How Florida Are You | Comments

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  • I'm not sure if the person that made this quiz has ever been to Florida. You give me a low rating stating that I have probably lived here about 2 years and would never leave. I have lived in Florida all my life (December will be 60 years). The question asking which was not a Florida college did not have a correct answer (University of Central Florida, University of North Florida, University or Miami, Florida State). I do wish that FSU was someplace else. Orlando was a great place to grow up until every damned yankee decided to move here and destroy a wonderful state.

    Gator John
    • I got the same thing im 100% Floridian like bro 85 degrees is nothing 65 to me is frezzing lets just say what kind of question is "have you ever been 5 feet from a alligator, poisinaos snake, and snapping turtle" Thats dangerous first off.

    • i have been 5 feet from an alligator, is that bad?

    • I've been fave feet from an alligator AND a snapping turtle and it said I've only gotten 51 percent even though I've live in Florida MY WHOLE LIFE!!!

    • i kniw Agtor Jon its so stupid creator probaly never been to Florida omg FSU is my home ut like every northeast person comes and acts like they rule the world like

    • I've been in Florida for almost all my life I got 44% Floridian I'm born in Florida

      Someone someone
  • Born and raised here all my life. Used to frequent Miami when the other language was Yiddish, except for the winter with some French Canadian. No Calle anything in Miami except for a Spanish class. Raised Gulf Coast and don't surf. Raised with air condioning so 85 is hot, but 65 is still chilly. Pollo Tropical is a chain and not all over Florida. WTH is stick'in. I work with rough kids, stick'in to me would be with a knife. When going on the east coast, you forgot before interstate there was US 1 and A1A. West coast was 301, 41 and 19. Whoever wrote this must be exceptionally young.

  • 45%??!!I'm 12, iv'e lived in Florida my entire life, I live within half a mile from the beach and just because i suck at surfing, CANT learn spanish, and haven't been through more than 5 hurricanes(we haven had any for eight years) doesnt mean that i'm not a Floridian!!!!

    P.S. We had to evacuate for charlie and katrina!! most people don't actually stay through hurricanes!!!!

    • True! I really hate Florida stereotypes. Does anyone actually go freaking skateboarding during a literal hurricane?! I've lived in Florida my whole life, 14 years, and I've evacuated for every hurricane, even some tropical storms because we live so close to the beach. It's like this person has never been to Florida. I got 56%

    • True. I've been in Florida since I was 2 and I hate Florida stereotypes. I got 54!

  • This quiz was not that great. I have lived in Miami, Florida my whole life, and I got a 47 percent. Not everyone in Florida lives right by the beach, sees alligators every day, and speaks Spanish. Some of these questions I didn't even know what they were talking about. I don't speak Spanish, I haven't been to the beach in years, and haven't seen an alligator roaming the streets (unless I go to the everglades). Have you even been to Florida or are you just listening to stereotypes? You seriously need to take this quiz down as it is absolute trash.

  • Born in Jacksonville, raised in Gainesville, graduated from UF. Love to walk the beach, but not surf, inland can get pretty hilly (rolling countryside). Only lived outside of FL for 1 1/2 years when first married over 45 years ago. Not many Spanish speakers in our part of town. Hurricanes don't come near here very often (last full blown was in 1964 - Dora). 62% Floridian? I don't think so. Try 100%!

    JB Butterfly
  • Whoever made this comment does not live in Florida. I was born here 22 years ago and have lived here since. How am I 49% Floridian when I don't know what a water moccasin is, don't know what other area codes are except for ones from Coral Springs, Pompano Beach and Palm Beach County. I've never heard of Calle Ocho.

  • I have lived here my whole life (45 yrs) as did four generations before me. My score was 71% are you kidding me?? The creator of this quiz must be a youngin cause I have no idea why someone would skate in a hurricane, what sticking is (other than to get snakes and gophers out of wholes), what does it matter what your house is made of, and which college is not a Florida college and I could go on and on. Chad is either a child or MAYBE has only been here for two years.....probably a damn yankee!!

  • Not so much worried about the end result of the quiz, I'm just super curious about which of the schools wasn't a "Florida University"? They were UNF (University of North Florida), UCF (University of Central Florida), UM (University of Miami), and FSU (Florida State University). I chose UM because it's the only one that isn't a State University in that it's private and not one of the 10 public universities in FL. But it's still a Florida University in that it's a university in Florida.

