What kind of bee are you? | Comments

Below are comments submitted by GoToQuiz.com users for the quiz What kind of bee are you?

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  • Yellow jacket bee,I am very adventurous and a dream achiever too I usually like to just be a loner but sometimes like company from those I care for. I'm also aggressive when messed with to lol. Cool quiz mate.

  • What kind of bee are you?
    Your Result: Honey Bee 72%

    You are a socialite. You work hard for the benefit of the hive. Your whole purpose is to serve the queen. You don't want to be bothered, but when you feel threatened, you will become aggressive.

    46% Bumble Bee
    10% Yellow Jacket
    8% Ground Bee
    Omg I Luv bees Sooo much!
    . . .--->>> 🐝» » » 🐾

    tInY'zH bEe'zZ!! 🐝🍼>>>!!🎀!!<<<bEe!!>>>sαys/σs!!>>>🍯✨🌼<<<

    Soo cute!

  • i got yellow jacket and im not what it says beside the image and under the % bar.


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