What is your season? | Comments

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  • What is your season?
    Your Result: Spring 92%

    You are spring! The beautiful time of the year when the freezing cold winter fades away, and the flowers are beginning to bloom again. Spring is often rainy and rainbows show up all over the place. The birds begin migrating home during Spring. You have a kind, curious personality, and you are friendly and always try to see the good in people. You are very empathetic and have a quiet and calming personality. You often spend your time daydreaming.

    65% Winter
    5% Summer
    0% Fall

    i expected more fall to be honest, but i guess it makes sens

  • Your Result: Spring 84%

    resultYou are spring! The beautiful time of the year when the freezing cold winter fades away, and the flowers are beginning to bloom again. Spring is often rainy and rainbows show up all over the place. The birds begin migrating home during Spring. You have a kind, curious personality, and you are friendly and always try to see the good in people. You are very empathetic and have a quiet and calming personality. You often spend your time daydreaming.

    45% Winter
    12% Summer 4%

    Nice quiz! It had a lot of great questions and this was definitely not what I was expecting but this almost describes my personality perfectly

  • Your Result: Winter 82%

    You are winter! The season of hot chocolate, falling snow, and cuddling by a fire place. Winter is the coldest time of the year, and also the most beautiful. You have an independent and quiet personality, and you are very loyal and dependable. You are very creative and have a great imagination. You are a kind person, but you know how to stand up for yourself and would defend your friends and family no matter what.

    Cool quiz!

  • Your Result: Spring 89%

    You are spring! The beautiful time of the year when the freezing cold winter fades away, and the flowers are beginning to bloom again. Spring is often rainy and rainbows show up all over the place. The birds begin migrating home during Spring. You have a kind, curious personality, and you are friendly and always try to see the good in people. You are very empathetic and have a quiet and calming personality. You often spend your time daydreaming.

    Thats totallyme!

  • Winter 77%

    You are winter! The season of hot chocolate, falling snow, and cuddling by a fire place. Winter is the coldest time of the year, and also the most beautiful. You have an independent and quiet personality, and you are very loyal and dependable. You are very creative and have a great imagination. You are a kind person, but you know how to stand up for yourself and would defend your friends and family no matter what.

    31% Spring
    29% Fall
    0% Summer

    The faded smoke
  • What is your season?
    Your Result: Winter 85%

    You are winter! The season of hot chocolate, falling snow, and cuddling by a fire place. Winter is the coldest time of the year, and also the most beautiful. You have an independent and quiet personality, and you are very loyal and dependable. You are very creative and have a great imagination. You are a kind person, but you know how to stand up for yourself and would defend your friends and family no matter what.

  • You are winter! The season of hot chocolate, falling snow, and cuddling by a fire place. Winter is the coldest time of the year, and also the most beautiful. You have an independent and quiet personality, and you are very loyal and dependable. You are very creative and have a great imagination. You are a kind person, but you know how to stand up for yourself and would defend your friends and family no matter what.

    tbh was hopinh for fall but this accurately describes me lo

    Bakugos wife
  • Your Result: Winter 85%

    resultYou are winter! The season of hot chocolate, falling snow, and cuddling by a fire place. Winter is the coldest time of the year, and also the most beautiful. You have an independent and quiet personality, and you are very loyal and dependable. You are very creative and have a great imagination. You are a kind person, but you know how to stand up for yourself and would defend your friends and family no matter what.

    Yeah, that sounds like me.

  • I got spring I'm maybe a spring baby but spring is not my favorite season it's fall when it's cold and the leaf turn orange and yellow the day of pie

  • VERY accurate! I got Summer, what about you? But anyways, ty for putting your time and effort into these quizzes for us. :)

  • 92% Spring
    45% Winter

    Excellent quiz, these are the seasons I connect with the most, warm sunshine and peaceful sights

    Sarah Louise
  • I got winter and I am not ashamed to say its accurate and surprisingly specific Good Job!

  • Noooo

    Anna Vamila Mix
  • Result: Summer! It was a very interesting quiz & w/ easy questions 2.

  • Winter

    Also, I'm fairly surprised that I got 0% summer. Well, I do hate summer.

  • I was born in winter and got winter Im pretty happy!

  • Your Result: Summer 82% 82%
    Winter 82%
    Fall 56%

    Why not Winter? winters good. I was born on Christmas eve, why not winter? :(, oh well, summers OK. very nice quiz :)

    • *summer 82%
      Winter 82%
      Fall 82%
      Spring 56%
      results got messed up :)

  • Wow um. So in the test I am mainly fall then summer then winter?....

    I think it should be winter, fall, summer.

  • My result was summer yay i love summer i like the beach i love hanging with the fam and everything !yay!i also like fall!

  • I got summer. =)

    Very nice, it is my favourite season after all. But I was born in winter.

  • Spring, winter, summer, and fall. Just wanted to say i guess....

  • Spring 84% I knew it! I am born in Spring and it's my favourite season ever!

  • 82% Summer! My least favourite month! Yay!

  • Yeah, Winter!
    0% Summer, yay! I hate summer.

  • Summer? Hell nah... I love cold weather


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