    Rank: Deputy

    Personality: Stern, Golden-hearted, Easily annoyed, Caring, Quick witted, Confident (on the cocky side), Unnerving.

    Likes: Alone time, Running with the hares, Actively kindhearted cats, Respect, Loyalty, Laying in the grass after a long day, Training, Assisting others.

    Dislikes: Crowds, Naivety, Snow, Rouges, Disloyalty, Cats who pry into others buisness. (She /really/ values space and respect.)

    Appearance: A silvery pelt that's been dusted with garnet-poluted sand via the ThunderPath, staining it a strange lavender color. Her fur has the texture and appearance similar to feathers, with a trailed pattern from her trying to wash away the sand stains. The pattern forms stripes, a few of which stem from her eyes and looking like trails of past tears. She has a lean, muscular build and her ears are a bit long, as usually seen from Windclan warriors. Her paws are just a tad large and very dense, which make it harder for her to swim and tread through snow and mud.

    Death: She died to a medicine cat who betrayed her trust in a fit of rage. (Cause of the rage was unrelated to Lavendertears)

    Scoring: 86%! Bodacious [Template: Battabatta]

    • The design is really cool, and her personality is interesting. The only thing I'd say is off is that since cats and other animals don't cry it's not likely they know what tears are.

  • 78%
    Name: Amberpool
    Age: 48 moons
    Clan: RoseClan
    Gender: She-Cat
    Rank: Deputy

    Appearance: A slender, long-legged she-cat with a short cream fur and ginger paws. Her muzzle is also ginger and peppered with dark ginger spots. Her eyes are a dark, dry amber.

    Personality : She is a head-strong, intelligent, stubborn, proud and patient cat. Everything she does is cool and calculated except around a certain cat, when all reason is abandoned.

    • Sounds really pretty, and Amberpool is a lovely name that fits her looks!

  • So I got 53% And I wanted to share my little bad boi

    His name is Phoenixstar (Phoenixfire) and he got his name after he survived after lightning set the den on fire (I wrote a whole ballad about that) , before that, his name was Greykit, because he has dark Grey fur with black stripes and red paws, He has long fur and normaly blue eyes. He was in one prophecy, it was "The tiger awakes" and that got him a very bad reputation. Everyone in his clan, even his father, the leader, thought he was a reincarnation of Tigerclaw and thats why, after his Dad Eaglestar retired, Phoenix' sister became the new leader instead of him. He got mad about that and left his clan, only to start a new one the "clan of the night". He allowed every banned cat or rogue or kittypet to join his clan and after many fights, He chose peace with his sister.

    So, you may ask yourself "whats with his eyes, why "normally blue?" Or "what about the prophecy?" Well, he is a decendant of Tigerclaw but its not him who was meant in the prophecy, it was his older brother! But he has super strength in situations he would really need them, thats when his one eye turns yellow to reseme Tigerclaws eye.

    I have so much more to tell but I dont have time so anyone who wants to know more or who ants to see my ballad Its Zorufan on Discord! <3

    • Oh and he is gay, his mate is called Griffinclaw because he is a "two faced cat", He got banned because of that.

      Their bestie, tom called Embertooth eats other cats

      Their Healer had three kits and got banned because she was a Healer back then too

      Eh yeah, so much more to tell, so little time :3

      I have art of them too so if ya wanna see that..

      (Btw I'm german so everyone who wants to see/read my ballad, I will translate it but it wont sound as good anymore)

  • Name: Flintclaw

    Clan: It's in WCUE so whichever one is most populated, honestly.

    Gender: Tom

    Backstory: He was a very annoying kit always getting into mischief. However, over time he matured. Kind of

    He's still a little goofy here and there. He had a mate. She was also a warrior, ge doesn't break the code...anymore... like I said, he was mischievous at a kit. He was great at hunting at a pretty young age, not the best fighter, though. His mentor died (aka gtg bolad) twice. He was very adventurous and somehow always leader- in almost every server... He loved having fun with his Clanmates. As a kit, he would always go off on his own. When he gained his apprenticeship, he somehow had an apprentice friend in every server... They would become warriors together. That's all there really is to it...

  • Cardinalcall is a red, brown and pale beige/white she-cat. She is mischievous and clever but holds grudges very easily. She had a decent childhood, growing up in a tight-knit family. Her father's name is Redtooth and her mother is Leafspark. She has an older sister named Mousethorn. Her mentor and grandfather was Owlbark, who she killed after watching him kill a young apprentice from another Clan. For this she was exiled, and met her now mates Marinette, a rogue, and Burntfoot, a fellow exiled warrior with extreme burn scars.


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