  • Oh, for the people asking about the Spanish question, the two largest (?) counties, Miami-Dade and Broward, are mainly Spanish speaking. In fact, you can't get a job if you don't know Spanish. Not knowing English is totally fine though. The crazy old ladies here are amazing... XD

  • This is an ok quiz. Some parts seem a bit off-topic though. I have literally lived in Florida my entire life (except for about 3 days to go to a concert in Georgia). I do not speak Spanish, and am quite solitary. Ok quiz, but I would have liked to see fewer general, off-topic questions.

  • Born in St. Augustine and lived here all my life except for a year in Texas. The question about land geography needs to be reworked because part of the state is hilly, in the panhandle, and it is rolling countryside in the center of the state. Also I don't go to clubs as I don't care for crowds or noise.

  • Worst quiz ever. Native Floridian and only got 62%. I've been to clubs and I've been to the beach but not in the last year so there were no answers for me. Had to leave them blank. Poor design, numbnuts. I suppose since I appreciate the money tourists bring and wouldn't be mean to them I lost points for that too.

    • I agree I have lived in Florida for almost 40 years and I got a low score also I could make a way better quiz! Do I like Tourist? Yes and no! No I do not like them making the housing market go out of control and clogging our roads however, because of them we do not pay school, city, or state tax which most other states have to pay all of the above and they create jobs! So I have a love hate relationship with the tourists. Honestly I am going to make a quiz of my own about Florida! I promise a TRUE Floridian will get a perfect score!

    • I got 49%, never heard of like 10% of the questions it has asked me. Was born here in 2002, don't know what's up with that.

  • Not everyone in Florida lives right by the beach. I was born and raised about as far from a beach as you can get in Florida. I still got a 75% though. I think the Florida University question might really be asking which of the university is not a public university in Florida, but then again I don't know if I got that one "correct"

  • Got a 20 percent lived here my whole life i definitely know florida better than the little kid who made this quiz, your not from florida cause you skate in a hurricane your just an idiot half of them questions didnt even make sense and were off topic like who care what your house is made of it doesn't make you any more or less of a person from florida

    Announcing human
  • Guess this quiz was written by someone born after 1980 who lives in coastal area. Some of us are older and grew up in the center of the state... Bet you don't know what a cracker is and the fact that Polk County use to produce more citrus than the whole state of CA....

  • You Are 54% Floridian 54%

    You've probably lived here about a year or two and you probably are a decent driver. You're still probably not the happiest when its 85 degrees out but you're getting there.

    Have you ever been to Florida? I've lived there almost my whole life! 12 years!!

    • Also, who skateboards in a freaking hurricane?? Are you mad?

  • Whomever wrote this quiz is obviously not from north Florida.

    The state is too diverse in population and geography for this quiz to be accurate. By the way I have lived here for over 60 years and my children are natives.

  • I would like to say this is completely inaccurate. Just because you live in Florida doesn't mean that you only go clubbing, party, and are mean to tourists..... I certainly don't, and I've lived on the gulf coast my entire life.

  • I retook this quiz, and I got 37%!!!!!! Ive lived in Fl my whole life, has the author of this quiz even been to florida?!?! Just because. I don't surf, live at the beach, or purposely give in correct directions to snowbirds, does NOT mean that I don't live here! This is by FAR the WORST quiz I have taken at this website!

  • I was born and raised in Florida and have never left the state before and I got 64%. Plus I didn't answer the question about the Universities because they are all Universities in Florida and it asked which one wasn't one. This quiz is stupid.

  • I got a 72. I am 100 percent Gulf coast Floridan. A young person must have written this quiz. I have been here over 50 years. I was here before 1-75 went down through the south and 1-1a were the main roads.Miami was predominantly Jewish and Tampa was a small town.

  • Score = 97% 3rd Generation / Born, Raised & Bred to be! True "Florida Cracker" Which is what they call those of us left that still have southern accents and grew up here pre New York /NE invasion

  • 35%!!! I've lived in Florida my entire life!!! You wouldn't know the answers to half these questions unless you read some guide book for tourists! I bet the person who wrote this quiz doesn't even LIVE in Florida!!!

  • I agree with most comments. I have lived here 46years and I got 64. I don't surf and don't speak Spanish fluently so dumb. I also don't surf or know about the Rock Bands. But I can tell you about Florida History etc. Dumb quiz. I moved here when I was 11.

  • I was born here; i am a Florida Cracker and yet i got 53%! Im the third of my generation born in Florida! Fix the quiz up to more accurate endings. Otherwise, decent quiz. Oh and what was up with the Spanish question!? I need say no more than this.

    • most of my family speaks spanish and we're in volusia, and i know a good portion of southern florida speaks spanish


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